Culturology - Gritsenko TB

5. 3.Serdnyovichnaya culture Zahidnoi uropi (V - XV century)

The people of the region Zahidnoi Єurope have passed an overly escorted collar of their cultural rosette. U chi epoha buli widened the horizons of the European culture, formulated the historical and cultural identity of the country, settled the nationalities of the country, formulated the European languages, boulevards of culture, and zbogatili історію світової культури, збобуті значні успіхи в науці та техніці.

Rannie Seredniovic - that is the time for the growth of the self-reliance of the barbarian peoples, who have come to the arena of the European history. In the meantime, it's time to talk about the letters and "stories". The goal of the " Gethika " is the creation of the Gothic Kingdom , the "History of the King of Goths, the Vandalism and the Sues" by Isidor Sevilsky (1st half of the 7th century), "The History of the Franks" Grigoriy Tursky (2nd half of the VIth century), " "Church of Nations to the people of England" Biodi Dostoopchtennogo (book VI - mail VІІІ st.), "History of the Langobards" by Pavel Diyakon ( VІІІ century).

The culture of the early Serednyovchchya survived the collapsing process of synthesizing the pizgnoantichnoy, hristianskoy that barbaric tradition. Pislya zagibelі zahіdnі Romanskoі імперії (V - VІІ st.), Захід it was described at the beginning of the fall of that barbarism. Tsiu teritoriiu inhabited the barbarian tribes, Germanic march is more important. The stewards used a number of self-esteem, albeit non-nomadic powers on the hinterland terri- tories, but one and the same one. In the Galli, those parts of the Ninischni Nimeccini were settled by Franks, on the territory of the Ispania - Visigothi, in the PrintedItaly - Ostgoti, in England - by the English saxi. The people of Mali vlasnі bagatіikovі artistic traditions. Having touched the classical antiquity of the mystic, the stench did not take its traditional meaning, and the Navpaks, the base, were folded onto the yoke of the mystery of the Middle and Western Zahidni. In the course of the process, the important role was played by the artistic traditions of the "barbarian" peoples, the mystery of which is characterized by the transference of decorative to the formation of creativity, and such dynamism of forms is impregnated with exclusivity.

Samu u tse an hour ogoddaetsya especial type of spiritual life zahidnoevropeyskogo sushpilstva, in yakomu golonu role vіdіgryayut hristiansyanskaya religіya ta tserkva. In ancient times, the antiquity of Christianity became pidgrunchy for the obedience of the riches, for the doctrines of the theological doctrines to the yazichnitskih fences of those barbarian rites. Християнство було тією прийнятнаяю формаю, що відповідала needs of the masovoї svidomosti епохи. Християнська ідеологія postupovo zmіtnyuvala і and broadened.

Velike znachennya for serednyovіchchya small dіyalnіst ottsya church, theologian , the bishop of the Hippo Avrelia Augustine . Vin obgruntuvav at pratsi "About the City of God" dogma about the role of the church, Christianity, theology, and Christianity, psychology, scho became the basis of mediocre Catholicism.

Serednyovichnaya culture was formed in the region, the center of Roman civilization was known, yaka did not znikla one-time. Prodovzhuvali існувати суспільні відносини, інститути влади, culture, шкільні традиції та ін. Napriklad, Serednyovichchia pereonyalo vid antichnisty romsku shkilnu traditional - the system of "seven ancient mysteries", but were divided into two regions: the lower, the riveting - the triumvium, including the vivchennya grammatics, deactivation, rhetoric and the vivid - quadrivium, before I included arithmetic, geometry, music That astronomy. Naybilsh extensions in the Middle Ages pidrochnik buv tunings neoplatonic Marcian Kapelloyu at V st.

Vazhlivim with a vigil of cultural discordance and antichnisty ta sredn'nychchyam bula latinska mosva, yaka one-hour served the church's monastery, the state, the international spilkuvannya that cultural rozvitku. Latin mosa пізніше fell into the basis of romanceskih mov.

Antichnyi vplyviv sposterіgilisya takozh і in the cultural life of the Ostrogotska Італії та вестготської Іppanії. The Severin Boytsiy (480 - 525 rbl.) Is an important witness in the middle of the century. Yogo treatise on arithmetic that music, create zlogiki that theology, crosswords logisticheskih creators Aristotela became the foundation of the medium-system sistemi osvіti that phylosophy.

Відомий учений Флавій Коссіодор (480 - 585 рр.) У своєму творі « Варії » зібрав документи ділової та diplomatic correspondence. Tse tvir becoming on dovgyy hour a jerk of latinsky stylistics. Kossiodor sleeping in the monastery Vіvarіy - cultural center, scho obedinavav school misterstnyu z census books (scripts), біблітетеку. Vіvarіy becoming a srazkom for Benediktinsky monastirіv, які з VІ ст. Peretvoyuyutsya in the center zberezhennnya culture at sunset right up to the epoch of the roughened Serednyovychchya.

The foremost serednevovicheskim encyclopaedist vvazhali vihіdtsya із vestgotsky Іppanії Ісидова Севільського (570 - 636 рр.). At his creativity "Етимології" in 20 books він зберіг значну a part of antiques know.

Antichnyi vplyvi on the culture serednyovіchchya often vidbuvalisya neramyrrenniy borotibi yazichnikiv that Christian. So, against the culture of yazichniki in kitsi VІ - po. VІІ century. Різко виступав papa Grigoriy I (590 - 604 rubles). Він відкидав поєднання античної мудростиі та миських знань із світом Християнського духовнний життя. Z yogo ім'ям по'яязаний розвиток ланської агіографічної літератури.