Culturology - Gritsenko TB

Shaping the mystery

Z kultovoyu arhitekturoyu buv tisno oblazheniya monumental and decorative painting, the characteristics for vizantіyskih artistic shkіl. In Kiev's painting, the painting was widened in the form of monumental inscriptions - mosaics and frescoes. Настінні мозаїки застосовувалися у спорудах Київської Русі з кінця Х до початку ХІІ ст. * 24 The technology of vygotovlennya riznokolorovo- bogo smalty (especially gold) of the bula is folding and expensive, and the very mysticism of the mosaic is the vimagal of the great umnіn. In Kiev, Mozaika buly vzdoblenі іnter'єri prince's palaces and cults sporudi chasiv Volodimir the Great Yaroslav the Wise.

* 24: {Mistetstvo Kievskoї Rusi. - K.: "Mystetstvo", 1989. - P. 30.}

The main view of the monumental mosques Kyivvskoi Rusi buv frescoes . Frescoes miraculously peydnuvayutsya zakturoyu kam'yanih stin i mali nazvichayno bug coloring. The technics of a fresco of a boule is put in front of the mayrs of the past, or the old-time artists have completed the new elements and stylistic zobrazhenni. Thus, we began to visit the Mitetskii dіyalnostіdavnorusskikh masters, which included the mozaichnyh and frescoes, which were not practiced by Vizantii. At the XII century. The mystery of Mozaica to go to the mystery of the fresco. Перші мозаїчні зображення та настінні фрескові inscriptions були виконані у Десятинній церкві міста Києва, але вони не збереглися.

Before najviznachnihh pam'yatok Ukrainian and monistic-decorative misterstva nalezhat Mozaiki and frescos Sofiyskogo cathedral in the m. Kiєvі. The head of the artistic zdoblennya інтер'єру цього temple is the confirmation of Christianity, and the temples and inscriptions became "biblion for non-writers", yaku po trinbno boolo read in the singing order. On the frescoes of the panel, three cycles of the image: євангельські, біблійні та житійні. On mosaics, the characters of the main character of Christianity are realized. Mozaichnі zdobrlennya prikrashayut golovnii vіvtar i dome to the cathedral. Tse - the zabrazhene of the Christ-Pantocrator (Sovereign) , with the right hand, in the apse of the central vivant, the Great Mother of God-intercessor Mari-Oranti is great. The people of the Bogomatіr Sofії Kyivskoїї were interrupted by the intercessor of Kyiv and the Rusі and nazi її "Nerushimoyu stіnuyu", tobto intercessor and patron. Mariya-Oranta at the people's church was angry with the yazychnitsky image of "The Great Goddess," but it was fulfilling the power of the earth. * 25.

* 25: {Київська Русь. Culture. Tradition.Zbirnik naukovyh prac. - K.: Naukova Dumka, 1982. - P. 85.}

Lower Mozaichnogo zobrazhennya Bogomateri-Oranti, roztashovana bahatofigurna kompozitsiya "Євхаристія" (причащёня apostolів), and below - †<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†<†"із із кращих зразків monumental painting. Мозаїчні панно Софії виконані на яскравому золотистому фоні і набраі із смальти 177 колеорових відтінків. Vazhlivim element of the artistic zzdoblennya Sofiye орна ornamentation, it is important to the grown nature. Up to our days 260 260 square meters of mosques and 3,000 square meters of frescos were conserved to the cathedral of Holy Sofia in Kiev * 26.

* 26: {Українська культура: історія і сучасність: Навч.посібник. - Lviv: Svit, 1994. - P.179}

Monumental razpisami buli takoz zdoblenі Uspensky cathedral of Pechersky monastyr, Mikhaylivsky Golden-domed cathedral, the church of the Savior on Berestov at Kiev. In the middle of the ХІІ century. At Kievsky, Chernigivsky, Pereyaslavsky, Galitsky, and Volynsky princedoms, self-creative art schools are being built. Freskovy painting povnistju zamenyuet nastіnnі Mozaiki. Davniorski frescoes of inscriptions have been preserved up to our days in the sacred surroundings of Kiiv and Chernigov, Smolensk and Vladimir on Klyazm, Pskov, Novgorod, Staroye Ladoga and other ancient cities.

From time to time the temple was built up by iconography - a kind of iconic easel painting. Ікона як художній елемент залала головн місце in інтер'єрї культової споруди. The cult of the boulevard of the official reception of the All-Russian Cathedral 787 р. In the m. Нікеї. Icons become organically in the temple and the printed yogic architecture. At the temples of ikonyi roztashovuvalysya over the front partition, psoz pisnishe peretorilasya on ikonostas. Перші ікони були привезені на Русь з Візантії і Болгарії, а в кінці ХІ ст. Z'yavilisya vlasnі. Mystetstvon ikonopisu has little of its own nature, but has seen the yogic view of monumental designs. In іконі обмежений простір, який вимагав зосередження на стренні психологічного образ, знаходженні навиразразніших композицій та колористичних рішень. Tvoriv old-fashioned icon painting was not enough for the little one.

The formation of the old-fashioned iconoclone falls on the ІІ half of the ХІ - the ear of the ХІІ century. At Kievo-Pechersky Pateriku, the first Russian names are written - Grigoriya ta Alipiya. Deykі дослідників пp'язають з київською художнoюю шкоюю таі ікони, як "Yaroslavska Oranta" (ХІІ cent.), "Ustyuzke Blagovіschennya" (ХІІ cent.), "Dmitriy Solunsky" (ХІІ cent.) And the composition of Svenskoe (abo Pecherska) Bogomateri "(ХІІІ century). Sered іcon, scho dіshli up to our hours, nаshаnovanіshyu bula іkona "Bogoroditsi - Eleusa", brought back the XII - cob of the ХІІ century. З Візантії to Vyshgorod close to m.Kiєva. They called it "Volodymyrska Bogomatyr" (Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow). The images, vtileni in іkonah, were vaunted by the foreknowledge of moral purity and spirituality.

In Kiev, the iconography of the first Russian "saints" was formulated: Boris and Glib, yyavlennya about the yak dііkona "Boris i Glіb". Tradіїії Києва були поширені in the iconic schools of Novgorod, Volodimir, Suzdal, Galich and Volodimira-Volinskiy.

In the ozdoblenny old-time churches, the role played a vital role in the plasticity of the mysticism and rarity . Skhidnokhristianskaya tserkva, reshlyduyuchi yazichnitsky viruvannya, fenced the sculpture, that plastic misterstvo rozvivalosya viglyadі rel'єfіv. For rizblyennogo zdoblennya monumental sporud vikoristovuvavsya marmur ta rozhevy slate. Significant number of decorative ornamental embellishments was preserved at the temples of Kyiv. Ceramic plates, made in technical and ornamental and thematic Relief, prikrashayut parapety khoriv to the Cathedral of Sofiya Kyiv, slate plates with thematic relieves of Mikhaylivsky Zolotoverhogo and Kievo-Pechersky monastiriv.

Tsikavoyu pam'yatkoju dannnyor'koї plastics є barrelєf , on yakomu zozbrazhena Bogomatіr-Odigtіrіya z dityam, scho znaydzhny v reynakh Desyatinnoї church. Slate rivets of slabs were saved і in the Spaskom cathedral Chernogov.

Istorichnu i kulturnu tsinnist to become a sarcophagus of Yaroslav the Wise (Х-ХІ cent.), Зo зберігається у київському Софійському соборі. Vigotovleniya z bilogo marmuru, in the form of a roslinnym ornamentation hristiysenskoy symbolikoyu.

The princi ples of the old-fashioned plastic mystery - the virobi rizbjariv in stone at the small, small stones, on which there were pictures of Boris and Gliba, Dmytra Solunsky, the Virgin, Spas, St. Mikolai and those of the holy ones. A masterpiece of miniature plastic art is і і і ї «Увірування Фоми», іо зberігається at Київському історичному музеї.

The original view of the mystery behind the prince's victory was the mystery of the book lodging . Handwritten book bula especially tsіnoyu, wrote duzhe dovgo, on expensive parchment and artisto zdohollyuvalas. The books were copied from the metal with the metal locks, the text was decorated with ініціалами, the headpieces were those miniatures. Knizhkova minnature was vikonuvavsya that islustruvalasya russkim scribes that artists, zrazkami for some served in the Bulgarian handwritten books. Pam'yatkami of old-time manuscripts - " Ostromiriv Gospel " (1056-1057 pp.), " Svjatoslav's Ізборник " (1073 р.), " Бучацьке івангеліє ", " Юрієве євангеліє ", " Добрилове івангеліє " (ХІІ st.) " Mstislavove Івангеліє "(ХІІ cent.) Та ін.

Vidatnym yavishche at the old-time mystery, tsіnnym dzherlo історії Київської Русі є мініатюри Радзивилівського літопису (ХV ст.) Book містить 618 колеорових графічних мініатюр, що ілюструють життя княжої доби. Мініатюри дають цінні відомості про архітектуру Київської Русі, odayag t zrobiu, речі домашного вжитку та інші важіі історичні події. * 27 Ornamentika bіlshostі old-time manuscripts of the boule is written in the juvenile directory of the decorative and seizure mystery.

* 27: {Ribakov B.A. From the history of the culture of ancient Russia / Studies and notes. - M .: 1984 - S. 188-240.}

The rozvitok remisnikichogo vibrobitvtva stimulated the development of ornamental-seizure mysticism, in which I showed myself the rice of old-fashioned esthetics, that of bagatical artistic traditional speech words. Expanded on Rusi buli soi visible applied misterstva, yak filigree, black, granules, gilding, cloisonne, that artist is literally. The filigree is a mystery of the Vicory of the Nython dart, and is clinging to the metal foundation. The fabric was widely vikoristovuvalas in zhynochih prikrasah those salaries of books. Chern - chorna paste for protravlyuvannya sribnikh vibroiv, scho robila darkness of the body, on yakom svililisya srіbnі fіghuri. They applied to bracelets, braid, stitches, persia, hristi, zbroyu tochno. Zern - dribnі kulki, scho vpayuvalisya persnі ta іnshі prikrasi.

In the old-fashioned countries, such a boulevard will expand the kuvannya that carbovannya of gold, srіbla ta mіdі. Chudovim zrazkom tsiogo misterstva - the gate of the Suzdal Cathedral (XIII c.), De order of scenes in the scenes of yazichnitskih істот, що guarding вхід.

The original types of applied misterstva boolo artlitel . Davnyoriski maystria was lured with a lack of rhetorical speeches, from small embellishments to the great church dzvon. Цінною пам'яткою художнього литва є the great median good, knowledge on Podol 'in Kiev. Vin zdobleny fever-birds - the symbols of the svatla that sign the Vogyu and the Son.

Міжнародне визнання здобули вироби майстрів із різьби по дереву та кістці, майолікова кераміка, а таккож виробництво warehousing. Pam'yatkami rіznih hudozhnіh crafts є bronzі panіkadila, dvoіvony, smalt, slyane namesto, goblets, charms, bracelets, rіzblenі caskets, images, rukіv'ya knife ta zbroї, дзеркала, ложки, шахові та шашкові фігури та ін.

Vazhlive mісце у господарському житті Київської Русі посідали handicrafts. Proovidnoyu їх галуззю була чорна металургія, yaka rozvivalas for the interstices of the city. Zalіzo was seen from the swampy ores. Long-standing centers of the hall-of-mass craft of the boulevard of the town of Gorodsko on Teterivi (Korostyshevsky district, Zhytomyr region), that of Vishgorod (Kyiv region). The centers of the block of choral metal are located in Kiev, Novgorod, Smolensk, Chernigiv, Galich, and Vishgorod. Davniorski kovali knew the technicalities of the hallway, the kuvannya, the zvarka, the cementation, the turning, the encrustation with colossal metals, the polivuvania, the stinks of the volodymium, the types of the box of ringed metals. Dovarsheni forms and artistic ozdoblennyam, vidomі dannyuruksі sword.

It was called takozh pottery , but it was developed in such places as Yak Bilgorod and Vishgorod.

The top of the river was covered with a block of wood, a stone, a vigil of stone, that wapna. Woodworking promysel buv especially widening at budivelnіy справі. Kam'yane budivnitsvo poslediyu poivivi tsegelnikiv, kamenyariv, vapnyariv.

They laid their hands on crafts, yak kravetske, a box of curtains, vizgotovlennya vzuttya, pryadinnya, takstvota іnshі.

Otzhe, a long time ago, the mystery of one of the nayaskravivshih mountains of artistry of the artist's culture, Serednyovichchia. Київська Русь відігравала значну role at світовій історії, and її мистецтво for three стотиіття досягло художніх вершин. Great vplyv on misterstvo Київської Русі мали культури інших народів, especially Візантії. At the same time the skrbnitsu svitovoi kul'turi, bagatos new and tsennogo made a long time ago. Загалом культурний розвиток Київської Русі ІХ-ХІІІ ст. It is known on the high європейському рівні. It's a pity that the Mongol-Tartarska Nava broke through the jakraviy periyod vichtichnyanoі історії. In the meantime, the culture of Kyiv Rusko in its own forms and genres showed jasmarka samobutnost and laid down pidvaliny for rozvitku Ukrayiny piznogo serednyovіchchya.

Self-control nutrition

Culture of what rozvineny serednynovichnih kraine little meaningful vplyv on a long-standing culture?

Name the dzherela vivchennia історії та культури Київської Русі.

Yak nazvalasya system of old-time writing?

Хто зачаткував шкільну освіту у Київській Русі?

Hto iz of the Russian princes naybіshe opykuvavsya rozvitkom osvіti that culture?

Name the ancient press.

Nаvіt nayviznachnіs pam'yatki perekladnoї lіteraturi.

Name the memory of the original literary.

Хто був носієм музично-театрального мистецтва у Київській Русі?

Yakis visible musical instruments were being vikoristovuvalysya for prince?

Які види архітектури були поширеними у Київській Русі?

Name the memories of defense arhitekturi.

Name the memory of the cult architecture.

Yakis seem to have formed a mysterious mystery for vaudicting the temple?

Yakis visible applied misterstva buli widened for prince's defense?

Yake znachennya mala hristiansanskaya relegiya for rozvitku old-time culture?