Culturology - Gritsenko TB

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), singing, bolshee, nizh be-yakogo іншого діяча Vіdrogenja stоsuється поняття homo universale. Tsja nazvichayna lyudina knew everything і all vmіla - everyone knew how to change into a yoga dob; In addition, vinobachiv Bagano chogo, about shcho yogo dobu navit and not thought. So, vin obmirkovuvav design lіtalnogo апарата і, наскільки мос судити з його рисунків, yomu slept on the gum of the helikopter. Leonardo Buv is a painter, sculptor, architect, writer, musician, theoretician of mysticism, Vijskovym engineer, winesman, mathematician, anatomist and fiziologist, botanic ... Prichomu in science busy zinlashavsya mittsem, so yak in mysticism was filled with a messenger and vchem.

Leonardo da Vinci Buv an illegitimate blue florentiyskogo notariiusa, which gave a sinov chudovu osvitu.

Close to 1480 р. Міланський царь Лодовіко Sforza зібрав з усієї Італії витінних діячів науки і мистецтва. Sered інших його вибір falling on Leonardo da Vinci. Pid hour perebuvannya at Lodoviko Sforza Leonardo da Vinci worked on the colossal cousin statue of the duke's father. Її planned to continue with the bronze for Leonardo's form, alle realizu tsei zasum pereskodil vinyna. Coles of the French took Malan, gaskonski pages vibrations of the horse robot Leonardo da Vinci mishennu for uchbovih pіlb.

At the same time, the pen of the boule painted the picture of Leonardo da Vinci "Taєmna Vecherya", yaka zmushuє divuvatis інтелектуальній силі artistі, дає уявлення about those, наскільки ретельно він розмірковував over the sunny conception and over the skin detail. Tse velichnaznaya fresco, on yakіy fіguri written in півтора times as large as natural value. Now about the її detail it is possible to rewrite the Lisha for the addition of numerical copies. "Taєmna Vecherya" is the butt of a wise rose of laws in a monumental painting.

З творів останнього дванцятиліття життя Леонардо найвідоміший - " Mona Lisa " (" La Gioconda "). Tse portrait adhering and adhering to yourself with respect. The author creating an image of a penetrating, gossipy, saw human personele: to lie down at the clock, local time for an hour in the untouched mayge does not matter, so itself, yak at blakitnomu "mysyachnoy" landscape, above yakim Panu Mona Lisa. Uneasy visions obozchya Djokondi z її pilnim look, at yakimu - Trochy posmishki, troki ironuї, trohi chogos. Yoga can not be visualized, so yak is stored in the bagatical svitlotinovih nuances. " Sfumato " is a new serpent svitlotini, so much in love with Leonardo, it's here to create a diva, nadauchi neruyomomu portretu vnutrishny zhittya, scho pereperivno protyka in chasі.

Painting Leonardo da Vinci "Bogomatyr with Christ" vіdoma takozh pіd nazvoyu "Madonna Litti." Bogomatіr is visibly seated in the middle of the two small napivkruglih vikon near the chervona hilton and blue cloak. Ochі її napіvopuschenі i іdivatsya na nevlya, yakogo vona godaє. Nemovlya Ісус has turned ochі to a glance і тримає in руці a little пташку, що символізує його майбутні страждання. On іншій picturesі Leonardo "Holy Family" теж ображена Діва Марія з Сином, Йосипом і Св.Катериною з пальмовою гілкою і книгою в руках.

" Madonna at the grotto " - a great picture, but for the format, it's a type of renaissance: a rostrum, top of the rounds. The goal of enlargement in the Renaissance painting format. The picture of the Renaissance is tse podoba up vykna, vikna u svit. Svit, scho u ynomu vidkrivaevatsya, - zbіlsheny, velichavi, urochisty, bіlsh urochisty, nіzh spravzhnіy, ale nastіlki z realny, takiy, schо maє vrazhati sієyu podіbnіstyu vіdobrazhennya u dzerkalі