Marketing - Pavlenko AF, Vojchak A.V.

4.3. Zhyttyevy cycle of goods

Zhyttyevy cycle of goods - concept, yaka characterize the growth of obyagіv zbutu і pributok vіd realіzіcії product, пропонує заходи зістрагії і tactics to marketing at the moment of decorating the goods on the market right up to yogo усунення зннку. Hardly published by the American economist T. Levitom in 1965 р. Conception of the life cycle, the product, ceaselessly, the theoretical model of the life of goods in the period of yogo perebuvannya to the market is no longer a theoretical one. The prototype of the model is widely interpreted in the marketing of practical practices, such as the practical approach to practical use, the description can be given, the proanalizovati rinkovo ​​zhittya not goods, but the political parties, the gigantic dichas, the people, the services, and so on.

Clasic model of the life cycle of the product can be indulged in a vigilant graph, such as the sale of goods and goods during the whole hour of hammering goods to the market (Figure 22).

Concept of a life-cycle product

Fig. 22. The concept of a life-cycle product

І - дослідження та разроблення товару;

ІІ - requesting goods on the market;

ІІІ - broadened zinc road;

IV - Vicoristan Pass;

V - product visibility;

VI - the raked in the market;

VII - Vitiskuvannya product zinkinku.

Uves Tsey Period can be subtly added to the class. The first stage is to respect the period, if the goods on the Yak are so practical. To lead tilki yogo rozborka, doslenija rinku, approbation ідеї to the goods. Ані збуту, ані прибутку на цьому етапі ніхто не очікує. Navpaks, pidpriemstvo zledіlshogo інвестує значні кошти в розроблення товару, сподіваючись у майбутньому покрити їх доході від йоі realizatsii.

On another stage, the goods are requested to go to the market, and the yogo realizatsya. On the basis of the program, go to the marketing test, and takozh rozgortaetsya vyrobnitsu і kerertsіyna realizatsiya goods. Obligations sale zrostayut, zbotki zmenshuyutsya. Zgіdno z kontseotsіyu zhitstevogo tsiklu otdel'nyi etap neobhіdno pochinti z vіdnosno nizkogo revoku, oskilki product іщ nedostatno vіdomіy na rinku, and yogo zbut perebuvaє na stadії organіzatії. Same to that on the scale of the stage, it is possible to mask the viscous visor to the advertisement and the zbut, and takozh vidnosno viso - on the vibrobit. The main meta pіdprієєmstva on the other іtapі - adhere to the respect of spіzhivachіv, vitrimati перші, "іспитові", скати б, purchases of goods, налагодити контакти з торгівлею, розвіяти її сумніви щодо успіху novelties.

On the third stage of the project, the rosinenny rinku zbutu for rahunok zbіlshennya obshyagіv vibroknitsva goods, prikorennya protsessiv yogo rozpusyudzhennya, posilennya advertising diyalnosti. The company will need to revise the trade, develop the system of channels, and form a well-known advertising budget. Same on the basis of the life cycle of goods, goods can pass to the point of infallibility, and mean, mothers of admission. Yak Obligi zbutu, so i pributki on ts'omu etapi majut steel tendentiyu to zrostanya.

On the fourth stage, the podpriyatstvo povnoyu mіrou vіdchuvaє svoї perevagi, zadezpechennі vdaloyu іdeєyu goods, the correct vibor tsil'yovogo rinku, optimіnuyu marketingovuyu progromoyu tochno. Here, the sale of a sale and a pributku nabuvayut pevnoy іnertsії for rahunok zahodiv, realizovanyh on krepodnіh etapah. The product is placed on the rink, adhering to itself all the new grudi spizivachich. Vodnochas riven pributku on tsiomu etapi nablizhaetsya to the maximum, hoch oblaty zbutu prodovzhuyut zrostati. Taka nevidpіdnіst clarify tim, scho here poichinaє vidchuvatis vplyv rivals. Приваблені успіхом a product, stinks починають копіювати його, випускати товари-аналоги. У відповідь підприємство змушене посилювати свій рекламний вплив, modify the goods, зменшувати ціни тощо. Be sure to prepare the vitrage before and during the harvest.

We step on the stage of goods. On the basis of the yap of the yoga sale, you can reach the value of money, you can become the owner of tendencies to yogo galmuvannya. Obyasi pributku zmenutsyutsya, ale stink nastilki znachny, scho privblyvist goods for pidpriemstva zberihaєtsya.

The camp is forcibly - the onset of the life cycle of the commodity. Yogo osoblyvіstyu є shedniy rіven 'obyagіv sale і прибутку. The reasons for this are the one from the side, the hackneyed zink, and the other - zastretennya rivalry through the presence of great kіlkostі rivals.

Ostannim etap zhitstevogo cycle product - yogo vitiskuvannya zinkinku. On the market, the sale falls to zero. Nedostatniy popit, zagostrenya rivalry ti tsinovoi borotby zagrozhuyut zittkami. Head zeldannya pіdpriєmstva na danymu etapi - svoechasno, at the most short lines of knowing the goods from virobnitsva, minimizing the cramps.

The main concept of the life cycle of the product is the receipt of the thymus character of the zinc grocery to the goods. Навіть товари зі стрімким зростанням обсягів sale і прибутку колиться перетимуть етапи зрілості, насичення і vitisnennya zіrinku. At zv'yazku zim kozhne pidpriemstvo to exterminate yours sootasno pourbuvatis about zmіnu svoїh goods novi.

Відповідно до зміни обсягів збуту і прибутку модифікується і marketing program (Table 10). The main meta of this modification is prodovzhennya iznuvannya goods on the market, zbіlshennya vіddachі vіd nyogo pіdpriєmstva.

Table 10


Special offers

The etapi of the life cycle is the crookedness of the marketing approaches

Doslіjdzhennia, rozroblennja d simplification

Rozshirnjarininku zbutu i vikoristanna perevag

Zrілістьі расчення ринку

Vitiskuvannaz rinku

Riven sale







Shvidkezrostonstya Pributku

Recession decline



Supernovatori i novatori

Penny segment of the market





It is not clear, ale





Roshshirnya Rinku

Zaperezhenny chopsticks rinku


Commodity Policies





Цінова політика

Low (високі) ціни

Підвищення (зниження) цін

Znizhennia tsін

Nainizhi tsini


It is informative







Maximum intense


Vithrati for marketing


Відносне підвищення



Forms of curvature of the life cycle of the goods can be done by nigriznomannity (Figures 23-30).

Zhittyevy cycle of goods from the repeated (through uzhitya zahodіv iz zstilulyubannya zbutu) cycle

"Grebinchasta" curve of the life cycle product

Fig. 23. Zhittyevy cycle of goods from the second (through the use of zhudyv ziz stimuliuvannya zbutu) cycle

Fig. 24. "Grebinchasta" curve of the life cycle of the goods ("grebinets" can be added to the goods with novelties, vidkrtya noviks kotoriv yogo vikoristanna)

Zhittyevy cycle of the commodity type "trivaly boom" (com-dovgovitelі)

Zhittyevy cycle of goods, sho zberihae trivali sip in a few segments

Fig. 25. Zhittyevy cycle of goods type "trivaly boom" (com-dovgovitelі)

Fig. 26. Zhyttyevy cycle of goods, sho zberihae trivali popit in kilkok segments

Zhyttyevy cycle of goods type "fashion novelty"

Zhittyevy cycle of goods type "fetish"

Fig. 27. Zhyttyevy cycle of goods type "fashion novelty"

Fig. 28. Zhittyevy cycle of goods type "fetish"

Zhittyevy cycle of seasonal goods

Zhyttyevy cycle of goods, yak i so did not recognize the commercial success

Fig. 29. The seasonal cycle of seasonal goods

Fig. 30. Zhyttyevy cycle of goods, yaki so i not recognized the commercial success