Groshі that credit - V. Pakhomov I.

Poyasnyuvalna note

Programa course "Groshі that credit" for priznachena studentіv bazovoї osvіti s Economy usіh navchannya forms.

The subject of the exchange rate system Yea penny and credit vіdnosin in suspіlstvі that zakonomіrnostі її rozvitku i funktsіonuvannya. In the course, students tsogo vivchennі spirayutsya on knowledge zdobutі at vivchennі such distsiplіn, yak "Fundamentals ekonomіchnoї teorії", "Mіkroekonomіka" toscho.

Metoyu vikladannya course "Groshі that loan" E formuvannya in studentіv ekonomіchnogo mislennya, Naukova rozumіnnya іstorії Formation that will suchasnoї Sistemi penny and credit vіdnosin. In rezultatі students povinnі opanuvati system of knowledge about dіyu ob'єktivnih zakonіv trumpery obіgu, about Meta, zadachі that methodical sovereign regulyuvannya spherical penny and credit vіdnosin.

Zavdannya vivchennya course "Groshі that credit" polyagaє in teoretichnіy that praktichnіy pіdgotovtsі studentіv s power scho Reigning virіshuyutsya vіdpovіdnimi set when regulyuvannі trumpery obіgu that Credit vіdnosin.

Posіbnik for samostіynogo vivchennya distsiplіni "Groshі that credit" mіstit:

• Software materіal to vivchennya distsiplіni "Groshі that credit";

• metodichnі Price not specified by vivchennyu distsiplіni "Groshі that credit";

• themes that occupy Plagne semіnarskih;

• a list of rekomendovanoї lіteraturi.