Marketing - Pavlenko AF, Vojchak A.V.


  1. Що таке навколишнє бізнес-середище? Call the yogo calls for sub-sects, and they were strong.
  2. Describe the microenvironment of consumption.
  3. What is marketing? Describe the role, the boundary, the subject of that object.
  4. Name the main principle of marketing. Поясніть їх сутність.
  5. Name the basic zavdannya marketingovyh dosl.
  6. Name that characterize the basic visibility of marketing. Поясніть їхні переваги і недоліки.
  7. Describe the algorithm of marketing. Розкрийте зміст основних етапів таких досліджень.
  8. Describe the vlasnі organizatsіynі forms of marketing held doslіzhen.
  9. Name the special arrangements of the official organi- zations.
  10. Name that characterize chinniki vibora organizatsinyh forms marketingovih dosl.
  11. To guide the classification of marketing and information, describe the її okremі різновиди.
  12. Explain the essence of the primacy of the second marketing information. Describe the transitions of those skin diseases.
  13. Explain the essence of the method in the selection of the initial information.
  14. Name the basic dzherela marketingnogo information.
  15. Explain the nature of that characterize the structure of marketing information systems.
  16. Give viznachennya ponjattenja "a conjuncture rinku". To name the basic aspect of the analysis of the zagaleconomy and conjuncture of the specific commodity market.
  17. Explain the essence of forecasting the conjuncture of the commodity market.
  18. Give viznachennya ponimattya "rush". Explain the realities of the potential potentine marketplace. Guide the form of the obrakhunku.
  19. Explain, scho takke rinkove segmentum.
  20. Explain that the name is the method of forecasting the zbutu.
  21. Give vyznachennya ponatretya "povedinka spizhivachich". Explain the essence of the economical, the motivational approach to the behavior of the girl, the spozhivach.
  22. Наведіть припри моделі поведінки споживачів.
  23. Describe the process of arriving in a private settlement about the purchase of the three cans yogo varianti.
  24. Give a description of the situation in the past on the behavior of the spouses, priinyattya them vidpovidnih rishen about buy.
  25. Nazvit ta characterize the champions of sociocultural marketing and vplyvu on povedivanku spizivachich.
  26. Describe the chints of the "chornogo screen" spizivachich.
  27. Наведіть класифікацію основних виів конкуренції.
  28. Describe the strength of the competitive medium.
  29. Describe the pidhid M. Porter before vivchennia mozhnoї reaktsії rivals.
  30. The name of the main supply, on the yakі neobhіdno відповісти, аналізуючи конкуренів підприємства.
  31. Give viznachennya rivalsprospoznostnosti pidpriemstva.
  32. Поясніть сутність внутрішніх і звнішніх конкурсных переідприємства.