Culturology - Gritsenko TB


Addition of the ХІХ century. In the Ukrainian literary art is a complex of traditional and innovation in the literary process, the generality of the ideological and esthetic laws. At Qiu Dobou Bula target lіteraturna Classics such її Fundator, yak І.Kotlyarevsky, G.Kvіtka-Osnov'yanenko, Shevchenko, P.Kulіsh, M. Kostomarov, Marco Vovchok, Yu.Fedkovich, І.Nechuy-Levytskyj, Panas Mirny, M.Staritsky, I.Franko ta ін. Наприкінці ХІХ ст. From one side, to complete the table top of the digest of the newest and latest news, and to make sure of the new yakisnі rsis, but to nabuvayut rozvitku piznishe - in the twentieth century.

Yak i in іnshih єvropeyskih lіteraturah (schopravda s Pevnyi vіdstavannyam in chasі, ale bіlsh priskoreno) in doshevchenkіvsky perіod ukraїnskoї lіteraturi skladaєtsya prosvіtitelsky realіzm, sentimentalism, preromantizm i romanticism yak osnovnі lіteraturnі eg i stilі, formuєtsya new Rodova poezії system, Drama nd hudozhnoї prose that Її провідні жанри, зароджується літературно-естетична та літературно-крична думка, з'являються яскраві творчі індивідуальності. Literature process in the first ten years of the ХІХ century. Zagalom rozvivaetsya pіd mozhnіnim vplyvі іде національно-культурный відродження, ідеології просвітництва і романтизму та за змістом and інтерніми forms nabuvaє sign iѕ new yовропейської літератури.

Західноукраїнські землі

Natsionalno-kulturne vidrodzhennya in zahіdoukraїnskih the grounds першої половині ХІХ ст. Vidbuvalosya in the minds of the stronghold of the national gnitu zboku polskogo panstva y avstriyskogo admіnistratsії in Scihdniy Galichin, rumunizatsii Bukovinі t madyarizatsії na Zakarpatty. That, nezvazhayuchi on tse, at the people shche lived spagady about slavetno walk B. Khmelnitsky, pisnі about vatazhkiv rebellion S. Naliwika, M.3aliznyaka, I. Gontu. Vodnochas ukrainez zberigali in motivities, zvichajah, rituals and notes of the traditional spiritual culture to the people.

On zahіdoukraїnskih lands at the time of the proseharok osvichchenoi young Buv do not know. І all the okremії її predstavniki tsіkavilisya to the people's lives, mob, zvichayami that folklore of the Ukrainian people. Pid vlivom іde romanticism stink vivchali people creativity, recorded її, vyavlyali zhiviy Іnteres to української літератури. Through the accession of national organizations and organizations such activists were represented by the representatives of the Greek Catholic clergy. M.Grushevskiy pidkreslyuvav, scho Greco-Catholic Church "became for Zakhidnoy Ukrainy the same national church, as if the church was Orthodox in front of the boule."

The middle of the foremost representatives of the Ukrainian Catholic clergy overturned the witches of the Metropolitan of Lviv (from 1816 r.), And the zodom of the cardinal (the first cardinal-Ukrainian), Mikhail Levitsky. Bihn dba about the organization of the Ukrainian school, having seen the catechesis and the alphabet for the people's shkil. M. Levitsky at once with canon Іvan Mogilnitsky having fallen asleep in 1816 р. in Peremishlі tickle in the Galichinі cultural osvіtnє "Tovaristvo Halytska Greek katolitskih svyaschenikіv" in statutі yakogo zaznachalosya scho book "toil Buti napisanі ... folk movoyu, uzhivanoyu on villages," dwellers neosvіchene gromadyanstvo could їh vikoristovuvati.

3 цією метою І. Mogilnitsky publikuvav 1816 р. Zrozumiloyu for the people I can read the book "Science Christian", and 1817 р. - "Letters of Slovenian-Russian Yazyk." In 1822 the river. Vin first writing "Grammar of the language of Slovene-Rus', and in the science of" Vidomist o ruskom jazitsi "(1829), bringing self-reliance of Ukrainian art. Tsya pratsya dvichi was seen (1837, 1848) with a brooch. Період розвитку української культури 1816-1830 рр. І. Franco vyznachiv yak svitanok natsionalnogo vidrodzhennya Ukrainki from Galicia, scho, yogo dumku, buv "trivalim and cold." In the course of an hour, an hour passed, a book, a brochure of small leaflets, friends of the Cyrillic, church church, far away from the people.


Masovomu otvegzhennyu Ukrainskoy in Feodor Galichin spied on the drive to live the life, and not to stove Ukrainians, but it was burned in the 1830s. The spit їй has been drugged with Polish Polish vkcimi Polish alphabet (latin) of Ukrainian folk songs. They hurried to go to the Polish alphabet.

ІІroti zastosuvannya polskogo alfavіtu schodo ukrajins'koho letter GOSTR acted as Markіyan Shashkevych, having seen yaky brochure "ABC abetsadlo i" is the writing on the criticality retsenzіyu brochure Y.Lozinskogo "Ruskoє vіsіlє" Vidanov nezrozumіloyu movoyu for ordinary people. So rozgornulasya in Galicia, "alphabet veina", scho was conducted right up to the end of the twentieth century.

In obstoyuvannі Ukrainian Language, rozvitku ukraїnskoї lіteraturi that vzagalі ukraїnskoї culture in Galichinі on vlasnіy osnovі, yak vіdobrazhala Zhittya, sposіb mislennya i soul ukrajins'koho people, great merit nalezhit gurtku "Ruskіy trіytsі". One z її зановників - Яків Головацьккий Writing: "If the Galicians were in the 30s of the рr. They took the bullets of the Polish "abetsadlo", the bi-nationality of the people disappeared, the bi-Ukrainian (Ukrainian) spirit disappeared. "

The literary work of " Ruska tritytsya " boulo barrels of 1833 r. Progressively pinned by students of the Lviv Spiritual Seminar Markiyan Shashkevych, Ivan Vagilevich and Yakov Golovatsky. Ці молоді й талановиті патріоти своєю діяльністю зачатковують справжнє національно-культурне відродження Galichini, переміщуючи центр національного відродження галицьких українців з Перемишля до Львова. Gurtok prisnuvav to the back of the 1840's. І припинив сво діяльність 1843 р. M. Shashkevich's death.
"Ruska triytsya" is very important in borrowing a cultural-proshtnitskoyu diyalnistyu, hocha vlada tsju diyalnist vvazhala sparrow. Zokrema, the head of the lion's policy, is so desirous of hanging as follows: "I want to resurrect madness ... dead rusinski nationality".

Попри всі залякування, задяки налеглегливості і цілеспрямомоності "Руської трійці" for the sake of the dyaches of the Serbian people, the bouleau is seen by the literary almanac "Rusalka Dnistrova" (Budapest, 1837).

"Rusalku Dnistrovu" tsisarsky cadet corps. Lisha 250 із 1000 примирників order-bearers have seized to sell, to give to friends that to save for themselves, it was decidedly confiscated

Nayznachnіshy vnesok in ukraїnske natsіonalne Renaissance, in that probudzhennya rozvitok natsіonalnoї svіdomostі rusinіv-ukraїntsіv on 3akarpattі Zroby Oleksandr Dukhnovych - pismennik, teacher, іstorik, etnograf, folklorist, the Greek katolitsky The priest. Bihn vidav for ukrayntsіv rіdnoju мовою мотовю мотовю мотовю мотовю мотовю мотовю мотовю мотовю мотовю мотовю мотовю мотовю мотовю мотовю мотовю мотовю мотовю мотовю мотовю мотовю м. O. Dukhnovich zbiriv Ukrainians folk songs, sleeping "Literary Institute of Pryashevskoe" (1850), yak zdіysnyuvalo means the population of the cultural and osnovnu robot. Bihn wrote a number of patriotic trips to the people's monastery, p'yos tochno. Nayvidomishuyu travel, de sound yogo credo, є "Vruchaniye."