Фінансовий менеджмент банку - Primostka L.O.


The main meta process is the management of the loan portfolio to the bank of the field in the undefined maximum income for the pivot of the country. Rіvenь дохідності of the loan portfolio to be stored in the structure of the portfolio's voucher, as well as in the rate of loan interest rates. On the form structure of the loan portfolio, the bank is vividly specifying the sector of the market, which is serviced by the bank. For the specialization of banks, the structure of the loan portfolio is concentrated in the singles of the economy. For mortgage banks, it is characteristic ─ dovgostroke credit. In the structure of the loan portfolio, the most reliable banks are able to transfer their loans to those individuals.

Obnag and the structure of the loan portfolio to the bank are identified by such chinniki:

  • Розмір to the bank (каіталу);
  • Rules reguljuvannya bankівської діяльності;
  • Oficial credit policy to the bank;
  • Досвід і кваліфікація менеджерів;
  • Рівень дохідності різних напрямків розміщення коштів.

The value of the capitalist bank of the world is vplyvaet on the zagalnyh otnag zabluenih ta prepositional kostyv, and ozhe, і on rozmіr credit resources. Maximum rozmіr okremoї pozhki теж vіznachaєtsya the size of the capital. Kapital bank vikorostvuyutsya vstanovlennenny lіmіtіv and obmezhen in the process of reguljuvannya credit and bankruptcy.

The National Bank of Ukraine has introduced a number of obligations to the credit institutions, which are to be redeemed at the bank (document 10). Otzhe, rozmіr kapіtalu bank viznachaє otsyg ta structure of yogo loan portfolio.

Якість a loan portfolio суттєво впливає на рівень ризиковості та надійності bank, that саме creditna діяльність підлягає нормалюванню з боку оргаів нагляду в багатох країнах. It is established that this normative, and so the rules of regulation of the banking and financial institutions play a significant role in the process of formulating the loan portfolio.

Credit policy to the bank viznachaet priorytitny strained credit, and takozh credit cards, yaki not to enter the credit portfolio. One and the same loan can not meet the basic motives of the credit policy of one bank, but it is priceless for one's money.

One of the rules of credit management is that the bank is not guilty of nadavati lending, but it can not be proficiently financed by the bank. Otzhe, досвід, кваліфікація та спеціалізація credit pratsіvnikіv takozh vplyvayut on the characteristics of the loan portfolio to the bank.

In the form of structuring, the bank has a virishal factor є rіvenь дохідності кожного вида активів. ALE visoka dohіdnіst, as a rule, to be superintendent in a high рівким ризику, to that management the bank neobhіdno vrahuvati abusive factor. Якщо рівень дохідності різних видів активівapproximately nova, then the transfer of nadaetsya naymensh rizikovim naprimku rozmіschennia koshtiv. With such a spread of the loan portfolio, the bank can be changed to a cir- culation of the portfolio of new shares on the basis of the performance of other types of active operations.

In Ukraine, introduced in the OBDP, before the financial crisis, in 1998, the low risk and the middle of the income were reduced (approximately to the level of return on credit opera- tions), the bankruptcy of the banks overstretched its own activi- ties by swallowing the portfolio of local paperns for a raznok of loaned loans. In the period of crisis, the risk of such banks has grown significantly, and the financial host has perished.

Formuyuchi loan portfolio, management of the bank zvichayno keruyetsya rule - vidavati tі credit, yakі to bring the maximum amount for your new minds. Дохідність кредитної операції визначається рівнем відсоткової rate for giving a loan, trivalualy periodu nadannya credit that priinyatoyu sistemoy naryakhuvannya vіdsotkovkih paymentів.

For otsynyuvannya pributkovosty credit, the bank is guilty of a mother efektivnu system obliku is not deprived of income, but the vitrat for the kind of credit. On pributkovist credit operations to the bank vplylivat yak come that vitrati, so i mozhnivi zbitki, scho viznachayutsya rivnem credit risk for a skinny poskoyu. Вимірювання, мінімізація that control over the pawn of credit risk - one of the most important wards, to stand before the management with a formidable loan portfolio.

Riven a credit risk of a skinny pozhal'nika without any hitching on the rivion of the loan rate. The high rivin riziku obyazyuyutsya with a high credit rate, іввпаки. Ala's loan rate does not lie with the risk. Vona is formed in the form of vivid hints of the given calls and internal chinnikiv, yaki neobhіdno vrahovuvati, viznachayuchi її.

  • Popit і пропозиція на ринку кредиів;
  • Рівень конкуренції;
  • Riven a credit risk, but to deal with a concrete cli- ent;
  • Credit policy to the bank;
  • Kategoriya klієnta, yaka vіdobrazhaye, chi orіentovany bank for svitovok vіdnosin z danim poschalnikom;
  • Zagalny rіvenь pributkovoostі vіsі zv'yаzіv з клієнтом;
  • Vartity of credit resources for the bank;
  • Riven basic rates;
  • The form of the loan is guaranteed to control the yogin camp.

Usі tsі chinniki in a viral way to inflate the rate of a specific loan. Napriklad, a high рівень of a credit risk of a loan, I bet a bet, but a nadzhnya забезпечення знижує крединий ризик. Ale z nadannyaam zabezpechennya form zastavit materіnnikh tsіnnosty zrostayut vitrati to the bank, pozhjazanni z neobihdnistyu zberivannyya zashti chi uchego її станом та ліквіністю. Ці витки нехідно враховувати, set the loan rate.

Behind the brains of the highly competitive bank of snakes pidtrymuvati credit rates on the singing river, a kind of bu-bi priinyatny for klієntіv and bringing bi-pributok. The credit rate is to blame for the bottlenecks, the abi poschalnik not zvernuvsya to the new bank. Tom on the high-competitive markets, the creditor shvidshe priyimaet bid, nizh vstanovlyuete її. At the result of bank's margin, the trend tends to be short. Z look at the legend znachna uvaga pridilyayatsya vibor method tsinotvorennya for a loan. At svіtovі bankівській практиці застосовується кілька underlying methodsівв established rate for a loan.


The method vrachovu vartit zazluenih kostyv ta vsya vitrati jar, povyazyany z nadannyam credit. Відсоткова rate for a loan:

  • Vаrtість залучення credit resources for the bank;
  • Operatіynі vitrati, charged with the process of credit (zabobitny credit management fees, vartit service to credit, control over it, vartit stoleninnya zabezpechennyamom tochno);
  • Premi за за for the rizik neobikonannya zobov'azan klіentom;
  • A première for a rizik, an action for a string of credit;
  • Bazhany rіvenь pributkostіtі credit, yaky zabezpechuє dostatnyi vyplati акціонерам to the bank.

An uncomplicated instinct is to impale such a pass to the price for credit opera tions є nayavnist in the bank efektivnoї sistemi obliku vitrat for a credit, and takozh upravlinskoy іnformatsії.

The head nedol'ik method - ігнорування ринкових чінініві, such yak popit і propositsіya, stan kreditnogo rinku, kompaktcіya tochno, and takozh pripuschennya, shо bank precisely mozhe обчисти своі витрати в розрахунку на кожний кредит. The method of "varisti plus" is viscous in the markets of low rivet competition.


Suit in the method of the field of credit in the established loan rate is the base rate and the credit spread. For the base, you can take the stake in the Mizhbankovsky regional reserve; Stake of the first-class poshchalnik; The rates of international rynkiv (LIBOR, FIBOR, etc.), and their rates, as well as ghosting on specific rinks.

The credit spread includes the première for the risk of being stricken by zobov'azan klієntom ta premi заu for lines nadannya credit, sho vіdobryazhee rizik trivalovі period kredituvannya. Rozmіr of the credit spread of differentiation is located in the category of klієnta ta yogo lendingprodomozhnosti. On the international markets for credit, the credit spread is pri- nary to zero. With a loan to poschalnikam, yaki do not lie down to the category Pershoksnih, the loan spread becomes 0.25 to 5% and vische (dd. 8). Pributok bank, and takozh adminostrativny vitrati enter the warehouse base rate. Oskilki base rate is stored yak serednjorinkov, then pribudok bank to lie in the river yogo vlasnih vitrate.

Such a method is the cynotourism of the Wikinas in the hour of the Great Depression in the 30-ti of the United States and in the country of the model of wholesale leadership. 30 naybilshikh bankov in the United States have established so the rate of the first-class poshchalka (prime-rate), the bet, for short, the credit was given to the loans to the customers. Тодиі це була найнижча the credit rate. For about an hour prime-rate was exchanged by banks, I looked at the pop and the supply to the market. Zgodom prime-rate has lost its priorytete znachennya nasampered through those, sho vinikla that nabula populyarnosti rate LIBOR.

Інтернаціоналізація банківської справи, перехід провідних банків на розрахунки в євродоларах could not resist the popularity of LIBOR, the yak became a globally accepted base rate for both national and international markets. Zavdyaki tsiomu klіenti mozut porivnyuvati umovi kredituvannya na riznikh rinkah. In addition, the LIBOR rate is lower for the prime rate in the middle by 0.75 - 1% і є naynizhchoyu loan rate (Dod 7).

The methods of transference are simplicity, neobovyazykovism, exact vrahuvannya vitrates for a credit, zruchnist zastosuvannya in the installation of fixed floating rates for credit, vrahuvannya vplyuv rivalry.


The method of "extra charge" of the marginal value of the loan rate is yk sumi vidoskotkovyh vitare zaluchchennia koshtiv in the penny rink of that surcharge. The premium includes the première for the credit risk and the surplus to the bank. Zdebnilshogo such method tsinotvorennya vikoristovuyutsya for nadannya credit to the great companies on short lines (up to 30 days), including loans "overnight". By rozvitkom rinku komercynyh papernі velikі companії distali zmugu samostіyno zaluchati kosti, not korostostichis by the bank's servants. Tse spiked the banks before the haggling of credit rates with the method of saving money. At the United States, luggage banks lend to big corporations on short terms for low interest rates, for the "surcharge" method. At such times, the margin is zvichayno to become 0,35 - 0,75%, in the result of which the loan rate is lowered for the prime rate. To give meaningful sums of such loans to allow banks to keep the surplus cash for the minimum amount of payments.

Practice vstanovlennya unmarket additions pid hour viznachennya credit rates for the QIM method was used by the yogi to widen that popularization. Досідження have shown, шо close 90% of loan portfolios of 48 naybіshih banks in the USA to become credit, надаі for rates, lower for prime-rate. Vitrati zasuchchennia kostyv viznachayutsya rates of a penny rink, yakі th servuyut basis for rozraunkiv in credit rates.


The method "analizu dohіdnosti klієnta" is based on vrahuvannі vseh vzajmostosunkіv іz concrete client. Оцінючин всі складові дохідності, присобву увагу приділяють розрахунку прибутковості тих видів операцій, які здійснемться клієнтом у цьому bank. Such a method will require an exact allocation of all income, that is vitrate, which will be dealt with by the leather clinches, and zasosovuyutsya nasampered for kredytuvannya great companies, yaki majut postinovat and riznomannitny zvyazyki z bankom. Viznachennya tsіni credit for this method, maє on metі znizhennia credit rates below від загальноприйнятого рівня для заохочення найвигідніших клієнтів.

You can go to the bank for the operations with the account to include these accounts for the credit, currency, factoring, leasing transactions, for trusting the trusts, advisory, information services. Витрати, пов'язані з клієнтом, warehousing із заробітної плати банівських працівників, yakі yogo oblugovuyot, vitrat on vivchennya kreditnoї dokumenttsії, on vedennya, perevirku ta obrobku rahunkiv. Yaksho rіznitsya mіzh incomes і and vitotami schodo sumy credit is transferred to the average rate of pributkosty bank, the rate for a loan may be understated.

The method of analizu dokhodnosti klієnta moe pevnі nedolіki: folding, loudness, neobhіdnіst rozrobki reportnoi zvіtnostі for incomes that with vitrates from the service of the skin clint. Often, the analisys dohіdnosti include the console, not the most poshchalnik, but also the yogo subsidiaries, the most prominent shareholders of the viscous kerivnits. In order to spread out the spectrum, the bank has served the method of dealing with debt and needs to automate the automation of the regional information systems. Ale such a payment to the management of the lending rates of the road canals for vyayavlennya naypributkovіshih klієntіv і vіdіv bankіvskih service operations.

Крім методів vyznachennya credit rates vartіst credit to be deposited і vіd backed up vstanovlenya naraakhuvannya vіdsotkіv for poskoyu. Відсоткові rates for loans mozhut buti fіksovany, yakshcho vony viznachayutsya at the time vidichi credit and deprive nezmіnymi the extension vsоgo period lending, abo floating, tobto such, scho pereglyadyatsya perіodichno zі zmіynoi base rate. If you want to get zagalne znizhenny rates on the market, for the bank vigіdnіshoyu є fikosovana rate for loans, and in times zorostannya rates - floating.

In the banking practice, the three main systems of naryakhvaniya vidosovkiv:

  • American - base 360 ​​dniv and 30 dniv at the skin of the month;
  • Англійська - база 365 (366) днів (actual) і фактична кількість днів у кожному місяці;
  • Європейська - база 360 днів та фактична кількість днів у кожному місяці.

At the credit agreement obovjazjakovo fіksuitsja the system narahuvannja vіdsotkіv that rules of vstanovlennja rates is reversed (фiксована chi плаваюча).