Culturology - Gritsenko TB

6.4.1. Shaping the mysterious nature of the Vitaly Vidrodzhennya

By the true method of mysticism, to the duma of the intelligentsia, it is not enough to imagine the living human body. More and more, behind the words of Michelangelo, empty fun, yaku can nadati less talents. "For the mystery of potrebna alone," said Chellini, "you can miraculously write a cholovic and a torso." Людське тіло is presented in їхніх pictures healthy, energizing, athletic. Vaughan is similar to the antiquity of the Greek. Skinny m'yaz, suglob, hvilastii vigin tila vivcheniyah to naidribnishih podrobits, transmissions from an extremely detailed preschool.

Італійській школыі були чужі зображення жорстокості і всього, що здатне викликати жах


Symptoms protorenesu in educated mysticism did not mean znischenna gothic tradition. In an hour, the traditions were simply spoiled by the life-longness of those svitskikh ambushes in the old-fashioned and traditional forms of tlumachenia. Gotichne mystetztvo added to the dramatic naprugi, became gratsynim, desho manirnim, usmichnenim neok melancholyynym. Візантійська ікона became приємно-світською. Sami tsya, partly protreresansna, partly gothic, the current fell at the XIV century.

At protrenessansi bula i insha, іstorichno bіlsh early tecія, yaka rіshuće protested the gothic. Її repre sentatives of the buly sculptor - Nіkolo Pіzano and Arnolfo ді Камбіо .

Нікколо Пізано працювавш ще у середині XIII cent., If європейська gothic була у повному розквіті. Aly Vin, after pushing the reliance of the relays on the Roman sarcophagi. Nadihayuchis romskoyu plastics, Pizano podolav bezplotnіst gothic figur, in some piad odyagom not vidchuvalosya til, that "zaspokoїv" їхню підвищену експресію. Nayvіdomіshі create the chiogo mitsya - sculpture for the faculty of pizanskogo baptistery.

However, by the Odinim Mitze, I in the formative mystery of Proto-Renaissance can put the order of Dante, Buvet Giotto . Nove viduchutya genskoho gidnosti vyrazheno in the frescoes of Giotto Mayge with such a power, yak in the "Divine Comedy". To Tsimu vidatnomu artistov nalezhat rozpiski church in Assisi, priapvyacheny Zhitty Francis Assiski, and takozh fresco at the Paduan Kapeli del Arena and in the church of Santa Croce near Florencia. Paduan frescoes presented a cycle of Evangelical stories about the life of Jesus Christ, and florentiyski takozh are dedicated to St. Francis.

Early Reach

At the quattrocento foe, generosity, the bagatomania of the artistic creativity, is poured around the well-being of wealth. Arhitecture, sculpture and painting in tsiu dobu go from handicrafts to professional masters. The artist is his creativity, the stoverjou is his own індивідуальність у мистецтві

The artist hanged. The members of the motherland of the Medici were patrons of art and patrons of the Shanuvalnikas of the mystic, especially Kozimo Medici yogo onuk Lorenzo. Roman Pappas, dukes, and kings of the earth were dazzled for the honor of soliciting art of the Italians to their court.

The initiators of the mystery of the Early Beginnings of the invasion of the triplets are: Masaccio, Donatello, Brunelleschi. Florentiets Mazaccio - the artist of the man's energetic style. Vin died young, he managed to conquer the glory of the founder of the quattrocento painting with his own characters in Brancacci chapel. In the ensemble of wines, the nakedness of the niggas, the Mayge of the sculptural vidchuttya mіtshnih figur.

Y yogo frescos - evolyutsіya, yak survived the painting from the hour of Giotto. The paintings vidchuvayutsya realism, scho viyavlyaetsya in farbah, at znannny anatomii, perspective. Є the activity of buying in ugrupuvani, al at the same time, the back plan of the breakdowns of the past and the natural. Arhitectural rules, simeter in the roses part of the picture priymayut bilsh zhizni formi.

Діяльність Мазаччо (справжнє ім'я Томмазо ди Джованні ди Симоні Кассаї) is small for the sake of art of the country. Yogo paintings vidchuvayutsya nobleness, vitonchennost, harmony tonnyv.

At the same time in the field of painting in the Ukraine, the bronze casting sculpture was developed. Sculptors turned over the pictures of the anatomists. Stanovische zmіnilosya tilki після Веркокьо, яко був one-time і a sculptor, а painter. Andrea del Verrocchio (1435-1488) buv teacher of the great Leonardo da Vinci , and the first peninsula in the anatomy of the celebrities, otrimav vid ynogo. The picture of Verrocchio "Christ's Sickle of Christ" is becoming an object of interest.

Sculptor Donatello lived before the life of the і здійснив нововведення майже in usіх genres and різновидах пластики. Він having created the type of the round statue, it is not self-explanatory and is not affected by the architec- ture. Donatello having fallen asleep at the school of the Mayrusts to the Relief, he cried out the frisi of the Renaissance budivel. Він був the author of the monumental monument kontotyera Gattamelati and portrait-bust, yaki pogaduvali romskі portrait.

"St. Georgiy "- a marmurous statue in the church of Or-San-Mikel in Florentia, one of the fewest robots of Donatello (with reference to him Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi, 1386-1466). The imagination of the fearless warrior is spoiled by the gentry movement, the turn of the head and the wussen, to postulate a rshuchich. To the shoulder, the cloak falls, but curl the part of the breasts and the hand. Do not hide the shield with a shield.

Zavshyaki vivchennyu antichnih pam'yatnikov, Donatello oschig vyskonalosti in the transfer of solid forms

Bronzova statue of Gattamelati in Padua robot Donatello is a miracle not precedent of technology, a living and monumental transmission of the figure of the top and the horse. The head of a horse can be taken for an antique tvir. The lytsar is the vettor of the epoch. Vidrodzhennya-in vyomu vpershe vikone zvadane zobrazhennya zvnіshnogo viglyadu.

Sandro Botticelli (справжнє ім'я - Алессандро Філіпепі; 1445-1510). Y yogo creativity ё we expand the image of the Madonna in the clean environment. At the picture "Coronation of the Madonna", Christ in one man rima trima garnet, and I shake the hand of the Madonna, yak write in the rose corners of the ear of the begging podsyaki. Three books in the book and a choral book, and two angels sing a wreath over the head of the Madonna.

Філіппіно Ліппі (1457-1504), учень Ботічеллі, writing small paintings. Florencia has a yogi robot named "The Flours of the Apostle Peter." Fіgura prokonsula sіідчить about вивчення античних пам'ятників.

Третім зачинателем мистецтва раннього Відродження вважається архітектор і скульптор Брунеллескі . Він having created architecture for the spirit tsilkom svitsku, vishukano simple, with harmony proportions. At yogo sporudy nybi zovsim znikaє vidchuttya vagi kamenyu, proverivu materialu.

Masaccio, Donatello and Brunelleschi pratsyvali at the first half of the XV century. In Florence. Florentіyska School of the XV century. Obsessed with proivodnoyu. Vona bula laboratory of artistic works, yaki pidhoppluvali and crushed the school. Florencia, її mystetztvo vihovali spravzhnіh innovators - technicians, artists. The stinkers pravnuli nasliduvati nature, one їхні do not boule forgive її копіями.

Nastvzichajno the great value majstri florentіs'koї schools nadvali rel'efnosti, yaku vvazhali one iz narizhnyh kamenіv rensansnoї izmennogo progryami, vzjazyanaї with pererbudovoj sistemi the artist's bachennya. In a new way vidchuvati svit - meant in a new way yogo bachiti. Lyudina do Vidrodzhennia hoti vobiiti svit yak realu arena svoїh dіy.