Аналіз банківської діяльності - Gerasimovich А.М.

3.3. Класифікація зобов'язань a bank

We step up the analysis - the vertical analizov zobov'azan, abo analiz їх structur. For zruchnosty carried out analizu zobov'yazannya klassifikuyutsya for rіznimi signs, tobto zalizhno vіd investnikіv, form vlasnostі, string і order poverennya, for groups of klієntіv, for tsіnoju resources tescho. In Fig. 3.2 the scheme of the classification of zobov'azan is shown, it can be seen, that all banks of the bank can be raised in two groups: the deposit of the iznshi zobov, the so-called creditor's zaborgovannist that tsinnyi paperi vernogo borgu. Prior to special obladeniye kostyiv nalezhit subordinovana zaborgovinist bank. For its nature such a kind of resources to nest up to zobov'azan, ale with rozraunku sumi regulative capital is subordinated to the zaborgovanity to include up to the yogo storehouse and virahovuyutsya iz zagalnoy sumi zobov'azan.

Scheme класифікації зобов'язань bank for якісним a warehouse

Fig. 3.2. Scheme класифікації зобов'язань bank for якісним a warehouse

Oskilki part of deposits in zobov'azanney naybіlsha, then potranno okremo proanalizuvati їх structure. The classification of deposits to the bank for the various classifications is shown in Fig. 3.3.

Beyond the lines of the Vicoranda koshtiv rahunki, you can subscribe to: deposit (contribution) to the supply of that line of deposit . At its own level, in the structure of string deposits it is possible to see: ultra-strokes (overnight type), short-line (up to one rock), that dovgostrokov (more than one rock).

For the categories of deposits, deposit in the following: deposit bank; Deposit for rahunok budgetary koshtiv, deposit sub'ektiv godararskoi dіyalnі; Deposit of fizichnih osib.

For the form of a small loan, you can visibly: the deposit is contributed to the depositless deposit. At the time of deposit in the fisic osib, as a rule, I get a job, and for legal purposes, bezgotovkov.

For the currency, the deposit has a deposit: the deposit from the national currency and the deposit in the foreign currency. Останні підродзділяють на депозити у вільно конвертованій валюті та у невільно конвертованій валюі.

Класифікація депозитів

Fig. 3.3. Класифікація депозитів

Zrozumilo, sho commercial banks with the remaining types of deposits, as a rule, not pracjuvati namagayutsya.

For the form vyznachennya vlasnika deposit to see the deposit and deposit on the premier. So, napriklad, oschadnyi depository sertifikati on the premiere to be issued without an official, and you can submit for them, simply handing the certificate without a pre-signed document. Ощадні сертифікати на пред'явника - визнаний засіб конфіденційного зберігання значних коштів у національній та аnozemnіy currencies. Alle yakschoo cliche to ruin the yogi, then vtachaet sudu contribution so it is bezpovorotno, yak gamanets із готівкоюю. Іменні депозитні сертифікати в обіг не трапляють і не продаються іншим особам (не підлягають відчуженню).

For tsіlоim priznachennyam deposit to pay for: Дохідні депозити та гарантійні депозити.

Behind the way legal registration zobov'azan viokremljutuyut: deposit, processed by the land, deposited in bundles of books, deposited in the frontiers of a full certificate.

For the form of the viluchenya deposit, the accrued interest is to be paid off: insane deposits and tuition. Frenzy deposit bouvayut without alternating between those and the next. Umnovi deposit can mozhet bouti vilucheni y raz nastannya pivnikh obmomovliyu obobavin obstavin.

For economical zmistom that character deposit deposit: pasivnі ta active deposit. Pasivnyi deposit vykryayut dzherlo zaluchchennya bankіvskikh resursіv. Активні депозити - засіб розміщення тимчасово вільних крединих ресурсів. Significant part of active deposits in currencies and balance sheet negatively characterize the activity of the bank, which is not in a zemzi efficiently rozporyadzhatisya own credit resources.

Zgіdno zі svitovoyu praktikoyu at analizі structura vartіsnoyu znakoyu zobov'azan vidіlyayut takі uzagalennі grupi:

  • Deposit before the provision (on-deposit);
  • Deposit lines (including deposits of the population of those burgovnicyni papery);
  • Міжбанківський the credit;
  • Creditor's fence.

Efektivnist form of the resource base to the bank to be seated in the rationary order of the three registers: Stability, Stroke, Stroke. Rozglyanemo perevagi that nedolyoki zakremi hoarded resource basis for the knowledge.

Deposit up to the nourishment of the resources of the resources that are found by the irradiated resources. Vitratnist ts'ogo type of resources kolovyaetsya in the interstitial 1-2% rіchnih for bays on rahunkah klієntіv. Before deposits before the supply (on-deposit deposits) vidnosyat: bins on rahunki klієntіv; Кошти місцевих бюджетів та позабубюджетних фонів; Koshi on Korrakhunkah of the other banks (rahunkah "loro"); Koshti in rozraunkah (nevikoristani lounges for the accreditation, lymovtovaniami chekovymi books, koshti zamovnikiv on special rahunks, rozraunkah on kapitaltalnye vzladenney v tsilomu ob obekt); The contribution of the population to the nourishment.

Deposit before the supply of money from the bank on current rahunks klієntіv. Ponies vikoristovuyutsya for posokchnih rozraunkichi vlaschnik rahunka y yogo partners. On vimogu klієnta koshti from the stream rahunka y be-yak mozhut mozhut viluchatisya through vidotchu gotivki, vikonannya plizhizhnogo doruchennya, poluchi chekiv avo vekselіv. Before deposits, prior to the investment, the deposits from the banks to the bank should be reduced to the amount of money to be paid to the bank (for the name, the term is not exchanged for one month).

Deposit before the board is not stable, but the intermodule is the possibility of a bank for credit and investment operations, that the owners of the current rakhuns are richer in the low deposit interest, and do not rally together. In the minds of the admissions (as a rule), pay for the deposit before the banks are fed up, they are invited to invite the clients and stimulants of the pricelist of out-of-town payments for a raunch of nadnaniya Ім dodatkovіh іtgіt підвищення якосьі обслуговування. Tse, zokrema, kredituvannya from the flow rahunka, money for depositors in the loan, loans for the clients of the forms of origin: credit cards, checks, rozraunkovo-advisory services are not enough.

For pokrittya operatsіynih vitrat, povyazyanyh zedennyam pochnchnih rahunkviv, the bank is contracted to the cliess of the wine city. The amount can be increased from the deposit interest. Deykі banks do not tighten komісії з безпроцентних рахунків for імви зберігання on them стабільного a luster not below the installed рівня. Before deposits, you can pay a lump on the food kits.

On the basis of the rahunku vіdbyvayutsya all operations of the bank with cliens, tobto vicha pozichok і zdіysnennya nya kompyuterіv for proruchennyam klієntіv, and takozh podhodzhennya virchki vіd realizatії produktsії tіnіshih grooshovikh perekkіv na korist klієnta i zapashennya posichok. Іnakshe kazuchi, kontokortentny rakhunok - tse actively-pasivny rakhunok , scho poednuє in the sign of streaming and posychkov.ogo Credit to the balance for kontokortentnym rahunkom mean, scho klієnt moe at svetyom rozporyadzhennі vlasnі koshti, debitov - scho u klієnt vikikla zaborgovannist before the bank for posychkami.

The form is taken by the bank deposits before the stocking is the same as the rakonok with overdraft. Behind the regime of functioning of the rajunok sub-biennial to the control one. Prote, yakshcho ostannie vіdkrivaєtsya overіynim klієntam, yakі actively lend, with overdraft taki pozhannya admit vid vipadku up to vipadku, tombo moe irregular character. For the purpose of the credit characteristics of the litter. Special raugonok with overdraft can be inspected in the case of the bank with legal persons. Otzhe, special rakhunok with overdraft moe shirshu sphere zastosuvannya.

One of the visions of deposits prior to boarding is the embankment of koshtis on korespondentskih rahunks, vikrityh from the given bank to other banks, which you can call the Mizhbankov deposit.

The competition on the market of credit resources zmushuє komertsiynі banks shukati novi formi і modi zaluchchennia koshtiv. Znachnogo poshirennya in bankivskiy practical nabulo zaluchchennia koshtiv on rahunki, scho obusligovuyutsya dopomogo plizhichnyh kartok. For experts in the field of operations with payment cards in Ukraine, it is necessary to increase all the broadening and to become 15-20% of the zagalist rozraunkiv. For its nature such a rakhunok vvazhayetsya deposit before napityannya. In the minds of the obedenostyi klієntskoї bases, the form of being granted resources, is insanely, promising, and required to be developed in banking practice.

Vitraty on obeslugovuvannya pochnchnih rahunkviv, as a rule, naimenshi. This is the kind of resource that has been found. Збільшення chunks of a danyom component in the resource base, the percentage of vitrati and the zizhuyu vitratnіst resursіv at tsilomu. Проте зміну залишків депозитів до питапитаня важно предгнозувати, і цей вид ресурсів є найнестабільнішим елементом. Visoka їх is a part of the znizhu л líkvіdnist bank. Yak practice, the optimal riven of deposits before the supply in the resource base - up to 30%.

Strokovy deposit - the price of groshovi kosti, yakі rozmistyvatsya in the bank on strictly obromovlenii termin i mozut znimatisya pislja zakinchennya chyogo termnu abo pislja pogodnogo povidomlennnya banku for vestanovlenii period. Strokovy deposit to pay for deposits in legal and phisical settlements (contribution of the population). Bank vigіdno zaluchati strokovі deposit, bob stanіlnіshі i give to zmogu banksі rozporyadzhatisya them trivaly termin. Unexpectedly, the percentage of vitrates, zbilshennia parts of string deposits in the zagolniy sumy zobov'azan пози a positive moment, oskilki vony є nyastabilnyoshuyu partny resources. Same fumes give zmogu kredituvati on bilsh trivala termini, alle in the result and for them a whipping percentage. At zv'yazku zim, scho on syogodnі vіlnyh pivotnyh koshtiv u pіdpriemstv mizhe nemeє, in the structures of stringed deposits, the most significant part of the deposits in the population (deposits of phisical osibs). Vitraty on zaluchchennaya deposit in the population of the lower house, that stink is a vital element of the stable resources to the bank.

Діюча банківська практика передбачає оформлення строкових вкладів на 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 місяців або триваліші Lines. Taka detailed gradatsіya stimuljete podrobnikіv before ratsionalnogo organizatsii vlasnih grooshov kostyv ta rozmіschennya їh on deposit, and takozh stvoiєu banks for the management of their own lіkvіdnіstyu.

Вилучення строкових вкладів Відбувається переказуванням грошей на поточний рахунок або готівкою з каси a bank. Strokovi deposit - for banks in the form of deposits, oksilki voni stabil'nі і зручні в банківському плануванні. Behind them, a high interest rate is to be rallied, a rivet is differentiated in the terminology, the type of deposit, the duration of the payment for the viluchenia, the fictitious dynamics of the rates of the penny market for that one's minds.

Odnією з forms of the string contributions †"сертифікати. The deposit (deposit) certificate is the letter to the letter of deposit by the bank of grotesque koshtivs, the right of the depositor to receive the deposit is fixed to the deposit amount and interest thereon. Get it nahahovuyutsya viglyadі percentyv na nomіal, fіksovanoї premiіi chi vigrasu abo yak rіznitsya mіzh tsіnoy rozmіschennya t ts tsinoyu zapashennya (suma discounta) tіnogo papera. Deposit certificate can be vicarious with a yogo mistress and pay a passport and wrap yourself in a stock market.

Commercial banks can get foreign legal and financial accounts for the purchase of a bank draft. The bank promissory note is depository to nature, i cym vin similar to the certificate. Проте, на відміну відмітата, банківський весеком може бути використаний його власником yak paying for the comrade and the servants, the prince of the bills of exchange can transfer yogo third forms at the form of the loan.

Oshchadny contributions to servants for the accumulation of pennies zaoschadzhen. Vlasniku oshchadnogo contribution to see Іменне посвідчення about vnesok u formazhadnoї zhizhki, v yakіy vіdbiivayutsya all operatsii na rahunku. Znattya groshe z Oschadnogo rahunka zdіysnyuetsya for the time of the contributions to the government, ozhe, oschadnі contributions to perebachayut trivale існування на рахунках стабільних залишків коштів, що використовуться в активних операціях.

Міжбанківський the credit - to undertake a bank at разі тммінової consumer in grosovyh коштах з метю contributions from вигідні операції та для підтримання ліквідності. У цій групі ресурсів виділяють саме міжбанківські credit and міжбанківські депозити. Міжбанківські credit is paid from bank deposits to ─ expensive and short-term loans. I pass through this kind of resource йо yogo vysoka mobility, the basic nedolіkom - відносно висока витратність. Specific kind of resources є credit, отримані від НБУ. Їх дёрлом є здебільшого емісія. Наданяня кредиів Національным банком іноді пов'язане з рефінансуванням, тобто комерційні banks do not hesitate to push the poses to your clients for rahunok vlasnih koshtiv, and pot NBU kompensuє (refinansuє) їх kerertsіnomu bank. NBU is the lender of the rest of the banking for other banks.

Before zobov'azan the bank vidnosyat takozh creditorsku zaborgovannist budget and pozabudzhetnym funds, zaborgovinist bank for godararskimi operatsiami, zaborgovanist pratsivnikam bank z zarobitnoї payi іnshi pasivi. Tse type of resources nalezhit to steels pasivіv bank і mozhe bouti vikoristany u kraynіh vipadkah na duzhe korotkі termіni. For its wartime creditor's zaborgovannist є bezkoshtovnim resource. Tom zbіlshennya trivalostії її turnover - додаткове безкоштовне джерело фінансування банківської діяльності.

In the process of analisys, the zobov's chain of custody is important for the bank, as well as for the bankruptcy. Збільшення сум зобов'язань банку сідччить про зростання його депозитної бази. When you do this, you need to structure the structure.