Basics of Marketing - Kotler Philip

Factors of personal order

The buyer's decisions are affected by his external characteristics, especially such as age, stage of the family life cycle, occupation, economic status, personality type and self-image.

AGE AND STAGE OF THE FAMILY LIFE CYCLE . With age, there are changes in the range and range of goods and services purchased by people. In the early years, a person needs food for baby food. In the years of adulthood and maturity, he eats a variety of foods, in the elderly - special dietary. Over the years, his tastes change with regard to clothing, furniture, recreation and entertainment.

The nature of consumption depends on the stage of the life cycle of the family. In Table. 8. Nine stages are listed with an indication of the financial situation and typical family product preferences in each of them. Market operators often define their target markets on this basis and develop products and targeted marketing plans that are relevant to the interests of a particular stage.

In some recent works, the classification is carried out according to the psychological stages of the life cycle of the family. An adult man experiences certain transitional periods, periods of transformation11 in his life. So, Betty Smith can turn from a satisfied manager of the production of branded goods and a contented wife into an unsatisfied person, looking for a new way of manifesting and developing his abilities. Perhaps, it was this circumstance that stimulated her increased interest in photography. Market operators must take into account changing consumer interests, which may be associated with transitional periods in the life of an adult.

Table 8. Stages of the life cycle and purchasing behavior of the family

Life Cycle Stage

Features of behavior and consumer habits

1. The stage of single life: young single people living apart from their parents

There are few financial burdens. Leaders of opinions in the field of fashion. They are set for active rest. Buyers of basic kitchen equipment, basic furniture, cars, accessories for mating games, holiday vouchers.

2. Young newlyweds without children

Financial position is better than it will be in the near future. The highest intensity of purchases, the highest average indicators of purchases of durable goods. Buyers of cars, refrigerators, kitchen stoves, the most necessary furniture and durable furniture, holiday vouchers.

3. "Full Nest", 1st stage; Younger child less than 6 years old

The peak of buying a home. Working capital is small. Dissatisfaction with your financial situation and the amount of money saved. Interest in new products. Lovers of the advertised goods. Buyers of washing and washing machines, dryers, televisions, baby food, cough medicine, vitamins, dolls, wheelchairs, sledges, skates.

4. "Full nest", 2 nd stage: the youngest child 6 or more years old

The financial situation has improved. Some wives are working. Advertising has less influence. Buy goods in a larger package, conclude deals for the acquisition of many items at once. Buyers of a variety of food products, cleaning materials, bicycles, music teachers, pianos.

5. "Full Nest", 3rd stage: elderly spouses with children in their care

The financial situation has become even better. There are more wives working. Some children get a job. Advertising has very little impact. High average intensity of purchases of durable goods. Buyers of new, more elegant furniture, participants in car travel, buyers of instruments that are not absolutely necessary, boats, dental services, magazines.

6. "Empty Nest", 1st stage: elderly spouses, whose children already live separately, the head of the family works

The largest number of owners of their own dwellings. The majority are satisfied with their financial position and the amount of savings. Are interested in travel, active rest, self-education. Make gifts and charitable contributions. Not interested in new products. Buyers of holiday vouchers, luxury goods, services and goods for home improvement.

7. "Empty Nest", 2 nd stage: elderly spouses, whose children live separately, the head of the family is on pension

Sharp reduction in income. Mostly they keep houses. Buyers of medical devices, medical products that promote health, sleep and digestion.

8. Dowager, works

The income is still quite high, but the house is already inclined to sell.

9. Dowager, retired

The needs for medical care and goods are the same as for other groups of pensioners. Sharp reduction in income. An acute need for attention, affection and well-being.

THE ROD OF SESSIONS . A certain influence on the nature of goods and services acquired by man is provided by the type of his occupation. A worker can buy working clothes, work shoes, lunch boxes, bowling accessories. The president of the company can buy himself expensive blue suits from serge, travel by plane, join the privileged suburban clubs, buy himself a large sailboat. The market operator seeks to identify such groups by occupation, whose members show an increased interest in its goods and services. The firm can even specialize in the production of goods needed by a specific professional group.

ECONOMIC SITUATION . The economic position of the individual greatly affects its commodity choice. It is determined by the size of the expenditure side of income, the size of savings and assets, creditworthiness and views on spending of funds as opposed to their accumulation. So, if Betty Smith has a large expenditure part of her income and savings, is creditworthy and prefers to spend, rather than accumulate, she can think about buying an expensive Nikon camera. Market players who offer goods that are dependent on the level of income of consumers should constantly monitor the trends of change and the sphere of personal incomes, savings and interest rates. If economic indicators indicate a decline, a marketer should take measures to change the design, positioning and prices of his goods, reduce production and inventory, and do everything necessary to protect themselves financially.

LIFESTYLE . Persons belonging to the same subculture, the same social class and even the same occupation, can lead a completely different lifestyle. Betty Smith, for example, may prefer the life of a skilled hostess, a business woman or free from the worries of a person. She plays several roles, and the way she combines them is the outer side of her way of life. If she becomes a professional photographer, this will additionally affect her way of life.

The way of life is the settled forms of being of man in the world, which are expressed in his activity, interests and beliefs.

The way of life draws a "comprehensive portrait" of a person in his interaction with the environment. It manifests itself more than the fact of belonging to a particular social class or type of personality. Knowing the person's belonging to this or that social class, we are ready to draw certain conclusions about his alleged behavior, but we can not imagine him as an individual. Knowing the type of a person's personality, we can draw definite conclusions about his distinctive psychological characteristics, but we hardly know much about his activities, interests and beliefs. And only the way of life will draw us an exhaustive portrait of a man in his actions and interaction with the surrounding world.

When developing a marketing strategy for a product, a marketer will seek to discover the relationship between a regular or branded product and a certain way of life. A yogurt maker can discover that among the active consumers of his drink are many successful men of free professions. Having found out this, he can more accurately target his branded goods to these people.

TYPE OF THE PERSON AND THE REPRESENTATION OF THEIR SELF . Each person has a purely specific type of personality that influences his buying behavior.

Type of personality - a set of distinctive psychological characteristics of a person, providing relative consistency and consistency of his response to the environment.

The type of personality is usually described on the basis of features inherent in the individual, such as:






Love of love,






The pursuit of success,

Love of order,


Knowledge of the type of personality can be useful in analyzing consumer behavior, when there is a certain relationship between types of personalities and the choice of goods or brands. For example, a beer company can establish that many active consumers of beer are distinguished by increased sociability and aggressiveness. And this leads to the idea of ​​a possible image of the brand of her beer and character types for use in advertising.

Many engaged in marketing proceed in their activities from a representation that has a direct relationship to the individual - a person's idea of ​​himself (also called the image of his own "I"). We all have a complex mental image of ourselves. For example, Betty Smith may seem to be an extrovert, a creative and active person. Proceeding from this, she will prefer to stop her choice on the camera, in which the same qualities are focused. And if "Nikon" is advertised as a camera for people oriented to the outside world, creative and active people, the image of the brand coincides with the image of Betty's own "I". Market operators should strive to create an image of the world that corresponds to the images of its own "I" members of the target market.