Economy of the enterprise - Pokropivny SF

18.4 Security service of the firm (enterprises, organizations)

Principles of organization and key tasks

In modern conditions of management, at all large enterprises (in organizations) autonomous security services are usually created, and the security of the functioning of small firms can be provided by territorial (district or city) services in which the firm employs one or several guards. Such security services, as a rule, are created with local bodies of internal affairs or with the state security service.

The priority principle of organization and functioning of the company's security system is its complexity, which can be represented as a simple three-dimensional model for clarity (see Figure 18.9).

Three-dimensional model of complex organization and functioning of the company's security system

In this regard, the security service of any firm constantly performs a certain set of tasks. The main ones are fixed in Fig. 18.10.

The main tasks of the security service firm

It is clear that the list of specific tasks for the organization of the security system of a firm, depending on the specifics of the activity, may be greater or lesser, but always sufficient and justified.

Functions and objects of security management

The totality of specific tasks that are put before the security service firm, determines the necessary set of functions it performs. Common functions and, which are usually assigned to the security service of the firm (enterprises, organizations) are named in Fig. 18.11.

Functions that are entrusted to the security service of the firm (enterprise, organization)

They are formulated quite clearly and clearly, which is of great importance for all business entities.

In the regulatory documents that determine the organization of the security services of the firm, specific objects are identified that are subject to protection against potential threats and illegal encroachments. These include:

  • Staff (managers, staff who own information that constitutes a trade secret);
  • Material assets and financial means (buildings, structures, equipment, transport, currency, jewelry, financial documents);
  • Information resources with limited access;
  • Means and systems of computerization of the firm's activities;
  • Technical means and systems of protection and protection of material and information resources.

The security service of the firm should be ready to arise and overcome a critical (crisis) situation, manifested due to a clash of interests of business and the underworld. To manage safety in emergencies, many firms create so-called crisis groups, which include the head of the firm, the lawyer, the financier and the head of the security service. The main goal of this group is to counter external threats to the security of the company.

Questions for self-study in depth

  • Economic security in the system of the firm.
  • Justification of the functional objectives of the EBP (O).
  • Objectively, the necessary composition of functional elements of economic security of economic entities.
  • A typical scheme for the process of achieving the required level of EBP (O).
  • Methodical bases of definition and an estimation of the reached level of EBP (О).
  • Features of the development of the principles of EBP (O) for individual functional components.
  • Substantive characteristic of the process of organization of financial security of business entities.
  • Organizational and economic justification for the need to include the power component in the set of elements of the EBP (O).
  • Objective necessity of creation and functioning of security service of firm in market conditions of managing.
  • Coordination of specific tasks and functions of security services of enterprises and organizations.