Основы економічної теорії: політекономічний аспект


§ 1. General requirements for real and possible transition

The command and administrative system of the state is governed by the law of ídine on the basis of the unhindered economy on the basis of the centralized planning of the socially-economically active life. Обмін між відомствоми здійснюється через розпорядження about the material balance, and the individual who is responsible for taking care of the ry-shen at the center, to tamper with the skin of the galus abo power, the function of the function of the warehouse part of the Ідиного цілого. Підприєм-ства supply the goods to the product, але їм to be allowed to earn the resource, especially works, without getting hung up before міні-муму vitrat abo spent strategіїї ефективності витрат у ви-робництві. Do not care about the signals of the Rink economy, the directory of applications, the stolts of working resources, the skilks can be accessed. One result of the work of the wholesaler of the Utriman robochoi, the storage of the reserve for the satisfaction of the central meteorological organizations: vibrobitztya firmoyu plonovananoi kіlosty produktii nezalezhno vіd vikoristanykh resursiv. For such minds on a so-called market with a quasitized vibro-nyatstvi, the dictate of a vibro-caster, and through the vidsutnist vy-boru zmusheni kupuvati neschasnu, neyaykisnu produktsiyu. In the minds of the economy of the economy, the sub-category of the firm has recognized the collapse through the vitrality of the resource, but not the lack of efficiency, but also the pressure of rivals, the building-up of products for the prices, the lower prices, and the price of the zaveliki. However, while being stolen from the competition, that is, the trade with these people, that pidpriemstvami prodovzhu functutsionuvati.

Tom in period robbery nezalezhnoї Ukrainian state gor-ro put food for economical reforms. The transition to the market is one of the key problems, the virіshennya ostensibly the prospect of the development of the economy of Ukraine, the share of the Ukrainian economy.

Навіщо потрібна економічна реформа? Command-administrativ-on the system dovdaryuvannya, yaka існувала from the near-by-the-past, did not submit new wimogs to the development of economics, became a mere rally of realities vimog svitovoї ekonomiki. Vaughn can not be polished, but the phone is resiliently enlarged, and it needs to be changed from its basics to the waggling of the new gospodar's mechanism. A shchob formulate a new economical mechanism, potibyna radical reform. The command-administrative system of the state dignitaries was formulated for hours, if the economy was not enough for the rachunship of vicarities of additional resources. Tee-porimi umovami Todi Buli tako, napriklad, if for п'ять років при-ріст чисельності працівників у народному господарстві becoming 10-11 million chol., 25-30 відсотків забільшувася видобуток палива і сировини, 40-50 відсотків зростали капіталовкладення І on 50-60 відсотків збільшувався the oath of the main vibrofichih funds. Prote to the ears of the 1990s, the fate of the economy in Ukraine has been dopo-rinno zmіnilas. On oditsnitsu natsionalnogo income vitrachalos in Z-4 razi more resources, nizh at the edges of the Rink economy, part-naukoєmnnoi produktsii in export fell to 1 vidtsok. The cluster of ex-factorial factors in the economical zoroastnі rіzko was rapidly decreasing, and it was sensitized on the necessity of transferring the economy on the intensive route to rozvitka. At the same hour, the new government established the new stage of the scientific and technical revolution:

Orієнтація на якість, нововведення і високу кваліфікацію кадрів.

What are the main criteria of the realities of real opportunities for an economical arrangement in the transition to the command-administrative system of state dumplings to rinkovyh vidosin? The first criterium is viznachennya stepping mozvolostі zabezpechennya pidvishchennya pribut-ku pіdpriєmstv for rahunok ponіshogo vіkoristanna vіchі nayavnikh resursіv і підвищення rіgratіprokomstnostі produktії, robіt, obyg. Other kriterіy - tse stupіn spromozhnostі ekonomіchnogo arrange stvoriti minds for pіdvischennya normalized pributku of Rahu-NOC udoskonalennya tehnіchnogo rozvitku suspіlnogo virobnitstva on osnovі aktivіzatsії tvorchoї dіyalnostі s rozvitku elementіv, SSMSC orієntuyut on realіzatsіyu in virobnitstvі viyavlenih mozhlivostey novih Naukova rozrobok, udoskonalennya tehnologії virobnitstva, the transition to Vikoristana produktivnih zasobiv vibrochnitsva і kardinalnogo pidvishchennia anchor produktsii. Тretій критерій - ступінь спроможності arrange shwidko reaguvati on zmіni popita i іідповідно до цього здійснювати дії, спрямовані на реструктуриза-цію економіки. The fourth criterion - stepin prokomostnostі za-bezpechiti zrotannia proizvodnostі praci for rahunok rozvitku podetalnoї spetsializatsii pratsi vibrobnitsva on the basis of the transition to a wide range of innovations, bil'sch productive vobornitsva vobrobnitsva, obsochlyuvalnoy technicians, integration schemes, broadly computerized automation, principally new resources, Рігаючих технологій. П'ятий критерій - ступінь эфективності сис-теми виробничого обліку і Control, directed at the performance of the productions for the rahunok більш використання наяв-них ресурсів, своeчасного прийняттятя відповідних кориіючих дій.

Ці основні критерії дають можливість оцінити ступінь проможно-ності економічного I will arrange to reserve pidvishchennya efektivnostі vibrobitvtva for rahunok zrostannia proizvodnostі praci, polip-shennya yakostі produktsii, robіt, service at rozraunku on maximal-drink popit concrete spizhivachіv at odnochastnomu znizhennі s-bіvartostі. In the case of a perverse criterion of the economy, I will arrange for the supply of social security, goodwill of the estate to the skinny yogo member.

Sered kraine, scho go over to the command and administrative system of government to the bank accounts, it was assigned to the group for the specialty of the gates to the passage.

The first group of authorities in the hierarchy of the old command-and-administrative system of the new socio-orthodox rinkovyh vidosin. Naiharakternem - the staple China, the process of the process -was called trival oyu borotboiu means of ruling kil for the greens of roz-vitku, scho zakinchilas peremogoju prorinkovyh forces at kerivnitsvvy kraine. First of all, in China, the process of transition to the transition is theoretically based on the theory of osmisleniya and dissociation of those assignments, such as the trivalous and the productive, and the visibility of the yogo through socially-economical eks-perimenti (the form of privatization, pristosuvannya old bureaux to the new minds of the statesman, Rozv'yannya problems zanya-toasti, zaluchchennia inozemnogo kapitalu, rozvitku pidpriemnitsva tochno). In a different way, it is possible to get through the very command-and-administrative system in order to destroy the concrete-historical dossier. The system does not collapse, but reformed vidopo-vidno before zavdan, yaki set in front of her for zdіysnennya transition to the market. On-tretє, perehіd to rinkovih vіdnosin bulo rozpocha z providnoy galuzi ekonomiki kraїni - sylskogo gosdarstva, yakіy zainyata main part of the population. Перелічені заходи have given positive results, ваті ретельного вивчення іншими країна-ми. Podbniy shlyah rozvitku obrabili V'etnam, Mongolia, and those activities of the world.

To a friend of the group is the interdependence of the postpositions, the evolving cobs to the transition to the rinkovyh vidosonin through the rizni experiments, and the re-creations, which are rooted in the superiors of the command and administration systems. On the basis of the prepared socio-economical medium, rozpchatoy rozvitku rinkovogo gospodarstva vidbuvayutsya ruynuvannya command-and-administrative system and the further transition to the bank accounts. Naiharakterniem є pri-klad Ugorshchiny, yak rozpochala so peretvorennya z drugoi half-ni 50-h rock. Postupov pokupchenennya rinkovikh elemementov dye zmogu kraїnі perehoditi up to the daily forms of the dowry without great social shocks and masovyh zubozhinnya populated, minayuchi історичний період wild, розбійницького первісного нагромадження капіталу. Цей період у нинішніх країнах розвиненої ринкової економіки тривав у минулому кілька століть. Yogo to the head істо-ричним завданяня, з one боку, було відокремити безпосереднього працівника від засобів виробництва і переводити його на юридич-не вільного продавця своєї робочої сили, and з іншого - зосередити засоби виробництва і кошти у незначного більарку великих під-приємців. Sjogodnі such a sposib nagromadzhenya zagrozhuyu gostroyu sotsіnoyu konfrontatsіyu s usima mozhlivi in ​​the epoch of nuclear zbroї naslіdkami.

The third group of grands called "shokovoi terapii", poloagav at the time-honored method of short-stemmed Suspisia. Such a way of shaping, for example, Polska, de Bouli perevdumi for such a relentless experiment; And Same: at the edge of the bulb rinkova psychology is widened, the boule is privately owned (4/5 of the Ornoi land is littered with one-for-one governments), on the basis of the force, the forces were reinstated, which I added and yak pidtrymu bilshist na selennya. Prote, nezvazhayuchi all tse, nislya short shku kraї-on musil vidmovitis vіd nyogo. Tі, hto vdavsya to ch'yogo method, pisli uvdstavku, yielding the text of the text, hto zvazhaє dovgo-strokoviy chast verneniya ekonomichnikh protsessiv.

The Holy Cross to the passage of the face of the colossus of Czechoslovakia, de napri-kintsi 80-s rockyv vidbulasya so called "oksamitova revolution." Spi-rayuchis on the traditional rink rozvitku, novy y oldi method der-zhavnogu regulyuvannya ekonomikoyu, kooperuvannya tochno, kraina v-vtataetsya to rinkovyh vidosonin tsivilizovano. Поділ її з 1993 р. На дві незалежні країни - Чехію і Словачачину - відбувся so self-civilized, як і розподіл серед поселення державної власності. Basically, the middle of those great pidpriimstv through Aktsionuvannya їh re-adapted to corporations. Dribnі pіdpriєmstva mozhut perehodi in індивідуальну власність. Skinny gromadyanin having won the right to his rivnu a part of the pristine power in the form of special coupons, on yakі vіn pridbaє акції підприємств, пo privatizuyutsya. To ensure that coupons could not be the subject of ku-pivlі-sale, speculation, mahinatsіy tochno, rozobleno sotsіalnyi mehanizm zahistu. Until Czechia, Slovakia Slovenschyna is invited to seize the capital on the basis of the newly created legal basis, to stolenyutsya spilnyi z frymi y at tretyh kraїhnakh.

Osoblivіstyu transition to a market analysis Shіdnoї Nіmechchini Yea those scho Won uvіyshla to warehouse Federativnoї Respublіki Nіmechchini, odnієї s naybіlsh rozvinenih in Suchasnyj svіtі kraїn. Prote, vizhodyachi z praktiki, on ynogo vydvoditsya bagatogo rokіv at velichnіy dopo-mozhі in сотні мільярдів of stamps.

Logic transition of Ukraine to the social status of the orien- tation of the state of riches will require the consolidation of power through a country of half-independence in the territory of the national economy. Prote the decommissioning of the mechanics of the process is excessively folded, the wreckage of the transitions to the passage to the river can not be replaced by vicarities in the not isolated Ukraine. Command-ad-ministrative system here vyyavilasya not possible zdіysnyuvati gibinnyi rinkovi reforms. For zastosuvannya "shokovoї terapії" not bools in the course of peredumov: psychologic readiness of the population, hardened pidtrimki him vladnyh structures, sotsіalno-ekonomichnoi basi tochno.

In Ukraine, kilkarazovo tried to hold a shock so I called lіberalіzatsіy tsіn without the alignment of the external rink medium-scha. Tse sprichinilosya to rozvalu Sistemi sovereign upravlіnnya, rozrivu gospodarskih zv'yazkіv useredinі Kraina yak, so i in kraїnah blizkogo zarubіzhzhya, glibokoї platіzhnoї crisis, іnflyatsії, rozba-lansovanostі fіnansovo CREDIT vіdnosin, rіzkogo padіnnya yak VJ robnitstva so i spozhivannya, zubozhіnnya The main population of the population.

Vihіd s such encampments polyagaє tіlki in viroblennі dovgostro-kovoї ekonomіchnoї polіtiki transition to sotsіalne orієntovanih rin-kovih vіdnosin, spryamuvannі ekonomіchnih reforms tіsny phone reception h sotsіalnimi garantіyami. The special value for the state of the bug-and-economy economy is the strengthening of the economy of power, the establishment of the day-to-day mechanism of state regulation. Україна має стаєти на більш реалістичний, цивілізований шлях to the transition to zinc-related vіdnosin z urauvuvannam nayavnih mozlivostey.

Vіdpratsovanimi was theoretically th at praktitsі zasobami transition od command admіnіstrativnoї Sistemi gospodaryuvannya to sotsіalne orієntovanogo rinkovogo Gospodarstwa rozderzhavlennya Yea i Privat-tizatsіya, spryamovanі on rozvitok bagatoukladnoї Economy is the pid-priєmnitstva. Pershochergovogo rozvjazannya zaboobyut problems of the best inter-mozhnolisty of the state sector of the economy at the hourly stage; Strenernya mehanizmu spryannya pidpriemni-tstvu, scho vyroblya produkciyu, rozvitku rinkovikh inostruktury tochno. The most important problem is the problem of active inclusion in the conduct of the people's reforms of people, the rule of one of the three traders: the power - pratsya - pidpriemnitsmo.

Роздержавлення і приватизація, розвиток підприємництва ма-ють вплинути на зміну structuri виробництва; To see the development of the rink competition of the new, not voluntaristic, tsinotvo-rennya; Змовити жорстку фінансову політику держави.

Usі tsі come in, of order іz stvorennyam derzhavnoї Sistemi Regula-vannya Economy, zabezpechennyam sotsіalnogo Zahist population, in the minds of becoming rinkovih vіdnosin toil stvoriti not tіlki pravovі and second-sotsіalno ekonomіchnі Ambush obmezhennya mіzhnarodnogo fіnansovo-speculative kapіtalu, trade mafіoznih structures

Zupiniti ruinіvnі processes in ekonomііі power. The process of transfor-matsії od command admіnіstrativnih metodіv regulyuvannya to rin-kovih Folding i trivaly, vimagaє dokorіnnoї zmіni vlasnostі, stvorennya rinkovoї іnfrastrukturi, zmіni psihologії people.