Managed by vitrates - Greschak M.G.


Discipline "Management of vitrates" is the process of the process of direct molding of vitrates for their species, mіtsіami th nosіami for postійного control рівня витрачання ресурсів і мерелювання економії.

Bud-yaka diyalnist, peredusim vibrochnicha, will require vitrat resursiv. Від рівня операційних витрат істотно залежать ефективність functціонування підприємства та його конкурентоспроможність. The management of vitrates is an important function of the economical mechanism of cutaneous pestilence.

Especially relevant is the problem of managing vitrates for private property management, yakі ninі perebuvayut on the collapsible stage of restructuring and adaptation to the rink medium in the hurricanes of the international rules and regulations. Thus, the simplification of the new regulations (standards) of the accounting region, the dismemberment of the international standards, the writing up of the vilogy to the kvalifikatsiya specialization of economical profil. On підприємстві вони повинні самі form a system of management of vitrates, опрацьовувати methodical base of planuvannya, obliku vitrat, калькулювання продукції тощо. Otzhe, in the novchalnomu process of preparing fahivtsiv tsim pitannam moe pridilyatsya nalezhna uvaga.

Meta vivchennya disciplina - nabuti znan zakonomirnosti formvaniya vitrat for species, the centers of the nature and nature of the nosi for the mineralization of the region, and the formation of the optimal governor's riches. As a result, the student's discipline is guilty: nobles , yakis on pidpriemstvі є vitrati, de i yak stubs formulate, yakim moe bouti їх control, yak vlivati

On the їx value; Vmyati vyavlyati faktory, scho zumovlyuyut riven vitrate, obsochlyuvaty ich the value for species, mtstsami that nosyami, analizuvati vplyiv structurii i dinamiki vitrate on pributok pidpriemstva.

Дисципліна «Управління витратами» посідає важливе місце у підготовці фахівців з економіки та підприємництва. Vona is faced with such disciplines, such as "Economy of Consumption", "Internal Economic Mechanism, Functionality of Penetration", "Accounting Oblast", "Financial Management".

Acknowledged as a whole in the Naval-Methodical Guide - to assist students in the management systems with vitrates. Structurally motivated by the heady methodical student, I help the student to get acquainted with the naval programming of the discipline, the forms of the curriculum vitae, the particularities that have been covered by the themes and the shodo's shodo zasvoennya їх material. In the course of the types of tasks, the topics are: і methodical instructions up to роз rozv'yannya, napitannya і test for self-control, rozkrivaetsya zmіst basic terminov. Explain the control system of the Rivne know the students, especially the streaming, industrial and administrative controls for all forms of Navajan.

The headmistress was advised: Prof. M.G. Gresshchak - an introduction, growth of 1, 2, 3 (those 1, 4, 6, 7), 4 that O. S. Kotsyuba - rozdil 3 (those 2, 3, 5 ).