Фінансова діяльність суб'єктів господарювання - Tereshchenko O.O.

6.5. Factoring

To end up often pidpriemstva vdayutsya to vikoristana so zvanih substitute loans. One of these substitutes is factoring, which can be interpreted as a short-term financing mechanism. For viznachennyam, factoring - tse sales debitortskoy zaborgovanosti on the corridor of the financial agent (factoring company chi bank). Zmist operatsiії factoring zvoditsya before assignment by the first creditor of the rights of the wage to the third person to another creditor (factor) in the course of the onset of compensation for such a burg of the first creditor. On the basis of the contract for carrying out rozraunkovyh operations through factoring, the bank, on the other hand, can pridbati at pidpriemstva-sellers the right of vimogi for the delivery of comrades, the lines of packing for yaki mini (probstrochena debitsorskaya zaborgovannist) or by rozrachnyh rozraunkekah.

Until the most important functions of factoring lie:

The function of financing is that of credit: pidpriemstva surrender the right to receive grosovyh zasobliv zgіdno z plіazhnimi dokumentami na posavlenu produktsiyu v obmin na negajne ospriyatnya syumi debіtorskoe zaborgovanosti (for virahuvannami komіsіnnoi vinagorodi factoring fіrmy);

The function of pokrtya riziku (Delkredere) : the risk of unconfident creditors' transition to a factor;

Functіія управління дебіторською заборгованістю : the whole robot зі стягнення заборгованості pass to the competence factor.

Rosemir vinagoroda by factoring operations to be deposited in the risk-based operations, interest rate rates and lines of payment. Before ukladannyam ugodi factor perevіrya lendingprodomozhnost bowler. For vіsutnostі straightforward fіnansovі vіdnіnі між боржником та фактор оцінка кредиспроможності здійснюється з використання непрямої інформації, а а а а а а а а а а а а, а, а, а, а, а, а, а, а, а, а.

Legislation zobov'azuyet creditor obozdomiti narodniki about the act of vimogi і with tsiomu not vimagayot nadannya ostannnomu mezh patience creditor і factor about the act of wimoga. Prote, yakshcno novy creditor zvertaєtsya z pozhizієyu і pozovom up to the borzhnik, vin povinden nadati proves that, sho sama yomu pershopotchatkoviy creditor yielding to vimogu. Such a proof is a letter of pleas to them and a creditor about the act of a widow.