Culturology - Gritsenko TB

5.2. Culture Візантії

In ІV century. Після розпаду Римської імперії на Західну та Скідну on a map of the holy land New Hristian Empire - Візантійська (330-1453 рр.). By becoming the capital of Constantinople , the basis for the emperor Kostyantin on the ancient settlement of Byzantium. In an hour, the settlement became the nazvoo of the new power. Geograficheskiy Vіsantіya bula is roztashovana na interi Євроpi, Азії й of Africa і has borrowed a terrain close to 1 million square meters. Km. Sudi vvіyshli zemlі Balkans'kogo півострова, Малої Азії, Сірії, Palestine, ЄГипту, Кіренаїки, частини Месопотамії, Вірменії, Острови Кріт, Кіпр, part of the land in the Krim and the Caucasus, the area of ​​activity Аравії. Проіснувала Візантійська імперія більше тисячі років і впала під натити турків у 1453 році.

By keeping the exhibition in the IV-VI centuries. Bula latin, and from the VІІ century. До кінця існування імперії - грецька. The specialty of the Suspilny fret of Vizantii became the staikke of the centralized power and monarchy. Візантія була поліетнічною держаvoю, її inhabited by Greeks, fractions, Georgians, Armenians, Arabs, continents, євреї, іллірійці, words'яни та інші peoples, але переважали греки.

Візантійська culture zarodzhuvalasya і rozvivalas in the minds of gastric, superechlivyh protsessov odochnogo sospilstva. The Christian system of the Holy Trinity was struck in uncompromising struggle with the phylosophical, esthetic, estetichnymi nature-voznikivchimi glances of the antique svitu. Візантійська culture has become a synthesis of pizgnoantichnyh and traditional traditions. Volodyazychi velikaznimi teritoriiami, Vіzantіya controlled the trade in the winters of Europe in Asia and Africa, the Bosporus and Dardanelli channels, which was embedded in the culture of the state's development.

The role of Візантії in the development of the culture of the middle class of a boulevard is vozgomchayno vagoma. Being a direct offensive of the ancient svtu that is at the same time, Vizantiya became the center to finish the development of its own culture. Characteristic of the rice of the vizantіyskoi kul'tury bula postyna іdeyna borotba old zovim, scho gave rise to the original synthesis of zahidnih i skіdnih spiritual beginnings. Візантійська culture in the main bula Христианянською. At the same time, in particular, the position of borrowing is the people's culture - music, tanok, church, theater, heroic folk epic, humoristic creativity that іn. Wagomium extravaganza at the gate of architectural monuments, painting, applied mystery of those artistic handicrafts hammered people's traditions.

Освіта та наукові знання

Until the time, that science knew in the Byzantine Suspensity was put in pogovago. In імперії з централізованим управлінням та до до розвиеним бюрократичним апаратом without good faith it is not possible to bury a decent debt in the estate. For the tradition of science, pied up in the nakedness of "phylosophy" (it is theoretical and practical) . Before the theoretical phylosophy, theologians, astronomers, arithmeticians, geometers, medicine, musicians. To practicality, politics and history. Visokogo рівня розвитку досягли також grammatika, rhetoric, даалектика, логіка, та, особливо, юриспруденція.

They began to study at the parochial schools, wrote letters, read, rahuvati, scribble that cobwebs of logics. The book for navchannya served the Psalter. So the schools of the buli are private and paid. Often schools were used to identify monasteries, ecclesiastical communities, and that the Navoi bula is accessible practically for all the vestiges of the population. Navcheanya detya in the churches and monasteries zdіysnuvalos clerics that monks, zapovolnyayuchi vlasnі consumer from the staff of the lower clergy. They were selling schoolbooks at grammar schools, de jivas of the old-armed writers and rhetoric - the sistem of the warehouse and the vigoloshuvannya of the sacred speeches (in honor of Vasilyev's help, the people's descendant, the imprisonment of the world that.). Rіvenь освіченості і тммін навчання viznachalasya for practical profiіchnymi rozraunkkami.

In the early days, the centers of science know the Buly of Afista, Alexander, Antioch, Beirut, Gaza. In IX century. At Konstantinopolі zasnovuyutsya Magnavrska vishcha school, and in the ХІ st. - University, scho mav fіlоofоskіy y legal faculty. With a university bulletin board, a medical school is vital. * 9

* 9: {Litavrin G.G. How the Byzantines lived. - Moscow: Aleteyya, 2000. - p. 197}

Osvіta that science in Vіzantії mali is church-rhelіyny character, to the head of the mosque in the systems of science, the theologian borrowed . Here antichna fіlіofіska tradition was procured, and the theologians of theology took care of the bagateness of the Duma and the vitality of the dialectic of Greek fіlоofіv. Bogoslovsky disputi, scho vidbuvalis on all імперії, були спрямовані on стренмоня systems of orthodox віровчення, on висловлення Християнських істин мовою філософії. Theologians fought with such carelessness that they were blackmailers of the arts.

Vchitelі churches, the so-called "Velikі Kapadokіytsi" (Vasiliy Kesarіysky, Grigoriy Nazianzin, Grigoriy Nisky) , and takozh Patriarch of Constantinople John Chrysostom in the IV-V century, Ioann Damascin in the VІІІ century. At his creations, propovydyah, sheets systematized orthodox theologian. Panuvannya reljiny-dogmatic svitoglyadu galmuvalo rozvitok sciences, especially natural. At the same time, the visas were pinned on to finish the high rivi ti znannya, scho virishuvali theological feeding. In Borotby, and in their minds, they disagreed with the bureas of the Christian Ontology (vchennya about Butta), anthropology and psychology - about the adventure of the evolving people, about the individuality, the soul and the soul. З VІ Art. Важливе місце в богослов'ї посідає логіка (the science of the methodology is brought to that простувань).

Beginning in the Х-ХІ century. У розвитку богословсько-філософкокої думки Візантії простежуються дві тренції. Persha vyvlyaala enteres to the internal svtu that yoga vashshtuvannya, viri in mozhnoststі human rozumu. The forerunner of the Tzogo strains of the Buv Mikhail Psell (XI century) is a philosopher, an historian, a philologist and a lawyer. Найвідоміша його праця - «Logic». At the XII century. Внаслідок посилення матеріалістичних напряцій спостерігається respect to the words of Democrita та Епікура.

A friend of the trend was imagined in the creatures of the ascetics, that of the reigns of the people, the people who respected the Zoisredzhuvali in the inner world of the people, the in-peace in the soul of the Christians, the humility, the obedience of that inner peace. The Sinai monk-ascetic Іоан Лествічник (біля 525-600 рр.), Містик Simeon Novius the Theologian (948-1022 r.) And the Archbishop of Thessaloniki Grigoriy Palam (b. 1297-1360) are the forefathers of such visions.

In the ХІV-ХV century. Razіonalіstichny strained at the fіlofії і nіѕі zіііn'yuєtsya. Yaskravimi yogo by the representatives of the buli Fedor Metohit, Manuil Hrіsolf, Georgiy Gemist Plief, Vissarion Nikeysky. The goals are the same, the jakravimi rice, the appearance of some bullets propovid індивідуалізм, the spiritual perfection of the people, the obojenna of the antique culture. U tsilomu vіzantіyska fіlofііi rested on the vіvchennya antichnikh fіlofofskih vchen sysіh shkіl і stramіvі.

The development of natural sciences, mathematics and astronomy at Vizantii Mali is applied for crafts, seaplanes, trade, and viscous information of the Silesian state. Thus, in the IX century. Leo Mathematician zapotkatkavav algebra, the teachings of the buv author bugatokh wine, then the number of svitlovo telegraph and riznih mekhanizmiv.

Cosmographs and astronomy had a struggle between them with the help of antichnich systems, and they hid the Christian Christ. The forerunner of the remaining Buv Kozma Іndikoplov (the one who swam to the Іndії). At the top of the "Khristiansky Topography" vin zapeperchue vchenya drevnogretsykogo astronomer Ptolemy about the geocentric system svitu. Yogo cosmogonichnye yyavlennya based on biblennyh tverdzhennyah, scho Earth - a floating chotikikutnikom, a kind of otkoneny by the ocean and pokrithy heaven. Astronomichnyi sposstrezhennya buli tisno povshyazanny z z astrologii. In the ХІІ-ХV century. У Візантії перекладаються та вивчаються астрономічні твори і таблиці арабських учених.

Візантійці досягли значних успіхів у медиії. Wolves of buli znayomi with pracami Galena ta Gippokrata , were liable to a practical dossier and vskoskonalyvali dіagnostiku. Володіли знаннями хімії, уміли використовувати античні рецепти при виготовленні скла, кераміки, мозаїчної смальти, емалі та фарб. And the wines of the so-called "Greek wolf" (Sum nash, slaked vapna ta tar), dopomoav vizantiytsyam zdobuvati peremogu at the sea battles iz wolves.

Shiroki trades and those diplomatic calls were spurred by the development of geographic knowledge in the Byzantium. Tsienne geograficheskie vidomosti poured from his pilgrim's creations vizantіyskі mandrivniki.

The original pamyatka in the galusies of the Silesian state was the encyclopedia "Geoponics" , de buv concentrates of earthquake dossiers.