Основы економічної теорії: політекономічний аспект


§ 1. Theoretical ambush of neo-classical doctrine

Osteena tertina XIX century. It was marked by the nastans of another cla-sic situation in the economical theory. At that time, with the draft of the rink-state government and the productive forces, the economists put the food on, and the traditional doctrine could not have dated the visa-free date. Socially-economical visas and that of the orthodox theory were identified as deficient for the analysis of the rinko pidpriemnitsva, scho svidko rozvivalosya. Osoblivoї topical-nostі Nabeul power іndivіdualnoї povedіnki sub'єktіv gentlemen ryuvannya, tobto problemi mіkroekonomіki, i ekonomіchny analіz Pocha rozvivatis sama in tsomu napryamі. Hoca one of I s fundatorіv neoklasichnoї teorії A. Marshall vvazhav scho deprivation novі doctrines dopovnyuyut starі, rozshiryuyut, rozvivayut, іnodі vipravlyayut їh often nadayut їm іnshoї tonalnostі, a new rozstavlyayut aktsen-minute, ale Duzhe rіdko sprostovuyut їh i scho neoklasichna teorіya Je deprivation detalіzovanoyu chi osuchasnenoyu versієyu klasychnoji doctrine, all are perіod rozvitku mіkroekonomіchnogo rozvitku ekonomіchnoї science viyavivsya duzhe plіdnim s Look vіdkrittya novih metodіv doslіd-zhennya, analіzu funktsіonuvannya that porіvnyalnoї efektivnostі rin-kovoї, chi tsіnovoї, systems rozpodіlu resursіv, doslіdzhennya vplivu rіznih forms organіzatsії Economies on prices, popit, proposoziіju тощо.

Neoklasichna doctrine uspadkuvala od svoїh poperednikіv - ortodoksіv - takі printsipovo vazhlivі postulates mehanіzmu function-tsіonuvannya rinkovogo Gospodarstwa, yak samoregulovanіst Economy, efektivnіst tsіnovoї Informácie, totozhnіst minds zaoschadzhennya that іnvestuvannya.

Проте наприкінці XIX ст. Tsei Bulo perelіk dopovneno slit EYAD, yakih not know klasichna teorіya: absolute gnuchkіst tsіn that Shvidka їh reaktsіya torn down on rіvnovagi i rozpodіl dohodіv vіdpovіdno to granichnoї produktivnostі faktorіv virobnitstva (land, Prace, kapіtal).

However naygolovnіshim Bulo those scho on zmіnu global problem-moms ekonomіchnogo zrostannya, zbіlshennya that rozpodіlu natsіonal-tion bagatstva mіzh class, scho boule in the central-robot spacecraft sikіv (od A. to J. Smіta. Art. Mіllya), while other klasichna situatsіya -delivery of the goods in the markets in the backs of the markets that nayvazhlyivshih chinnikiv, scho vplyivayut on ynogo: zakonomirno-stey formavana spozhivchogo popita; Варіювання пропозиції з points of the world поведінки окремих фірм у різних ринкових умовов; Співвідно-шення попиту та пропозиції залежно від різних форм ринків; Funct-tsіonuvannya rynkіv factorіv vibrobnitsva і mehanizmu rozpodіlu re-sursiv that income.

Theoretical ambushes of the neo-classical doctrine і мікроекономіч-ний аналіз і маржиналізм. ;

Мікроекономічний аналіз бере свій кочаток at працях французь-ких економістів A. Cournot and J. Dupuis.

August Cournot (1801-1877) to merit merit vidkrtya to the law popita, yakiy stverdzhuє, scho popit є functitsіyu tsіni: D = f (P) (de D - popit, P - tsina). Зміна значенияни попиту відбувається під впли-вом зміни цін при умові, що всі інші детермінанти заслашаюсь postійними. Ekonomіchny analіz Cournot gruntuvavsya on-empіrich them sposterezhennyah i facts in rezultatі uzagalnennya yakih vіn dіyshov visnovku i grafіchno showing scho curve popitu pov'yazuє hour in vіdrіzku ob'єm sale i tsіnu for yakoyu goods Bulo realі-call.

A. Cournot on the basis of his method, rasprobiv riznomanitnі model povedinki firmi, the foundation of some bula sama crooked popita. Nai-bilsh vіdomimi є yogo monopolna ta duopolna model. A. Cournot and nalіzuvav monopolіyu pure yak i vipadok viznachav curve popitu the D = f (P), funktsіyu sukupnogo income R = Pf (P) is the boundary-tion funktsіyu income M = f (P) + Pf (P) de f ( P) <0, and yk is objectively given for the monopole. Potіm tsі funktsії vіn zіstavlyav s funktsіyami boundary, which is the sukupnih vitrat, dwellers bring, scho income maksimіzuєtsya, if MC = MR, de MS - granichnі vitrati and MR - Boundary income.

Yak stverdzhuvav Cournot, be-yake dovmirne vyshirennya virok-nitsvva bude pripinene vibronikom, if zbilshennia vitrat pere-vishchu zbilshennya pributku.

Was slain Basics of teorії chistoї monopolії, A. Cournot rozrobiv kontseptsіyu duopolії takozh, yak became the foundation of vazhlivih in ekonomіchnomu analіzі іdey, yak Model nedoskonaloї konkurentsії that teorіya Igor.

Theory duopolis (two sellers) vyhodit z rivalcii і polagayє in the purchase of the goods, and sellers pristosovuyot svyy ogsyg vipusku produktsii up to tsikh tsin. The leather duopolist is responsible for the function of the product for production and for the sale of potatoes for sale, allowing for the purchase of a competitor's license.

Jules Dyupyu (1804-1866), yak i Kurno, prišov to wisnówka about obernnu sozhnenіst mіzh tsіami ta kіlkistyu kommodіv, on yakі є popit. Prote on vіdmіnu od ostannogo, vіn rozglyadav funktsіyu popitu yak funktsіyu of boundary korisnostey: funktsіya popitu nahi lena-negative (nizhіdna) oskіlki dodatkova korisnіst, otrima-od on kupіvlі dodatkovih odinits that same product, zavzhdi-situ zhuєtsya.

J. Dyupyuї proanalіzuvav problem tsіnnostі suspіlnih benefits dіyshovshi visnovku, scho Won Mauger Buti vischoyu, nіzh vіdobra tse-zhaє factuality splachena Cena for them, oskіlki perevazhna bіl-shіst people ready for zaplatiti tsі Hotel bіlshe, nіzh paying naspravdі.

Well, in 1844 r. J. Dyupyu in the robot "About vimiruyvannya korisnosti gromadskikh robyt", giving its interpretation interdependence of the borderline cognition of the popita, and takozh zaponapovuvav rivnyannya for kr-voge spozhivannya.


Just one theoretical ambush neoclassical analiza - margina-lizm - was formulated in the remaining thirds of the XIX century. Yogo poyavna-znivala turn the economy of the theory in the needs of the cri- sis of the basic factor of cognition, in the boundary analogy. Tsey turn the Mav Glybok Korin. At the XVIII century. The French economist R. Kon-dilyak, the author of F.Galiani, hanged the principle of the new nature of the sub-eclectic nature of the value of the value of the value of the value of energy consumption in consumption. However sprobi pobuduvati theo-rіyu tsіnnostі on osnovі korisnostі nashtovhuvalis on seryoznu pereshkodu - vіdomy "paradox Smіta" yaky polyagav in fact, scho good s temple spozhivnoyu vartіstyu (napriklad, prirodnі water povіtrya toscho) mozhut mother mala mіnovu vartіst abo not mother її Звсім і навпаки (наприклад, діаманти, прикраси з дорогоцінних металів тощо).

Bezposerednim crosswheel marzhinalavstiv buv nimetsky eko-nomist G. Gossen, who first formulated the laws of psychology otsinki good. Zmist yogo kontseotsії mozhna shortly vypoljuvati so: the blessings majut tsinnnost for sub'ekta lishe in that vipadku, kolik kіlkіst mensha for neobhіdnu, і ця цінність зменшується з додан-ням кожної додаткової одниці.

In the 70th rock of the XIX century. That is, the bullet is supplemented for the sake of marginal analysis ("marginal analysis"), which gave a name to the current economical duma.

Існувало кілька гілок маржиналізму: австрійська, англійська, швейцарська, американська та ін. Usіh їh ob'єdnuvalo not deprivation gras-Border analіz operuvannya is the limit value, and the second number of me-todologіchnih postulatіv: nepriynyatnіst іdey molodoї іstorich-noї school about vіdsutnіst zagalnih ekonomіchnih zakonіv that hibnіst abstract logіchnogo method doslіdzhennya; Pragnennya to ідеологічної neutrality analiza; The primacy of the exchange over the virbitry; Traktuvannya ekonomichnyh sub'ektiv yak odnoridnih ta rіv-ноправних.

You go to the primacy of obmynu over vibrobitvtv, marginalities vivchali so I'm called "pure economist". Pong set themselves supply: SSMSC so zvanі vnutrіshnі Zakoni viznachayut utvorennya tsіn-nostі that tsіni and takozh rozpodіl dohodіv, Yakscho uyaviti scho Person of keruєtsya in svoїy dіyalnostі "principle gedonіzmu" (scho in Switch-dі s gretskoї oznachaє Nasoloda) tobto To go out from pragnennya to the envy of his own interest. Відповідаючи на це питання, маржи-налісти відкрили so zvanі universalnyi korony korrechnoi koris-nostі ta granichnoi proizvodnostі.

Predstavniki avstrіyskoї sub'єktivnoї school stverdzhuvali scho tsіnnіst viznachaєtsya boundary korisnіstyu scho tsіnnіst "virob nichih-benefits" (zasobіv virobnitstva) obumovlena tsіnnіstyu produko-vanih them spozhivchih benefits scho Income -tse Cena faktorіv VJ robnitstva, otzhe, stink pіdporyadkovuyutsya zagalnomu Law tsіn-ності.

L. Walras (Lausanne School) stverdzhuvav, scho on the market of Absolutely Intensive Competitive Price to cover the intensive use of the os-tannyo consumers, yak is guilty of buti is pleased. It is possible to take care of the opportunity of the investment proposition that popits, and in the economy, the economy of the rivalry of goods, the product of those factors in the yogo vibrobitvita.

Oskіlki Marginalism, yak yogo vvazhali predstavniki, vivchaє unіversalnі laws, and takozh not deposits od іdeologії, subject yogo Got Booty "vіchnim" tobto Tse guilty Buti such a problem, not a yak s zmіnyuєtsya rozvitkom suspіlstva i do not zachіpaє chiїs klasovі Interests.

Marzhinalalti dyshli vysnovku, scho subject їх дослідження має бути the problem of the rational rospodіl of the resource mismanagement, is post-historical for its presence. U. Jevons, a representative of the English Marginal Life, giving such a viznachennya subject of economical theory:

"Given: the number of people in the past with various needs, that vibro-nichimi mozlivostjami, kotryi volodiyut land that the youngest dzher-lami sirovini; neobhimdno viznachiti: sposib vikoristannya їхньої праці, що максимізує корсність продукту".

Marginalism in the future put on the basis of science Інтуїтивне уявлення, згідно з яким цінність of the blessing має бути прив'язана to ко-рисного ефекту. Tse rіshennya was primed on such a mirkuvannі:

In the theory of innocence it is not guilty to go about all the sukupnist potentiyno koryosnosti be-yakogo blessing in tsilomu, and more about the specific korisnnost, yaku bring a song of kilkist of a dignity.

In tsomu rozmezhuvannі sukupnoї korisnostі good (tobto Coris-nostі usogo stock Chi usієї dostupnoї danomu іndivіdu kіlkostі good) i yogo granichnoї korisnostі (tobto korisnostі ostannoї odi-nitsі s tsogo stock chi s tsієї dostupnoї kіlkostі) - smut con-conceptualization of innovation, bringing in Teoriyu tsinosti margin-lism, zokrema Avstriyskoy school of boundary corsnost.

In the minds of the Masovian rostovku vibrobnitsva spozhivnih vartos-tey, tsinnoostey marginalizm namagavsya vidkinuti laborovuyu teor-riyu vartosty, yak i vsі інші теорії, що have seen the value, vartіst in the side of vitrates, propositsії, vorobnik. Categorically, the Stverdzhuva-moose, in general benefits, can not be brothers for the size of the vit-rati of the suppiloreal pravicy, but slyod vyhoditi y yogo korissnosti rid-kosti. Цінність, at the thought of presenting the Austrian schools, for the sake of exclusivity in the corridor and the nyak can not be designated as vitrifite vitrifite. Such nihilism stosovno vibrobitvtva buv clearly nadmirnyy i piddavavsya just that argumentation critic.

Naprikinsky XIX century. It became obvious that for impulses of strings-ko-ya of the logistical theories of cognition, mozhe sluguvati not mensh plіdnim pidіpnim point, nіzh prattsya. The protectorism of the boundary corsnost was evidenced by such a shortcoming that one-sided, yak "i vitratna terioriya vartosti, before the beginning of the labor theory of war-tots.

For virishennya problemy tsіnostі neobhіdno bulo poednati ko-risnist iz sspilnimi vitratami, stvorni zagalnu teoriiu zistav-lennia result in that vitrate.

Lisha nislya, yak tsebolo zbobleno by the founders of the hour neoclassical analiza A. Marshall ta L. Valras, the new theory zdobula practically perversely viznannya.