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8.2.2. Anglіya

Mistetstvo th architecture Anglії, yak i all її spirituality Zhittya in tsіlomu, vіdznachayutsya dvoїstim, superechlivim character. Here nabagato ranіshe, nіzh in іnshih kraїnah Єvropi, vinikli deyakі novі vіyannya in hudozhnіy tvorchostі, novatorskі rіshenyaya in arhіtekturі th budіvnitstvі. However nerіdko tsі peredovі tendentsії not nabuvali away i vsebіchnogo rozvitku. Anglіya, headaches rank, deprivation visuvala th put hudozhnі problems and virіshuvati їh vipadalo vzhe іnshim kraїnam, naychastіshe Frantsії

Architecture Anglії kіntsya XVIІI - pershoї tretini XIX century.

Promyslova coup in Anglії rozpochavsya scho slit in 1760 pp. i viklikav zrostannya mіst, poznachivsya, in Perche Cherga on rozvitku budіvnitstva th arhіtekturi. Vіdkrittya at the Branch metalurgії sprichinili wider vikoristannya metal music in budіvnitstvі. Zrostannya the agriculture zv'yazkіv suprovodzhuvalosya Institution naprikіntsі XVIII century. novih for materіalom i for type budіvel - arkovih i Balkova chavunnih i zalіznih mostіv. Metalevі konstruktsії zastosovuyutsya i when i zavodіv zvedennі factories. Podіbne budіvnitstvo Bulo parafієyu іnzhenerіv, not architects, but the results are not passed otrimanі bezslіdno. On vіdmіnu od іnshih єvropeyskih kraїn, anglіyska kіntsya architecture XVIII - XIX century cob. demonstruє rozmaїttya stilovih napryamіv.

Klasitsistichnі th romantichnі tendentsії in arhіtekturі

Classicism, scho in 1760-1780 pp. podaruvav in anglіyskіy arhіtekturі low temple dosyagnen on mezhі stolіt mayzhe currently vicherpuє. Ominuvshi stadіyu ampіru, architecture go abo to pryamoї іmіtatsії antique zrazkіv, zaymayuchis on sutі stilіzatorstvom, abo to learn nagromadzhennya s Classics forms, scho vzhe provіschalo eklektiku. Odnochasno іsnuvav i strongly neogotichny ruh, scho slit zarodivsya seredinі in the XVIII century. Nerіdko odnі th Ti x Maistrov buduvali in fact i in іnshomu stilі. Tvorchіst dvoh vidatnih architects tsogo hour, John Nash i John Soane, naochno demonstruє usyu bagatomanіtnіst napryamіv.

Yakscho in Rann proektі Anglіyskogo bank Soane virazno vіdchuvaєtsya reliance on antique spadok i slіduvannya іdealam classicism, the Yogo sporudi cob of the XIX century. (Museum Dulvіch-koledzhі in Londonі, Vlasnyi Budinok in Londonі) in yakih boule slit all vikoristanі okremі klasichnі form, provіschayut mayzhe on tsіle stolіttya forward arhіtekturu modernity.

W dіyalnіstyu Nash pov'yazany velichezny mіstobudіvelny project - Zabudova kvartalіv in londonskomu West endі, aristocratic rayonі stolyci. Pochinayuchi s p 1812, on galyavinі dvoh mіskih parkіv -. Rіdzhent Park is the St. Park - sporudzhuyutsya feshenebelnі zhitlovі budinki in traditsіynіy for Anglії terasnіy sistemі, tobto complex bagatopoverhovih іzolovanih apartments pov'yazanih єdinim Dovgy facade. Obidva zelenі masivi pov'yazanі zabudovanoyu Nash vulitseyu - Rіdzhent-strіt. In svoєmu ansamblі architect zvertavsya to form classicism, vikoristovuyuchi galereї s bagatma columns, porticos th lodzhії.

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