Culturology - Gritsenko TB


Formulation of the basic principles of romanticism. Group "Storm and onslaught"

Vvazhaetsya, scho Same Nimecchina gave zhittya to romanticism, having pereduknuvshis such rank on the suburb of the Great French Revolution. Prothechi is not the first to formulate the principles of Romanticism with the name of Yogan Gottfried Herder - a philosopher, an historian, a literalist, an up-and-coming natchnik and an active participant in the group " Storm and onslaught." Tse oseredok, a kind of poednuvav kilkok vidatnih nimetskih litatorov, vinik blizko 1775 r. The ambitious participants of the whole group called themselves "beard geniuses" abo "suckers." Already the suurmeri were hanged, the ones that were romped by the romantics of the nineteenth century: History in the cultural manifestations, national self-ownership of the literature of the skin people, is respected to the people's creativity, the cult of the inmostity of creativity. Naiviznachnishim predstavnikom "Burі th onslaught" buv Johann Wolfgang Goethe , cotry nalezhit yak XVIII, so І XIX stolits.

The creativity of Goethe pevnoyu mіrou zv'yala lyoteratura tsikh dvoh stolіit і zalishilas nayaskravіshim virazhennyam not tilki svoeї epoki, a i sієєї tranіїї New hour. At pyсi "Burі th onslaught" - шюрмерстві - було дещо від наступних етапiв, які little pass мистецтво. Stiermerstvo poednalo sentimentalizm z bagatma rice pre-romanticism. Rozumna, chitko okreslena form zdalasya "buremny geniiyam" shkochoyu for misterstva. The spirit of "The Burial of the Onslaught" nasnazhiv "Rozbіynikiv" of the eminent Nimets poet and playwright Friedrich Schiller * 45.

* 45: {Українська і зарубіжна culture: Навч. Посіб. / M.M. Zakovich, I.A. O.Zyayun Semashko tan; For Ed. M.M. Zakovich. - К .: "Znannya", the KO, 2000. - P. 252.}

Aesthetics and Literature of the Romanticism of Rome

The romanticism of Nimets , the vicar of the boundary of the 1790s and the 1800s, was depicted with a fictional character. The yogi of the estetik was stored in the "Ievskii gurku", which was formulated in the 18th century. At the little town of Ieni, near Weimar. The leading theoreticians of the romantic romanticism were brothers August-Vielgelm and Friedrich Schlegel.

In the romantic romance of a bouquet, one of the lovers of genres. Vsesvitnogo glory healed folk casts, recorded by the publishers Grimm -Jakob and Wilhelm. The Roman-kazka "Genrikh von Ofterdiningen" of the poem Novalis (Friedrikha von Hardenberg) is covered by the re-genic and patriarchal themes and melancholism. Novalіs was browfully surviving the collapse of the old, feudal ones. Yom wanted to zupini hour, zberegti navyki old-time castles, patriarchal zvichy.

Vidatnoj postaktyu at thatchasnym nimetskij literaturnyu buv Ernest Teodor Amadeus Gofman . Він having mastered the chimerness, smyshnі i vodnochas tragіchnі pіghіnі romany ("3olotiy gorshchik", "Життєва філософія Кота Myppa ...", "Крихітка Цахес"). Tsey the writer just zadhivsya in zadushlivіі atmospheric Nemechchini pothar XIX st.

The creativity of the great Heiman poetic Heine - tse i nachudud tonka lirika ("The Book of Nice"), is pre-kol'tnna polichnichna satire (book of prose "Dorozhny kaptini", the poem "Nimecchina. 3imova kazka"), thrones, zavdyaki yakі boolo podlagno romantizm i iz nato The main topic is real life.

Musical misterstvo

Lyudvig van Beethoven - nayvidatnishy composer pershoy halves of the ХІХ century. Creativity Beethoven rіnnіmі мірою належить німецькій та австрійській музичній школам. Beethoven pratsyuvav at bugatooh muzichnih genres i yogo vnesok to rozvitku kozhny z chikh zhinrіv it is important to overestimate. Velichne znachennya small creativity of Beethoven and for becoming romantic in music.

Beethoven pіdnіs музичне мистецтво on небувалу up to ynogo visota. Він вклад у уоого глибокі, серйозні ідеї. Pishuchi music for the broad masses of the masses, the composer pragnuv zbabiti її zagalodostnonuyu.

Beethoven's creations have miraculously and heroically written, і skilful, ibbled zeal to battle, and in the world of Maybutne. At its muzytsі vіn vtіlі і revolutionary revolutions, і kraschі pragnennya, poteutty i perezhvannya peredovih people oh chasu. For the virazhennya of the new zmistu Beethoven, the vichorist of the great muzichny forms (symphonies, sonaties, concerts, quartets, etc.), in the fundamentals of which lie obovyazykov zistavlennya parton і tem, rіznih for its character.

Symphonies of Beethoven. Z sієєї creativity Beethoven varto, насамперед відзначити дев'ять симфоій, серед яких особыля виділяються 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th. They nayaskravyše viraženo heroic pragnennya Beethoven, yogo blizkist up to the people, vira in mnevu, at izmogu justice. The middle of the heroic creativity of Beethoven is necessary for the yogi music before the tragedy of Goethe "Egmont".

Franz Schubert . All living and creative shli tzogo mittsya buv spyvneny superechnosti, yakі є characteristic for all artists, romantics in the era. Schubert vіdomіy not tіlki yak author of monstrous songs and vocal ensembles, аle yak author of creative works - chamber orchestras: symphonies, strings ensembles, creations for piano. Franz Schubert is one of the most popular composers. Yogi music is charuot with its own prudence, a living truth, vizraznistyu and simplicity.

Vidatnymi masters of the opera genre in Nimecchini ХІХ st. Bule composer Weber, (opera "Charivni strilets"), Wagner (opera "Loengrin", "Tannhäuser", "Ring of Nobelungiv") that іn.

Інструментальна музика

In the XIX century. The order of symphonies, sonatas of the genre of the past ñ it's not a great thing to create a lyric, but a unique dance character. For the creative work of composers, romanticism, the characteristic of fiction, kazkosty, imagery, programming. Їхні create often close to folk themes, to nature. Create a nerve as you do not seem to collapse and become a cycle. These are, for example, the piano cycle of Schumann's "Carnival" and "Metelicki", the Schubert cycle "Exprotti" and "Musical Moments."

Robert Schumann . Tse nimetsky composer-romanticist pisav zdebylshogo piano, create, singing and romance. Mensh vіdomі yogo simfonії. Yogo creative creativity svoeridno podednuvali vidobrazhennya nakkolishnogo zhittya fantasy. Кілька своїх творів він називає "Фантастичними п'єсами". For the creators of Schuman, contrasts are characteristic: porevnaniya porivschastystі, burzhlivogo mood and nіzhnostі, задушевності, мрійності. Дуже цікавий його "Carnival" і "Meteliki". At sacred progress, with "Carnaval", musical images of masks are cursed with dances. "Album for junatstva" і "Dityachi stage" Shumana - tse zbirniki p'єs, jaskravih, riznomannichnyh zmistom, available for children. Great popularity nabuv takozh kvinette Schuman.