Держане регулювання економіки - Chistov S.M.


1.1. Wadi zinc self-regulation.

1.2. Functionality of the state in the everyday economy.

1.3. The sovereignty of the sovereign economy.

1.4. Methods of state regulation of economy.

1.5. The system of government in the sovereign economy.

1.1. Wadi Rink Self-Regulation

Kozhne suspilstvo moe virishit three fundamental problems: scho virobljati (yakі coma і послу) ?; Yak virobljati (for допомогою яких омежених ресурсів і технологічних засобів) ?; For whom virobljati tsi com (hto їh spozhivatime)?

The boundary of the vibrolic afflictions

Fig. 1.1. The boundary of the vibrolic afflictions

The interchange of the economical potential of the region can pro-¬ lyustruvati for the addiction of the graph of intermittent virility. Yaksho result vibrobitvtva (com chi ambassadors, yakі sobozhivayutsya abo vikoristovuyutsya v dalebomu vibrobitnvі) mentally podoliti on dvі grupi (napriklad, sospilnyi com dny privatnі com), then between the vibrochnyh mozlivostey vidbivatim maximum kіlostі syspilnykh i privatnih goods, yakі mozhut one-hour vyroblyatysya danoї kіlostі Resources, yakshcho pripusti, scho vsi resursi vichoristyu vikoristovuyutsya (Figure 1.1).

The command-and-control organization of the economy

Країни по-різному вирішують ці three fundamental problems. The most important forms of organization of economics are the team of people.

The essence of the command economy is in the fact that the state is the co-ordinator of the statehood in the territory of the world. The Radyansky Soyuz was tied through the people's welfare plan for the economic and social development, for its own suttu buly zvedennyam overly obovyazykovyh (directive) zavdan for all varnok organizatsiynoy structure of economy. The plans indicated to whom, yak products, and in some sort of vibrobyati, to whom and for the supply of goods. Such an order was adequately ensured by the post-employment system of resources, which was paid for by centralized rozpodil of virgin fonds.

Elementi of the command economy of the tiieu chin іnshoyu mіrou zastosovuvalіsya ekonomіchno rozvinuti kraїn під час світових війн, trivalіah економічних криці та інших подій з мою мобілізації економічних ресурсів для вирішення певних завдань. Vodnochas the practice of state darlings for directive plans stretching the tenths has brought its uncompromising safety of the effective, balanced balances of the economy. Econonomy zrostanja tsinoyu obmezhennia especial spozhivannya became the main criterion of suspilny rozvitku.

The command form of the organisation of economics is based on monolopoly of state power, has called up to rougheningly an eccentric type rozvitku, inconspicuously economics until the completion of the scientific and technical progress; Fought zakriplennju існуючої structurally виробництва (розвитку диспропорцій); Zumovlyuvala zrivnyalnyy rozpodil blessings for podegnanni z privilei for okremih groups of the population; Ruined the labor motivation of praces, їхню ініціативу; Rodozhivala nepodovoleny popit in usih spheres.

For the Rinkovoi form, the rods are subterranean to the resources of the characteristics of the mechanics of the rim self-regulation. Він functціонує на засаді взаємодії ринкової ціни, співвідношення попиту та пропозиції, а а а ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа Behind the Vistula A. Smyta, "the invisible hand" rinku ob'ednuє vibroknіv і spizhivachіv u єdinu ekonomichnu sistem, pidporyadkovu vibrobnitsvu sospilnim needs for forms of platospromozhnogo popita. Economist with the tsiom straight to the bottom result, toto the ribs are crocheted on the resource on the vibro-business goods, yaki naiibyls potrebnyi suspilstvu, primushuyu pіdpriemstva zastosovuvati nayefektivnіshi kombinacії vikoristana obmezhenyh resursiv, spryiєe rozrobtі ta vprovazhenzhennu novi тех tehnologij.

However, the mechanics of the rink self-regulation will prevent an efficient rozpodil of resources from the past of the common intellectual minds. Розподіл ресурсів, за якого жоден із суб'єктів ринку не може поліпшити свого I will become without, shobo not погіршити will become the least sub'ektіv rinku, nazivaєtsya efektivnim (optimal) for Pareto * 1 .

* 1: {Vílfredo Pareto (1848-1923) - iztaniy італійський економіст.}

Proteh in economics vinikayut situatsії, if rinkovyi mehanizm not zabezpechuet optimal for Pareto vikoristannya resursiv. Tako umovi і stanovyayut wadi (failure, nesprostozhnostі) rinku.

Wadi rinku vinikayut unaslidok nesprostozhnostі rivalry; Nesprozhnostnost rink zabezpecchuvati people sspilnimi goods; Звнішніх ефектів; Nepovnoti rinkiv; Nedoskonalostі інформації; Economical unbalance.

Unsupported competitiveness

In order to ensure that the principle of "invisible hands" is guilty, it is to compete with competition. However, in the process of concentrating capitals, we are talking about monopoles, whichever way we use to compete in competition, we are jeopardizing the situation of the market itself.

Monopoly vvazhayut mozhlivim і vigіdnym obremostavati vypuskie produktsii і vstanovljuvatyi bіlsh vіsіkі tsіni protіtih, yakі b іsnuvali v galuzі zayavnost rival ambush.

Maksimizuyuchi pributok, monopolist іrіnnovazhuєe with boundary vitrates not tsinu, and boundary дохід. Ціна перевищує граничні витрати, and tse sіідчить, що resource in виробництво монополізованого to product недекладаються. Vinyatkove stanovische monopolistiv rozhzhuєe nefektivnnu diyalnist. More than that, the monopoly of the building of the people of the world is not without reason, the economical ownership of the political entity is vividly tied to itself. Monopolistics are able to repair the tics on the state bodies, to get acquainted with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and to engage in activities that are not susceptible to intrigues, but to the interests of the cih giants.

Nespozhrednіst rinku zabezpecchuvati people sspilnimi goods

Suspilnyi comrade is satisfied with the consumption of all the members of the estate in the country. So i mate the two main authorities. In a nutshell , it is impossible to obmeshiti vichoristana sospilnogo goods. In a different way, the interchange of access to such goods is impossible for non-defective people. Pershas power is nazivayutsya nesupernitvvom spozhivannny, another - zagalodostnostyu.

Nesupernitsvtom in spozhivanny ryzzhyu nezvichnі for rinkovoi ekonomiki situation: yakshcho і індивід, sho bozhaє koristatysya good, alas nesdatny for nyogo platiti, optimally vikoristannaya resursіv perebacha nadannya yomu ts'ogo bliga kokoštovno.

Загальнодоступність значає, що виробник не має a real vibor, to whom nada-ta ts good: тільки тим, хто for nyogo to pay, chi all bazhayuchim. Tobto, the lover of the custodial good, is not a building lane of his own vzaimovidnosini with a leather spozhivachhem okremo.

Riznim suspilnim benefits in neodnakivy mіrі pritamannі vlastovostі nespernitsvva v spozhivannі ta zagalnapostnostі. Ті, які у вищий мірі мають ці влавостіі, nazivayutsya clean soupilnimi blessings. Tі, scho in them hocha b one z vlastavoste virazhena in pomirnomu steps, nazivayutsya zmishanimi suspilnimi blessings. Tovari, however, do not flinch the tsikh of power, and are privy to private goods.

Deykі sspilnye blessings mozhut bouti accessible to representatives of the souppilnyh groups of the population, for example, meshkantsyam okremih mist, regionny. Soi Suspilnye blessings nazivayut local.

Інколи суспільні com mozut vyroblyatsya y privatnym sector, or tse not zavzhdi efektivno. Neefektivnіst nadannya suspіlnih benefits Private virobnikami pov'yazana s tim, scho virobnik for vіdshkoduvannya virobnichih vitrat i obsession pributku od sale suspіlnih tovarіv guilty vimagati fee Zi spozhivachіv Tsikh tovarіv. Ale chiuu zavazhayut dvi pereskodi. First of all , the "problem of the hare," the problem, is dealt with from the sky-dwellers, people have kindly weep for the welfare of the Sushi goods. In a different way, reguljuvannya vzaemovіdnosin mizh vibrokom і spizivachami saspilnyh blag need to struktrya lyudizdkogo adminіstistrativnogo aparatu.

Зовнішні ефекти (екстерналиії)

The economy is based on the principle of "for all the treasures of platitude." For efektivnogo funktsionuvannya rink vibrokik vikoristvuє resource, vidshkodovoychi vitrati in rozmіrі їхньої вартості, and spizhivach is responsible for the repayment of the purchase of goods purchased. Such an order is an unnecessary explanation of the optimal for the Pareto rozpodil resources.

However ekonomіtsі traplyayutsya vipadki, if FIRMA vimagaє vitrat od іnshoї fіrmi, ale not kompensuє їh, abo navpaki, if pіdpriєmstvo stvoryuє good for іnshih, ale not oderzhuє ekvіvalentnogo pributku.

Situatsії, if one dії sub'єkta Rinku zavdayut Skoda іnshim, nazivayutsya negatively zovnіshnіmi efekt (negative eksternalіyami) and situatsії, if dії sub'єkta market analysis are given the benefit of іnshim - Positive zovnіshnіmi efekt (positive eksternalіyami).

Otzhe, pidpriemstvo, yak breeds of negative eksternalії, perekladaє a part of vitrat on інших, and those, яке створює позитивні екстерналії, take on yourself a part of vitrat from realizatsii strangers Інтересів. There, de mayut mіsce negativnі екстерналії, виникає тренція до відносного надвиробництва за надмірного витрачання ресурсів. Positive eksternalії wrap on vіdnosne nedovibrobnitsvto, oskilki for quiet, hto їх stolyorє, result virobnitsvva viyavlyayutsya inadequate vitrates.

The Iniquity of the Rinks

Chisti suspilnyi com є not єдиними goods, yakі not mozhut buti adequately zabezpechenі private vibronikami. Schorazu, if pіdpriєmstva nespromozhnі zabezpechiti require spozhivachіv at whether yakih goods navіt, Yakscho tsіni perevischuyut vitrati on їh virobnitstvo can Casati about vada, yak zvetsya nepovnotoyu market analysis (Povny rinok zabezpechuє spozhivachіv goods tsіni to SSMSC perevischuyut vitrati on їh virobnitstvo).

Nedoskonalість інформації

Funktsіonuvannya Rinku digit mіroyu deposits od of naskіlki vicherpno Participants lands poіnformovanі about spozhivchі vlastivostі tovarіv i poslug, alternativnі mozhlivostі їhnogo virobnitstva that spozhivannya and takozh about tendentsії zmіni kon'yunkturi. Nedostatnost інформації лімітує можливості ефективного використання ресурсів, змовлює неприптимальну поведінку продавців і покупців. Vaughn takozh between the competition, zavazhaet ukladannu dovgostrokovyh ugly.

Іnformatsіynі problems - the main cause of nepovnoti rinkiv. Mayyatsya on uvaziz situatsії, if the consumer in okremih goods can not budi zadovoleni, oskilki potentzіnim vibrokamov to be brought dyati for minds neiznachenosti. Do it on the basis of potentiating spizivachich not vinikaє adequately propose. Vidpovidno rinkovyi mehanizm viyavlyaetsya nezdatnim realizovati potentsinynu efektivnist for Pareto.

Ринки пвних товаів і especially the services are characterized by the essential information, asbestos, for the purchase of goods and services. In razі іnformatsіynoї asimetrії іnformatsіya, neobhіdna for ukladannya lands, Je (perevazhno) in one rozporyadzhennі s uchasnikіv (yak Typically, the seller) i porodzhuє dictates odnієї іz storіn.

Economical unbalance

The economist of economy is hvilepodіbno zrostayuchy character, but it is caused by posthygnymi chernogvunni spadіv i pіdnesen. Rinok, it's a pity, do not worry about the details of the mechanics, the building up of the economic stability, yaka vyavlyaetsya through trivaly recession vibrobitvtva, nammirne nezarobittya, high-rise riven dovgostrokovoi іnflyatsії.

Nayavnist vad rinkovogo samoregulyuvannya zumovlyuє neobhіdnist rule of the economy. The world of power in economy in the different regions is not the same. Vona lie down for reasons such as: історичних, політичних, ідео-логічних і т. П. Відтак є всі підстави стверджувати, що сучасна економіка - ззішана економіка , яка functціонує on the basis of поеднання мехаізмів ринкового саморегулювання й дерввавного регулювання.