Culturology - Gritsenko TB

8.4.1. The basic principle of realistic method

Realism yak artnichnym method peredachaє truthfully vidobrazhennya realy diznostі, truthfulness vіdvitrennya not less than details, a th typewriter character in typified obchastinah.

The creativity of the representations of the artistic artist was strained to broaden the scope of the problems, and they were poddavalisya analiza: psychologic manifestation of human characters, motivated heroes, svit speeches and nature. The forefathers of this world were not kidding, but the truth. Їхній творчості притаманний більший аналітизм, чіткість і concreteність at vislyulyuvannah, жорстке руйнування ілюзій, тісний зв'язок з concreteю ситуацією і обставинами.

Realism to introduce the new principle of the formality , type , if the types have obscured the disinformation of the types of heroes. It is permissible for the mittsi to write down to the principle of a new booklet for literary figures - the people's form is social and the middle, for midnight, for the time being, the middle peasant was inundated with jar. To show the "dark realm" "depreciation and scriptwich", scho boo "peresichnoyu podiєyu" for that hour sospilstva, vikoristovuvali satire, comedy.

Mistetsky and artistic realities fought with a pompous rosuminu with soupessels, wives in which I lived, robed a man's face, dopomagali glibshe zrozumіti mіnlivy svit.

Prozovy novel in Literature giving you the opportunity to create wide literary canvases, to show heroes in the course of bugatok rocky yogi zhottya, rozroblyati dekilka naruzhetnyh linii. In the English language, the realities of the bully Ch. Dikkens ("Pribody Olivera Tvista", "Kramnitsa vintage"), U. Teckherei ("Fairs of the piha"). Booms zmalylyvali provenniy bourgeois stnspilstva, a kind of booze of zaklopotanii its dribnimi problems.

Evropeyskoy glory zdobula creativity of the French maestro Realism Stendhal ( Anri Mari Beyle ,) especially zavodyaki yogo novels "Chervone i chorne" and "Parmska abode." O. de Balzac having created the encyclopedia of the daily yomu sospilstva, obednavshi act like a cycle "Lyudska komedіya." Yomu no law is introduced the role of the leader of the realistic school of the Persian half of the XIX century. The novel G. Flaubert ("Madame Bovary", "Vihovannya pocuttiv") was flickering in popularity. Rosіyskiy realizm tsіого perіоду відзначався гострим аналізом Moral problems: L. Tolstoy ("Війна і мир", "Аннa Кареніна"), F.Dostoevsky ("3lochin i pokarannya").