Бухгалтерський облік - Ловінська L. G.


3.1. Nematerіalny activі, critії їх визнання, класифікація і оцінка

An intangible asset is a non-monetary asset, a non-material asset, which can not be identified, but may not be used as a means of communication with the method of a visa for a period of more than one fate (for one operative cycle, for one, for one, for one) for virbitntsva, tenders, in admisnistrivnyh Tsilakh chi nadannya in the lease to the other people.

Methodological ambushes of formulating in the accounting region of information about non-financial activites and disclosure of information about them in the financial sector of information. P (C) BO 8 "Non-material Activation".

The accounting area of ​​non-material activities is conducted by the schodo dermal ob'ekt for such groups:

  • Rights korostuvannya natural resources (the rights korostuvannya nadrami, іshimi natural resources of the middle, geologicheskuyu іnshyuyu informatsієyu about the natural environment);
  • The right of a corridor by the lane (the right of a crooked land, the right to stay in the country, the right to lease an appendix);
  • The right to signs for goods and services (goods marks, trade marks, names of names);
  • Rights to ob'ekti about misovoi vlasnosti (the right to winnings, measles models, promyslovy zrazki, a variety of Roslin, breeds of creatures, know-how, zahist in the unfair competition);
  • Authorship that sumyzhnі z them rights (the right to literary works and musical works, programs for EOM, the basis of which is given);
  • Гудвіл (перевищення вартості придбання на часткою покупця у справедливій вартості придбаних Ідентифікованиих активів та зобов'язань on the date придбання);
  • Інші нематеріальні activations (the right to procure a dіyalnostі, використання економічних та інших привілеїв тощо).

Plan rahunkiv for vidobrazhennya in the region of non-active activiies of the active rahunok 12 "Nematerialny activa."

For debit rahunka 12 "Non-financial activites" vidobrazhaetsya pribbanda abo otrimanya in the result of the distribution of non-active assets, for the first time, for the loan, for the loan - vibuttya vaslidok sale, for free credit, for the lack of money for the holidays, for the yoga of the vicarities Сума уцінки нематеріальних активів.

For the region of non-material activities for їх groups to rahunka 12 "Nematerialny activi" perebacheni soi subrahunki:

121 "Rights of the corridor with natural resources"

122 "The Rights of the Corinthians by the Lane"

123 "Rights to marks for goods and services"

124 "Rights on the issue of promiscuous property"

125 "The author's summary of their rights"

126 "Goodwill"

127 "Intangible assets"

Slid zaznachiti, scho grupoju nemeterialnyh active - is sukupnist one-type for prichinchennyam that vichorenia nematerialnyh active.

The non-financial asset is accounted for by balance sheet, yaksh:

  • Існує імовірність отримання у майбутньому економічних вигод від yого використання;
  • Yogo vartіst (otsinka) mozhe bouti dostovirno viznachena.

Not viznayayutsya assets:

  • Vitrati to the dosage;
  • Organizatsinyi vitrati (vitrati for the reestra- tion of pidpriemstva, emisi tsinnyh papernіv tochno);
  • Vitrati on perebazuvannya abo reorganizatsiyu otchinani chi usyogo pidpriemstva;
  • Витрати на підготовку та перепідготовку кадрів;
  • Vitrati on the internal generation of buzzers;
  • Vitrati on advertising that prosuvannya products to the market.

Ці vitrati vіdobrazhayutsya zvіtі pro fіnansovі results and viznayutsya vitrates of that zvіtnogo period, yakomu stony mali mіssse.

Первісна вартість нематеріальних активів обчислюється за собівартістю їх придбання чи стренрення і складається з:

  • Ціни (вартості) придбання;
  • Mita;
  • Indirect salaries, but do not pick up the clothes;
  • Ішших витрат, безпосередньо по'яязаних із придбанням the asset that is brought to the camp, yakomu vin prinatniy for vichorstania for the confessions.

The validity of a non-material asset is valid - for a sum of money, for an asset that can be exchanged in the operation of an office in an office, unidentified by the parties.

Yakshto intangible asset buk bezkoshtovno otrimany pidpriemstvom, then yogo sobivartіst dorivnyuet fairing vinokosti on the date priinyattya yogo on the balance.