Фінансова статистика - Shustikov A.A.


2.1. Поняття держажного бюджету і завання статистики

The state budget is the plan for the utilization and the financing of financial resources for the protection of functions, which are governed by the authorities. Він is characterized by a system of economical input from the formulations of the sovereign financial resources and the visories of the remaining in the associations of suspiration. For the subordination of the state budget, the structure of the susceptible virbituttva is to be formed, to dispose of it in the form of a spyvnodnoshennya mizh spozhivannyaem i nagromadzhennyam.

Budgetary system is stored in the State Budget of Ukraine, the republican budget of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the budget.

Budget of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea The budget of the republic is budget and budget of the region and the republic of the Republic of Crimea.

Prior to the budget, there are regions, regions, districts, districts, towns and villages.

Sukupnest sysh budget to enter the warehouse of the budget system of Ukraine, є The budget of Ukraine . Ostannіy використовується для аналізу та визачення засасад державного регулювання економічного і соціального розвитку.

Rozrіznyayut two Vidi byudzhetіv: budget Gross - form pobudovi budget for yakoї Income i vidatki pokazuyutsya in rozgornutomu viglyadі without salduvannya zustrіchnih platezhіv scho toil Location in byudzhetnіy sistemі Kraina, that budget-net - shape pobudovi budget for yakoї Income i vidatki okremih Budgets are shown yak balance, tobto z rahauvannyam dostrichnyh kapitalіv (napriklad, koshti svernogo buduschemu mozhut bouti spitmovani in the budget, i navpaki). The budget is net for the gross budget. Різниця між them is the internal turnover of the grotesque koshtivs, which is not the real income and losses of the publicly funded budget of Ukraine.

Golovnі zavdannya statistics sovereign budget polyagayut in fact dwellers analіzuvati vikonannya plan that dinamіku dohodіv i vidatkіv sovereign budget phone reception yogo dohіdnoї Chastain s nayvazhlivіshimi pokaznikami rozvitku Economy. The main function of the statistics of the state budget is the characterization of the yogic provi- sions, and the visibility of the conflict and the crossover of the fictitious poli- tics. Okrim addition, the statistics of the state budget moe viznachati:

1) zagalnu value of income from the budget of the state budget, rozmіr perevyschenniya vidatkіv over income (deficit), income from income of vodits (proficite);

2) the structure of income to the state budget;

3) the structure of the budgets of the state budget;

4) dzherela fіnansuvannya budget deficit;

5) rozmіr of the state internal borgou;

6) efektivnist carried out state-owned fіskalnoy polity;

7) vplyv fіskalnoї polіtiki na ekonomichnyi rozvitok і rіven zhittya populyanya.

Jerel Informácie statistics sovereign budget Je danі about podatki, SSMSC zbirayut, nakopichuyut, obroblyayut that analіzuyut for Relief metodіv ekonomіchnoї statistics regіonalnі vіddіlennya Derzhavnoї podatkovoї admіnіstratsії (DPA). Same tsі dany vygystayut the subject of statistics of the state budget, yak, in its own way, ро the growth of financial statistics. Sche one Jerel statistichnoї Informácie here vistupaє buhgalterska i randomness zvіtnіst scho nadaєtsya okremimi odinitsyami podatkovih oblіku (pіdpriєmstvami, banks іndivіdualnimi Gospodarstwa toscho) to vіdpovіdnih podatkovih organіv. Same as the statistic of the state budget, the process of formulating income, the state budget of Ukraine, yoga vitrati.

By the head methods, to be stuck with statistics of the state budget, œ typological, structural and analytical gross, dynamical ranks, structurally zrushennya.

Grupuvannya income to the state budget to be held up to the eco-economic nature behind the principle of subject-matter payment (payment) in the form of payments (MPE, tax on income, excise taxes). Dinamichnyi ranks of income to the budget will be in the form of losses, they will be charged at statutory income for the actual rozpodilom dzherel income on the basis, chapters, paragraphs and stats. Ці зміни to be taken to respect with vivchennyi structural zrusen in the budget revenues.

For analiza of legalities, the form of enlarged views of the income of the state budget is to be dinosticized for dynamical numbers, for prognosis rozraunkiv - econometric models . When vivchinni vplyivu okremih factorov on formovaniya dohdnoi partiny budget to extend the methods of correlative-regression analiza, and takozh bagatofaktorni indeksnі model .

In the practice of statistical analysis, visoka informatsionnaya navantazhennya moe vivchennya rezhionalnogo rozpodilu podatkovkikh nadohodzhen. Vno yes it is possible to assess the capacity and potency of the skin regain in a formally budgeted budget. Takozh actual - і вивчення показників концентрації податкових надходжень у розрізі районів, области і регіонів.

An extensive system of statistics is acknowledged for the detailed nature of the nature of the podatkovi nadokhodzhen for specific economical minds і nadannya adequate recommendations for the effective management of the tsim process. So, when priinyatti the state budget for the dagger offensive ric, the dovi about the vicarious budget of the budget has come to the fore. Postalayno analizuetsya rіven vikonannya budget (yak for dokhidnoyu and i vidatkovoyu parts) z vyznachennyam of reasons, but they have invested in vikonati tu chi іnshu statu, і potentsіynikh reserveov.

Analis podatkovichh nadohodzhen zdіysnyuetsya on all the rivers of the state power in the city of Rostov on the functions. So, DPA zbiraye, obroblyaє ta saprochuet dani about streaming podatkovi nadegodzhennya. On rіvnі Kabіnetu Mіnіstrіv, tobto vikonavchoї gіlki Vladi, analіzom podatkovih nadhodzhen zaymaєtsya Mіnіsterstvo fіnansіv, yak vistupaє "vikonavtsem" priynyatogo i zatverdzhenogo Sovereign budget. Analіz podatkovih nadhodzhen daє zmogu Kabіnetu Mіnіstrіv formuvati strategіyu i tactics in power podatkovoї polіtiki, upravlіnnya Reigning Borg, vplivati ​​on makroekonomіchnu situatsіyu in kraїnі Shlyakhov Adding to the Verkhovna Rada propozitsіy schodo zmіni podatkovih rates Gone novih abo vіdmіni Old podatkіv toscho. The Verkhovna Rada is a legislative body in the capital and the budget of the state budget. It is the task of monitoring the budgetary fate of the budget and drafting the legislation for the new state budget. On pідставі statisticheskih daniyah analizuyutsya ta, y mozh mozhnosty, lynch pardon, pripuscheni with the form of the last budget.

The budget process in Ukraine is very small and unstable. Unstabilized in the draft legislation of the subordination of the law in the order of vplyvaet on the form of the podatkovkih podohodzhen. Існують проблемыми з налагодженням належного обліку податкових надходжень і стабілізацією податкової basis. Everything is directly misunderstood to get acquainted with the statistical budget-free process. So, zmіna in methodologії rozraunku quietly іnshih articles budgetary nadhodzhen znakladnue zіkladnіst zazavnikіv for kіlka zvіtnih perіodіv, vplyvaє on ob'ektivnіst otrimanyh result. Until then, the budgets of the budget are not being incriminated and criticized. Yak rule, the rest of the aggregate statti visvіtlyuyutsya at the nuts of the masovo інформації. With the "technical" specialty of the storehouse of that china, I get stagnated without any hard-nosed commentaries. Tse, in its own way, to stop at zavadі nezalezhnikh ekspertyіv ta analitsikiv, yakі through such a transfer podі not in zmozi adequately оцінити переваги that недоліки прийнятых to the budget.

The statistic of the state budget plays a significant role in the process of state control by submissive insurrections to the state budget of the zokrem and the vikonanns of the prehistory and the budgetary portions of the budget in vzagali. Danny statistical analiza vikoristovuyutsya vikonavchoyu zakonktivchoyu golkami vladi for zabezpechennya vikonannya nalezhnih funktsiy at the budgetary process.

Statistical analiz takozh desko imbalances nestablilnistyu methodologicheskoi basi obliku ta rorakhunku okremih articles podatkovichh nadohodzhen. Tse zavazhayot yak ob'ektivnosti statisticheskih rozraunkiv, so і upravlinskih rіshen, molding on pідставі ци ци розрахунків. Obezene visvitlennya protsessiv, povyazanykh z priinyattyam i vikonannyam buduyu, in zagalnykh ta specifichchnyh aspects do not resist the form of non-isolated expert opinion on the problem of the budget.