Culturology - Gritsenko TB


At the hour of becoming a Kyiv Rusko, the type of a long-standing mist, the warehouses of a boulevard: the " Ditinets ", the abodes of "the hail ", the mansion of the prince of the boyarsky dvori, the "okolniy grad", the inhabitant of the city, the "landed", the abo "kyntsi ", Inhabited by a repairman and traded by people.

A pivotal value in economical and cultural development of the old-time powers has been poured into the city, the rules of forgetfulness of some boules have been found in the so-called " Kormchii knizi " - zbirniku law, to which I have included both the old and the old, and the legislative regulation of the city.

For gratitude arhitektura podylalas on Zhitlov, the cult is defensive. Pam'yatok zhitlovoy arhitekturi not zbereglosya, alae archeologichnyi znahidki svidchat about the baggage arhitekturny decor of boudinkіv zamozhnyvstvstv settlement. Archaeological reports and information on the literature are given about the peculiarities of the forgetfulness. Sporudi came from the woods bridges. In the main purposes, the two-chambered boudinas were inhabited by adherents, they were disfigured with clay minstones, and with cold sini in front of the entrance. The greater the number of such budiks, the lower gospodar's top-pic- ture, and the trocha were pounded off the ground.

Князівські та боярські хороми мали два і біше поверх. Tse buly an ensemble of sporozes with gold-gold threes and tiny trees on another. On the princes' courtyards there were gridnitsy - great bays for priomyom, and takozh - chopped up (for the unclean).

Zhitlo bіdnih people bulo one-chamber, a little karkasnostovpovuyu design, obmazuvalosya clay and bililosya. All Zhitlova architektura bula derevyanoyu. * 23

* 23: {Tolochko P.P. Ancient Kiev. - K., 1983. - P. 112 - 113.}

З поширенням християнства у міській забудові переважає будівництво храів, що have become the symbol of the confirmation and the celebration of the new religion. The stinkers were going to the temple, but Tsarod- gorki did not follow the bagatry. I will not justify the prestige, russky prince shirou viruvali god, and yak vidomo - "vira without dil dead".

At bagatooh kraїnakh svіtu Х - ХІ st. Vidnichilisya vigorous budivnychoyu dіyalnistyu greek masters. Візантійські будівничі традиції познанеся на романській архітектурі Західної Європи. Tipi arhitekturnyh sporud piled on the architecture of the Balkan Territories, Syria, Maloye Azii, Vimmenії ta Gruzії. Tom zrozumіlo, chomu dosvіd vіzantіyskogo budivnitsvva buv vikoristany ruskimi princes and tchristianskoyu church.

Кам'яні собори в Київській Русі були great rідкістю і were going for the vizants. Візантійські майстриъ приїздили у Київську Руі і здійснювали тут будівництво. Kul'tov murovani sporudi were for the system of old-fashioned mishanoy masonry: cherugvannya-tsegli-plinfi on vapnjanomu zemyanochnomu rozciny with a ball of wild stone. Inter'er cultovyh sporud stained with marmurovymi columns, kapiteli, mozaikami that frescoes. To pokraschennya acoustics rang voices - empty all-russia, yak poured glechiki.

Persha is muffled by the church of the Theotokos (Desyatynna) , the bula is bred in Byzantine masters by the immolation of Volodymyr the Great in 989-996. Vona zbudovana for zagalochristianskimi rules for the memory of martyr-Christians. The three-nautical plan, the xpress-cupola sporade, the interior of the anchovies of the mosque decorations and the frescoes of the marmuras. Desyatinna tserkva, especially the central part, bula with a phial for Baghdah old-time cultoviks, the dispute of the ХІ-ХІІ century. At 1240 rotsi Desyatinna tserkva bula pruned by the hordes of Batiya, before syogodny zberiigsya depreshey foundation.

Khrami buduyutsya і yak neobhіdnіst vshanuvannya podі esobistogo zhittya (peremoga u bitvi, miracle vryatuvannya vіd mortal, тощо). For example, the church in Persia is named after Vasily at Kiev, Transfiguration near Vasilev. There was a temple in ім'я Софії, що symbolized the wisdom of Christ and the Mother of God. Такі храми збудовані у Києві, Новгороді та та Полоцьку. A number of cathedrals are dedicated to Uspinny Bogoroditsy. Behind the arhitekturnym type of stinking, go like the Uspensky cathedral of the Pechersky Monastery and in Smolensk, Suzdal, Rostov, Vladimir on Klyazmi, Ryazan, Volodimir-Volinsky, Galich.

Until the earliest period of the ancient architecture, it is possible to introduce the architecture of the church of the Mother of God of Tmutorokan (1021 rubles) (not protected) that Spasky Cathedral near Chernigov (1036 rubles), zbudovany duke Mstislav Volodymirovich. The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Chernigov zberigsya to our days in Mayzh at the first sight.

A unique catacomb in this archaic architectural structure is the Cathedral of St. Софії у Києві , zbudovany in the hour of Yaroslav the Wise (1037р). Wards of Greek masters on the display of the Constantinople cathedral of St. Sophia, that temple is not a boom yogo simply a spade. Maistrei bula is creatively crushed in the traditional tradition, is damaged by elements of the stylistic uniqueness. Behind the type of tse-nyatinnechnyi brest-kupolniy temple z hreshchatim pidkupolnym spaciousness of the anfiladami bokovikh nefiv. Cathedral of the trinadzjatma baths.

Sofievskiy cathedral buw "russkoi metropolis", the head temple of the old-time power. Він був не тільки релігійним, але й політичним і cultural center. Here vidbuvalisya tseremonії posadzhennya on the Grand Duke's throne, prizaima inozemnih guests. At the cathedral, the bibliotek is filled with the scriptorium (maysternuyu perekladu ta pereiskuvannya books). Cе єдиний собор періоду Київської Русі, який зберіг long-time arhitektura і napovnіshy u svіtі complex мозаїк і фресков ХІ ст. Kiev Cathedral St. Софії є ​​пам'яткою світового значення, yaka from 1990 rotsi entered by UNESCO to the list of all-cultural cultural decline.

Okrim Kiєva monumental budivntsvto percha half of the ХІ st. It was provoked in such cities as Polotsk, Novgorod, Chernigiv.

At each other half of the XI century. Kultove budivnitsvo poshiryuetsya at bugatooh dlinnorusskih centers. To become monasteries, in what will be new novels of kam'yany. Tse Uspensky temple of the Monastery of Pechersky (1078 r.), Mikhaylivsky Golden Temple (1108 r.), Mikhailovsky Cathedral of the Vidubitsky Monastery , taіnshi.

At the XII century. Znachnogo rozvitku nabula kiivs'ka, chernіgіvska, peryaslavs'ka ta novgorodska arhіtekturnii school. At budivelnіy technic znikayut vіzantіyskі traditional zmіshanoї masonry. Arhitecture is more similar to romance. In the middle of the week, the moska is coming, and the frescoes are sent to the host. Prior to the memory of the monastery, the temple of the Fedorovsk monastery (1131 rubles), the church of the Virgin of Pirogosci at Podol'i (1132 rubles), Kirilivs'ka (1146 rivers) and Vasilivs'ka (1183 r.) Churches near Kiev, Yurіїvska (1144 р.) At Kanev, Borisoglebskiy (1128 rubles), that Uspensky (the first half of the 12th century), the cathedral and the church (the post of the 13th century) near Chernigov, Michailivska Tserkov at Smolensk (the 12th century), that's it. Wongs are united by a style that is straightforward and dense with a constructive scheme.

On the cob of the XIII century. Vnasledok princely mіzhusobits that attacked polovtsiv and tatar, Kiev vtrachaye znachennya center of power. Monumental to the cult of budivnitsvo change in zahidno-russki zemli. Osobliviy rokkvіt arhіteturi spostіrієєється після об'єднання у ХІІІ ст. Volinskiy and Galich princely. For the architec- ture of the hour, the character of the romance style. Pam'yatok tієї arhіteturi was not very warm. Tse Mykolaivska ta P "yatnitska church near Lviv, Uspensky cathedral at Volodymyr-Volinskiy, the church of Panteleimon at the Misty Holm. Galitsky Monumental Details of the Buly of the Svitlo-Sri Vapnyaku, to that they were called bilokam'yanim.

The order of the iconic importance of the world was defended by the architec- ture . In period, if vinikala demanded zahistu vid alien stratum, there were visoki, miotsny defensive sporozi z Tovstimi kriposnimi stinami. So, Kyiv boom of the views with trees and wooden trees, up to 16 meters above the ground. Вхід до міста був можлвий тільки через кам'яні ворота - Львівські, Лядські та парадні Золоті. Zoloti gates vidbudovany, і syogodnі па pam'yatkoju dlinnorusskoj defensive arhitektur.

Oboronne budivnitsvo vdaskonalyuetsya that prodovzhuyutsya XIII century. In the wake of the steno-bitter pristroїv all parts of the city are to be built in the capital of Ukraine, defense towers in baints. At їх будівництві запозичується досвід європейських країн, vdalo використовуться особливості місцевого landscapes. For example, the defensive sporud of that hour is Galich, Kam'yantsya, Lyublina, Drogobich, Lutsk. Before the defensive works, the XIV-XV centuries. Lay on such a feudal castle with a stone cam'yanimi murami that vezhami.