Economy of the enterprise - Pokropivny SF

11.5. Pre-production

The production process as a set of certain operations and means for their implementation depends on the characteristics of the product and the volume of its production. Therefore, a change in the types or tepo of product sizes, its modernization causes corresponding changes in the production process. In general, the production of new (modified old) products is preceded by a set of works, which is called the preparation (technical preparation) of production. In the manufacture of complex products, it usually includes a certain set of works (Figure 11.7).

Corresponding research works are conducted based on the results of specific marketing research on a particular type (type) of products. In the process of design preparation of production, a set of design documentation for the manufacture and operation of the product (products) is created. Technological preparation of production is characterized by providing the necessary degree of readiness to produce products of appropriate quality and the right amount. Organizational and planned production preparation means the necessary adaptation of the production and organizational structure of the enterprise to the production of new (modernized) products.

Preparing the production of new products in full can be carried out at enterprises with a developed research and design base. At the majority of enterprises, the main components are technological and organizational-planned preparation of production.

For the organization of the production process, the technological preparation of production can be regarded as the determining one. Its main task is the development of technological processes that ensure minimum costs for the production of a certain volume of products of appropriate quality.

Typical composition of work on the technical preparation of production in the enterprise

In terms of its content, the technological preparation of production includes the complexes of work of such a functional purpose: a) ensuring the technological design of the product, b) developing technological processes and control methods, c) designing and manufacturing or purchasing technological equipment; D) adjustment and implementation of the designed technological processes.

Technological design of the product is such a property that it allows to manufacture, install, maintain and repair the product with the optimum time and cost. For this, in the design process, technological requirements to the product design are taken into account, technological control of the design documentation is carried out, which provides for the appropriate participation of technologists in the process of product design.

The development of technological processes begins with the definition of technological routes of parts and assembly units in the process of their manufacture. After that, the technological processes of manufacturing billets, machining of parts, assembly of assemblies and the product as a whole, are worked out, as well as the rate of time spent on all types of technological operations.

Depending on the type of production, the development of the technological process has different details. So, in a single production the detailed testing of the technological process is economically expedient due to the high laboriousness of these works. In most cases, they limit themselves to the development of routing technology , in which the main operations are fixed without dividing them into separate components. In the route map, which is the main technological document in a single and low-volume production, there is a list of technological operations with fixing equipment, technical equipment, discharge of work and time norms.

In large-scale and mass production, the technological process is carefully worked out with division of it not only into operations, but also their separate parts - transitions. For each operation, an operational chart is developed, in which along with the designation of equipment, discharge of work and time norms, there are characteristics of the methods and processing modes for the elements of the operation-transitions.

Simultaneously with the development of the technological process, methods for organizing production, as well as calculating the norms for the cost of materials for parts, components and products in general, are determined.

An important stage in the technological preparation of production is the design and manufacture ( purchase ) of technological equipment - technological equipment, devices, tools, mechanization and automation of production processes. The scope of this work depends on the design and technological features of the product, the type of production, the volume of output of new products.

Processing and implementation of projected processes at large mass production enterprises are carried out step by step in technological laboratories, experimental shops, and finally - in the shops of the main production as soon as the technological documentation and special equipment are ready. The technological process was considered implemented (mastered), when the manufacture of products as a whole is carried out in accordance with the established rules and requirements.

The modern technical and technological base of the enterprise makes it possible to manufacture the same products in various ways. When designing the technological process, it is necessary to evaluate possible options for the technology and choose the optimal one from them, that is, the most economical option in the given production conditions. This task is solved on the basis of a standard methodology for determining the economic efficiency of technical innovations and investments.

Questions for self-study in depth

  • Dialectical connection of the construction of the production process in accordance with the principles of its rational organization and overall production efficiency.
  • Influence of the type of production on the methods of its organization and production-organizational structure.
  • Ways to increase serial (mass) production.
  • Choice and economic justification of the way of combining operations of the technological process under specific production conditions.
  • The effectiveness of the subject-group methods of processing parts in non-flawless production, the conditions for the application of these methods and the organizational and technical measures to create them.
  • Conditions for the application of on-line production, preparatory work for its implementation.
  • Internal contradictions of on-line production and current trends in its development.
  • Flexible production systems, conditions for their application and efficiency.
  • Prospects for applying different methods of organization of production at Ukrainian enterprises.