Banking Operations - Moroz AM

Rozrawnki accredit

The accreditation is to make the bank pay the payment for the wimog, and to pay the wages to its counterparty-postpartner (beneficiary) for the payment of the remaining remuneration in the accredited minds of the delivery to the payment. Zastosovuyutsya accreditation form is important in Mizhma and in the international rozraunkah, if the lover wants to secure the guarantee of payment for the delivered products.

Складність взаємовідносин між продавцями і покупцями змовлює значну різноманітність видів акредитивів. Wongs can bouti:

- By criticism and uncritical;

- Visible and non-recurring;

- vidkriti to the bank of the payer (bank-issuance) and to the bank of the beneficiary (the bank);

- With an acceptance that without an acceptance by a platymaker, rozraunkovyh documents of a beneficiary.

In the case of the accredited sum of yoga, when you vkidritti recount from the on-line rahunku of the payer, and get a reservation on the okraem rahunku "Rozrawnki Akreditivami", vikrtomu in the bank-emit a vykonyuchomu bank. Tsei akreditiv not vigіdny platniku, okkilki vіdvolіkaє koshti z yogo revotu na pevnyi period.

In the case of an uncritical accreditively, the cost of a payer is not alternately booked, payment is due to a yogo flow rahunku pid guarantee to a bank-issuer, but in a cashless manner, the bank will apply for a payment in advance for an accredit. Now the form of the asset is called guarantee . Such akreditiv duzhe zruchnyi i vigidny for the payer.

An accredited loan may be replaced by a bank-issuer to pay a payer without a periodic weather forecast from the beneficiary. Зміна або анулювання акредитива здійснюється тільки через банк-емітент. Tse akreditiv not zruchny for benefits, oskilki not viklyuchaet risky non-payment.

Without an accreditation, it is not possible to change the meaning of anonyms without alternating the benefits of beneficiary, but you can limit yourself to the non-payment.

The beneficiary may himself disqualify the mind of the minds of the minds, because of the vicariate of the accreditation, yakzcoo tse pobobacheno yogo umovami. About its own history, it is obediently paid without pay, whichever is different, the bank-issuer is used, and the rest is governed by the bonds to the bank.

For vidkritya akreditiv payer podayete in the bank-issuer I claim for the inserted form, all the requisites of makuyu muyut bouti zapovnenni. Especially respect the merit of the store of minds of the accreditation: for yaki, the companion of platiti, on pidstavi yakih rozraunkovyh dokumentov in platiti, with the acceptance of chi without the acceptance of the representative of the purchase of zdіysnyuvati payment in kind. Drain the accredit to creep into zahist, entertainments of counterparties and banks, formally register the banks, banks can control the payments to the banks when they are paid.

The order of writing the accreditation is to be stored in the yogic mind. Protest for a kind of accreditation bank-issuer to torment the vicomotive bank about yogo vidkrtya, signifying the form, the deadline for the receipt, the letter of the credit, the same as the bank for the payment of rozraunkovyh documents. Vikonoichy Bank is guilty of advising beneficiaries of the accreditation for roses for them, about the yogi's appearance.

Having won takie obedomlennya, beneficiary vіdvantazhuet produktsiyu, vikonuє roboti chi ambassadors, після чого подає реєстр документаів, peredbachenyvmyvmy of the accredit, vikonyuchomu bank. Ostannii is important for re-writing on the subject of the upstream of the minds of the accredit. Yakshto at the bank does not care about the registration of documents in the beneficiary and inboxes until the accreditation line, before receipt of payment, is paid. When you vkdkritti zabezpechenocogo akreditiva at vikonyuchomu bank documents beneficiary zapryuchatsya negajno - z rahunku paysite "Rozrawnki Akreditivami." At various times, the accredited accredit in the bank-issuing documents of the beneficiary documents is transferred to the bank, the girls will be paid for the "Rozraunki with accreditations", and for the sum of the koshtins they will be reimbursed to the bank, which is paid to the rakhunok of the beneficiary. At rozraunkah for non-critical (guarantor) accredit vikonoychy bank zdіysnyuєe payment priinyatih vіd benefіtsііаr documents from the correspondent рахунку bank-issuer. Having secured the documents for the payment of services to a bank, the bank-credit is written off as a sum of kostyas for the payer of the payer for the cleaning of his own vitrate, but for the lack of money, the part of the payment is not guaranteed, the guarantee is guaranteed to the bank-issuer of the payers.

Scheme of document circulation of payments at rozraunkah with accredit is shown in Fig. 3.7.

When rozraunkah acreditivly important is the meaning of the line inserted їх дії. Oskilki Tsei pokaznik directly vplyvie on rozmіr vіdvolіkannya коштів з turnover of the payer, ostannomu nadaєtsya right vstanovlyulyuvali lines дії акредитива, prote no longer nіzh 15 dnіv z day vіdkrtya, not vrahovoychi normative terminu peresilannya documentі між banks. In times of need, for the taxes of the payer, the banker of the bank-issuer can leverage the lines of the asset for 10 days. Establishment of the rows vkazuyutsya in the application for the credit, but about zmіnu yogo dodatko pokazdomlyayut vikonoychy bank і beneficiary.

Scheme zdіysnennya rozraunkіv for pokrimit accredit, vikritytym vikonyuchomu bank

Fig. 3.7. Scheme zdіysnennya rozraunkіv for pokrimit accredit, vikritytym vikonyuchomu bank

At the day, instructions for accreditation, the bank for emergency settlement of the remaining payments for rozraunkovymi documents of the beneficiary and for the day of the day, accredit the credit. When you pour the buckwheat on rahunka "Rozrawnki Akreditivami", yakshcheo vin vidkrytiy u vikonujochomu bank, get rid of money and settle in the bank-emitent, de vin zarahovuyetsya on rakhunok platnika. Yakshche pokraty accredit vidkrytiy at the bank-emitenti, then tse ostalnіy to fetch for the pre-Triangles the line of yogo day and curse for the day, vkazannogo on accreditation, plus the term forwarding documents to the banks, writing off the shit of koshtiv zra rahunku "Rozrawnki Akreditivami" on the current rakhunok platnika. About zakrtyta accredita vin podіdomlyaєe vikonoichomu bank.

At rozraunkah by accreditations, the salesperson (beneficiary) zahischayutsya krasche, nizh zakontsya. The benefit of the guaranty is the repayment of the wages of the yogi, the yoke of the wills to do it in a timely manner and to meet the requirements of the contract for the non-accredited accredit. Pokupets, however, is guilty of witchcraft in turnover, armor on the accredited. More than that, it is not insignificant, it is a seller's chitko and svoehasno vikona svoi zobov'yanya for the contract of delivery, oskilki vikonoychy bank does not zavzhdi in zmozi by the insolent rank of his vikonannya him pregovnyh zobov'azan. Tom platniki zmusheni neridko zastosovuvati accreditation with the acceptance of rozraunkovyh documents in the seller's shop, for the sake of the production of products, the mother of her representative, but also the health of the roses. Rozraunkki acreditivnymi sprichinilit rizik pay for the seller of expensive products, vigotovanoї for індивідуальним мовленням. Zatimka z vidkrittyam akreditiv platnikom pozbavlyaet sistemtsya mozhnosty realizu tiu productu, scho pogyrshu yogo fіnansove stanovishche.