Culturology - Gritsenko TB

8.3. Romanticism is one of the basic estetic and svitoglyadnih models of XIX century.

8.3.1. The basic principle of romanticism is the artistic and artistic straightness

From the year 1815 r. І to the revolution 1848-1849 рр. In the cultural life of Europe, the fall of romance. Termin "Romanticism" Spotchatka zastosovavsya before Literaturna, pisnіshe tse ponatitta poishilosya on muziku takuyvatotrechno misterstvo

On vidminu vіd klasytsizmu, yakiy spirovalsya on chitko rozroblenu teoriiu, the system is strictly regulated by rules, romanticism of such theories is not mav. Already the henchmen, and the potpies of the addicts had a hard time contributing to the term of the rare zmist. Багатоманітність явищ, які були об'єднані цим поняттям, протиріччя естетичного, філософського і політичного nature, притаманні поглядам романтиків, given привід піддати сумніву необхідність і правочинність such об'єднуючого терміну.

In this way, romanticism was stored in the atmospheric serioznyh ідейних zrusen, scho відбувалися у Європі на межі XVIII-XIX ст. Crisis and ideology Просвітництва почалася ще in роки Французької революції. Clearly, the truth was that the firmament of prosecution was close to the triumph of principles in the rose, the justice of justice. Ці розчарування відобрабралися in the images of romantic heroes, kotiri buly infested with melancholy, soulful tight, "all-sorrowful grief," in the images of rebellious, voluntarily natures, who were devastated by the spiritual desires of the high spiritual pragnens that nedoskonalistyu svitu. The Spirit of the Suzal Zapperchennya naypovnishe i nayaskravlyshe vtilivsya at Byron's Creativity.

We will celebrate with a sap of romantic criticism of disinostliness, grotesque , satire, friendship . Goughman and Heine were visually visceral. Cі літератори висміювали убогість та обмеженість міщан-бюргерів. Romanticism uzagali criticizing the anti-political, prozachny character of the bourgeois zhittvevogo arrange. However, the significance of romanticism was rampant in the shirshim, nizh rebellion of the government and that of classicism. The romanticism of the Buv revolutions, the democratic movements, the ideals, the revolutions of 1830, the national-liberation and nationally common people's rumors of that hour. Borotba specializes in the people for freedom, for her own rights she has exhilarated such eminent mitzvos of the epoch, as poets and writers Shelli, Byron, Stendhal, artists Delacroix, Ryud * 44.

* 44: {European art of the XIX century. 1789-1871. Monuments of world art. - Вып. VI (series one). - Moscow: Art, 1975. - P. 13.}

Romantics vidknuli interannichi literary canons of classicism, gossiped the freedom of freedom artistic creativity. The special meaning of the stench was given to uyavi, fantasies, ale at the time of the vimagali історичної достовірності.

Vinic novi genre Literature - historical novel ( Walter Scott ), z'avivsya broad interest before the virazhennya high moral ideals. At the foot of the ґrunti viniklo heavily before the vivshanya folklore - "arhivu narodiv, yak nazivav yogi nimetsky romantic poet Herder . З поетизацією національного минулого по'язані чисельні видання народных пісень, легенд, казок, епічних поем, словників національної мови.

Great value for the European people is little zatsitskavlennya romanticism natsionalnymi traditional, popular moovy, zvichayami, podiyam past. Writers-romantics vikrili єropektsyam ideializane not at the moment, zatsikavili mandra (DF Kuper "Ostannii z mogikan"), piznannyaam nevidomogo. Romanticism fostered the emergence of populist popular genres (the birthplace of professional journalism and criticism of E.Po), vokkriv novy mozmolisti for the creative experiment (folk narratives brotherhood in the recordings of Ya. And V.Grim , the narrative-fantasies of E.Goffman). The great feat of romanticism was the French writing of V. Hugo (1802-1885). Heroes of the yogo romaniv ("The Cathedral of the Parish of Our Lady", "Zdedoleni", "Lyudina, scho smiєtsya") nadileny can power spirit, building on self-sacrifice, пере peremozitsy obstavin і creators of the imperious shchastya.

Romanticism of the Buv is not only artistic, but a virazh of the special light, but resisting the radicalism of the eighteenth century, especially the mood, the rocks of the burgeoning sublimes of the epicurean epoch. Romanticism evolytsіonuvav at once zepoyuyu, i tsya evolyutsіya bula folding and superperforming, such a boule itself is the hour of the day. In the circumstances of the political repressions, the mystery of the naked bulo was the диdinit pritulkom, the secrets in the mysteries could have known the protest against the protest of the zhorostoky dysnost. Thus, the people of Hugo, the heroic symphonic cantatas of Berlios, were rebellious, the husband of Jericho, Delacroix and Ryud was spoiled by the husband's drama. Especially in the music industry, the creative work of Beethoven is borrowed, the prophetic of the tragic prototyping of the rebellious human spirit is whispered to those energetic and energetic forces. Creativity tsikh maystrіv so itself, yak і їхнє життя, - це вічний бій з сил реакції. Їхнє мистецтво втілило гнівний protest поління, що було ошукане у своїх сподіваннях. Zvidsy spirit of rebellion, active prototyborstvo, scho poednuvali hour arc of the redness of the artist's artistic life. Tse polum'yaniy zaklik to liberty and justice, zaklik before dyevogo gumanizmu vilivsya bespodzhnyi spiritual ruch, scho nayaskravlyshe vyaviv himself in the forms of a romantic mystery.

The heroic romanticism of the buli was vague and special. Їx вирізняв ліризм, самотність, здатність до жертовності, до бунту. Real obnastani zhittya people mayzhe ne tsikavili romantikіv. Яскраві, неординарні характеристикиїїхніх геров were bent on ninety stihії nature, суспільник shaken, old-age podіі історії. Romantic hero buv samotnim. Such are the visions of Giaur, Korsar, Kane, Manfred from George Gordon Byron (Hero of "Singing" and "Manfred"), Conrad Wallenrod in Adam Mickiewicz, Ryuy Blaz at Victor Hugo, mandrivnyi musician Ernst. People burhlivih titanic predilections, rebellion - the hero of Persia Bisi Shelli, a friend of Byron ("Rebellion to Islam," "Prometheus").

In the 30-40-rd. In romanticism, it is meaningful. Warehouse literalnaya current, in the first plan appeared the beginning. Nove pokolinnya romantikіv vidriznyalosya optimisticheskim look at Maybutne, spivchuttyam to pribooblenyh, active vidstoyuyannnyam ідеалів правди і fairness. The successors of "the people's spring" and the revolution of 1848 r. Polichnichny motivities in the mystic became domestic. Mitzi in the regions, yakis fought for nationalism, often peretovyuvalysya na national symbols (composers F.Shopen, F.List, D.Verdi , the poet A.Mitskevich , S.Petefi). Drama and the novels of Hugo and Georges Sand prosyaknutі vperchuttyam plyazkogo vidrodzhennya vnasledok revolutij narіv Єvropi.

Romantic zagal billysh depicting that bagatogrannomu - artistic and fіlofoskomu - пізнанню сіта й people in the power of his superpersonals. Romantics zbagatili culture of the New Hour with meaningful spiritual values ​​and prokali new novyi її rozvitku.

In dramaturgії Prosper Merіme (zbіrka p'єs "Theatre Clary Gasul") Romantic rebellion zamіneno gostrokritichnim i navit satirical The images personazhіv Svoge hour (i ofіtseri soldiers Shpigun, nobles rіznih pangiv i ctany, svіtskі rows i soldatskі girlfriend rabinі, villagers). Tse strong people, they were back in vinyatkovyh situatsii і zvershut nezvichainі spravi. However vvazhati їh heroes romantichnoї nuclei still not possible - at p'єsah Absent cult silnoї іndivіdualnostі, protistavlenoї suspіlstvu before Well Stranger's romantic heroes of Sorrow i rozcharuvannya. Ta th Authors іронія знижує романтичний настрій героїв.

The first leader of Romanticism was Ferdinand Víctor Eugene Delacroix . Subject yogo creatives led up to the discus, adge mitets not bypassing the tragic scenes of the revolutionary sub-Pershoy half of the XIX century. In Європі. Vzhe yogi persha robot "Choven Dante" viklikala vogon criticism, ale її із seizure sprivnyav Zheriko. Postatі grіshnikіv, SSMSC chіplyayutsya for barge on tlі pekelnogo Syayvo vognіv, klasichno pravilnі, ale they vіdchuvaєtsya velichezna vnutrіshnya mogutnіst, pohmurіst i prirechenіst terrible.

Delacroix is ​​not a romantic by himself. Romanticism was criticized for the non-conformity of the picture and composition, for the presentation of style and smell, for naslinduvannya rough naturi tochno. Wanting the principle of romanticism, the bullets were broken up by Hugo and Stendhal, in an educated mystery of wars, they were not imagined with progamy. Sh.Bodler saying that romanticism is not a style, it is not a picturesque manner, but a pioneer emotional warehouse ... ". I spravdі, usіh romantikіv sporіdnyuvalo, nasampered, Especially representations to dіysnostі - pragnennya virvatisya s prozaїchnoї budennostі, hate to mіschanstva to obivatelskogo zhivotіnnya, the cult of strong attachments, vіdchuttya samotnostі, nepriynyattya unіfіkatsії Mistetstvo. I nevertheless tse the artistic rushes, існував, і Delakrua після виставки його картини "Різня на Хіосі" becoming the yogi leader. Acts pictures of Delacroix from the revolution 1830 р. Tse alegorichna kompozitsіya "Freedom on the barricade" ( "Freedom, yak Veda people"), yak kritikuvali yak lіvі (for kompromіs - poєdnannya real item s alegorichnoyu form of freedom), so i pravі (za nadmіrny democracy, nazivayuchi "Freedom," "his bare dіvkoyu , Yak vtekla z vyaznitsі ").

Otzhe, mystetztvo geroichnogo Romantism Franzіі отримувало натхнення від ідей сучасності, was living in the forefront of thoughts and voices. At the hour of the people's uprising, in the revolutionary hour artists pugnuli bouti worthy of his epoch. Tsekosuyut takozh і mystetstva sculptures. Nesamovita і beautiful sculptural group "Marseilles" François Rüda (inserted on the Triumphalian Paris Paris) is born of the genie of the rebellious people.

The role of mystic romanticism lies in the genres, which gives the artist the opportunity to show the life of the susceptibility to the zenith of the yogi superpersonality. The I Hoca tsogo portrait vnaslіdok not Ziman in ієrarhії zhanrіv provіdnu pozitsіyu, but yogo rozvitku boule svoї harakternі osoblivostі scho about svіdchili basis rozumіnnya rolі osobistostі in suspіlstvі. In the center of the respect of French masters of romantic portraits - living images, їхній розвиток у чаі, пристрасті, емоції, настроі.