Basics of Marketing - Kotler Philip

Management of production of conventional and branded goods

Managers of the production of conventional and vintage goods plan, organize and control commercial and marketing activities in connection with their goods. They deal with issues of R & D, packaging, production, marketing, commodity circulation, advertising, sales promotion, market research, analysis and forecasting of economic activity. In firms that produce consumer goods, a beginner (usually having a master's degree in business administration) joins the collective of workers in the production of branded goods and begins to learn his mechanics, doing quantitative analysis and eyeing the work of experienced specialists. If a newcomer shows his competence, he can ultimately lead the team, and subsequently a more solid production. The positions of managers for goods exist in a number of firms that produce goods for industrial use. The scope of commodity production management is considered one of the best schools for future managers of firms.

Working with consumers

Some large producers of consumer goods have established a position of the responsible for consumer affairs, which acts as a link between the firm and its clientele. This responsible representative examines complaints, proposals and problems arising on the specific goods of the firm, decides what actions are to be taken, and coordinates all activities to eliminate these problems. This position requires a person who is able to feel the feelings of others, diplomatic, able to work with a wide range of people both inside the company and outside it.

Industrial marketing

Those interested in industrial marketing can find jobs in sales, service, product development, marketing research and others. As a rule, they must have a technical background. Most start in the sales area and study, making visits together with experienced salesmen. If they remain in the sales sphere, they can grow to leading positions of regional, regional and higher level. They can also go into the sphere of commodity production management and work directly with customers and suppliers, deal with production problems and the professional and technical side of sales.

International Marketing

US firms are expanding their international activities and are looking for people who are relatively fluent in a foreign language, ready to travel and / or live and work abroad. For such positions, most firms select experienced people who have already shown themselves at work inside the country. A good, but not mandatory, help when choosing a candidate for such a position is the presence of a master's degree in business administration.

Specialists in the organization of marketing management and systems analysis

Those who have studied the course of management methods, quantitative and system analysis, can become consultants to managers on complex marketing problems, such as measuring and forecasting demand, analyzing market structure and evaluating new products. Opportunities for such a career exist primarily in large firms that organize their activities on the principles of marketing, in advisory firms on governance issues and government organizations dealing with health, education and transport. Usually a candidate for a position requires a Master's degree in Business Administration or a Master of Science.

Marketing research

Marketing researchers work together with their managers to identify problems and determine the range of information needed to resolve these problems. They are engaged in the development of research projects, including the development of questionnaires and sampling, tabulation and analysis of collected data, preparation of reports and presentation of results to management along with their recommendations. In this case, a specialist with a master's degree is desirable to have knowledge in the field of statistics, psychology and sociology. Opportunities for such a career exist in manufacturing firms, retail organizations and - in some cases - wholesalers, trade and industry associations, marketing research firms, advertising agencies, as well as in public and private non-profit institutions.

Planning for new products

Those interested in planning new products can find employment opportunities in a wide variety of organizations. The candidate usually should have a good training in marketing, in the field of marketing research and sales forecasting. He must have organizational skills to be able to direct and coordinate the work of others. In some cases, technical education may be required. Before you get to the department of planning new products, such a specialist usually works in some other areas of marketing activities.

Goods circulation system

The system of commodity circulation is a huge dynamic field of activity with many opportunities for a career. Specialists in the organization of commodity circulation work in large companies-carriers and manufacturers, in wholesale and retail trade organizations. The student acquires the necessary knowledge and skills for such work in the course of studying the courses of quantitative analysis, financial and accounting activities and marketing.

Organization of public opinion ("public relations")

In most organizations, there is either a specialist in organizing public opinion or a whole staff whose tasks include anticipating possible complications in relations with the public, analyzing complaints, working with the media, strengthening the image of the company, etc. Interested in working in the field of organization Public opinion should be able to clearly express their thoughts verbally and in writing, be able to convince and preferably have the education of a journalist, a specialist in communications or the humanities. Work in this area is primarily concerned with people and poses many difficult problems.

Material and technical supply

The role of the procurement agent in ensuring the profitable activity of the firm is especially increased during periods of rising prices for raw materials and their shortages. In retail organizations, the position of "buyer" often serves as a direct road to the highest echelons of the leadership. The suppliers of industrial concerns play a key role in restraining the growth of production costs. In some supply positions, technical education, combined with knowledge of credit, financing and commodity circulation systems, is a useful tool.

Retail Operations Management

Retail companies give their employees the opportunity to quickly occupy responsible marketing positions. The growth of the market for large retail enterprises caused an increase in interest in "professional training" as a necessary stage of preparation for a career in retail trade. Although traditionally the salary and position of newcomers in the retail sector is lower than wages and posts in the spheres of production and advertising, this gap is constantly narrowing. The main steps to the top management of retail activities are posts associated with the management of inventory and stores. In the area of ​​inventory management, it is possible to grow from a trainee buyer and a purchasing assistant to a supply agent and a manager of the assortment. In the field of store management, it is possible to grow from an intern and an assistant to the head of the department and the sales department to the head of the department or store (store branch). While the buyers are primarily concerned with the selection of the product range and incentives, the department heads direct the sellers and organize the exhibition of the goods. Large retail enterprises provide the newcomer with the opportunity, within a few years, to take a managerial position in a branch or department store with a turnover of about $ 5 million per year.

Sales and Management

Opportunities for employment in marketing and its management exist in a number of commercial and non-commercial organizations, in organizations dealing with goods and services, including financial, insurance, advisory and government agencies. The past experience, interests, technical skills and theoretical training of newcomers should correspond to the specifics of a specific sales area. The programs of their training differ sharply from one another both in form and duration - from a few weeks to two years. Career steps lead from the position of the seller to the leading positions of the regional, regional and higher levels, and in many cases to the positions of the highest echelon of the company's managers.

Other career opportunities in marketing

We did not include in our list descriptions of many other areas of activity directly related to marketing, such as sales promotion, wholesale trade, packaging management, pricing and credit operations. About the opportunities provided by all these areas, you can find out from the literature available in the library.

Selecting a job and getting a place

In this section we want to give brief advice on choosing a job and getting a seat. This process requires the use of marketing skills and especially marketing analysis and planning. Below are eight tips for choosing a field of activity and looking for a first job.

Do a self-evaluation

Carrying out a self-assessment is the most important stage of the job search process. Until you know for sure what exactly interests you - a moderate climate, a city with an opera house, a firm the size of an educational institution, where you received a bachelor's degree, or work in France - the matter is likely to end with the fact that You will find yourself something below the best possible. Self-evaluation is basically a process of clarifying and clearly articulating ideas that may already be worn in your mind in the form of vague vague ideas. In carrying out such a self-assessment, the following books will help, which highlight many issues that you should think about:

1. Richard Balls "What color is your parachute?"

2. Richard Balls "Three cells on the path of life and how to get out of them."

3. Tom Jackson "Guerrilla war in the job market."

Ask also the teachers of your school. Help you determine and tests such as the method of identifying interests, developed by Strong and Campbell.

Study job descriptions

After completing the self-assessment, examine the descriptions of the various works to find out which of them best fits your interests, desires or possibilities. Descriptions of various types of work and model job descriptions can be found in the "Directory of Prospective Occupations" and in the "Dictionary of Positions", published by the US Department of Labor. These books contain descriptions of the duties of workers in different fields of activity, information about the necessary vocational training and necessary education for these occupations, the availability of jobs in each field of activity and the opportunities for promotion and earnings.

Formulate the goals of your search

Your initial "shopping list" in the field of career opportunities should be broad and flexible. Do not make mistakes in the framework of your understanding of the ways of achieving goals. For example, if your goal is marketing research, include in your search for an organization of both the public and private sectors, firms of both regional and national scale. Only after studying a variety of options can you focus on specific industries and a range of responsibilities that may suit you. You need to make a list of your main goals. Among these goals can be: working in a small company, working in a big city, working in the states of the solar belt, doing marketing research, working at a firm on electronic data processing.

Study the job market and evaluate its opportunities

Now you need to study the market for specific positions to get an idea of ​​how many vacancies you can count on. A constantly updated list of vacancies in the field of marketing activities is contained in the "Yearbook on the availability of jobs for college graduates" editions available at the college of employment colleges for graduates. This handbook provides information on the initial level vacancies that exist for college graduates in hundreds of firms. Here you can find information about companies interested in attracting experienced employees or specialists with a degree higher than a bachelor. At this stage, we recommend that you fully utilize the capabilities of your employment office for graduates to find vacancies and arrange interviews for companies that are interested in you, who are looking for employees in marketing positions. Slowly analyze the features of the industries and firms you are interested in. The source of information about them can be specialized journals, annual reports, industry directories, teachers and former classmates. Try to analyze the growth prospects and trends in the profitability of the company or industry you are interested in, the chances for promotion, the level of salaries, the features of the initial positions for beginners, the frequency and duration of the necessary business trips, etc.

Develop a search strategy

To establish contact with the firm, you can use one or more approaches. Among the possible ways (1) conducting interviews on the campus, (2) talking on the phone or writing a letter and (3) asking marketing instructors and / or graduates of past years to recommend who to contact.

Prepare a brief information about yourself and your cover letter

Brief information should give an idea of ​​your abilities, education, previous classes, training, work experience and personal qualities. In this case, it should be short and take no more than one page. The purpose of such a reference is to achieve a positive response from potential employers.

It is perhaps more difficult to write a cover letter than to prepare a certificate. It must be convincing, professionally seasoned and interesting. Ideally, it should put you above all other applicants for the position and apart from them. Each letter must be original in its appearance and content. For each organization it is necessary to write and print a separate message, taking into account its specifics. The letter should contain a description of the post you are applying for, arouse interest, give an idea of ​​your qualifications and tell you how to contact you. The cover letter should include the surname, not just the title of the official to whom you are applying. After sending the letter, you should call the company after a while.

Get an interview

Here are some tips on what to do before, during and after the interview.

Preparation for the interview:

1. Interviewers can talk with you in different ways. Some, for example, seem to "talk about this and that," others - as if they want to make a close acquaintance, the third - they arrange a half-question, asking the question for the question, the fourth - they are persistently trying to find out what, why and why, etc. And so on. So be prepared for anything.

2. Practice interviewing one of your friends and ask them to make their critical comments.

3. Ask the interviewer at least five questions, which are difficult to find answers in the company's publications.

4. Consider the interviewer's possible questions and prepare answers in advance.

5. Avoid the interviews, which are next to each other, as they can be exhausting.

6. Come to the interview dressed rather conservatively, rather than keenly.

7. Plan your visit so that you arrive 10 minutes early and gather your thoughts before the interview begins. Check if your name is on the list of interviewees, remember the name of the interviewer and the room number.

8. Repeat the main points you want to stop.

During the interview:

1. Fill with the interviewer, firmly shake his hand. Introduce yourself in the same form as you presented the interviewer. Try to make a favorable first impression.

2. Keep the shutter speed. Stay at ease. From time to time, smile. During the whole interview, keep optimistic.

3. Be sure to look into the interviewer's eyes, keep straight, speak clearly and clearly. Do not grasp your hands, do not tinker with jewelry, hair, etc. Sit down on a chair more comfortable. Do not smoke, even if you are offered.

4. Имейте при себе несколько дополнительных экземпляров краткой справки.

5.Четко заучите рассказ о себе. Изложите свои коммерческие доводы. Отвечайте на вопросы, не уклоняясь. Избегайте односложных ответов, но и не будьте слишком многословны.

6. В течение большей части беседы предоставьте интервьюеру держать инициативу, но не оставайтесь пассивным. Найдите подходящую возможность повернуть разговор на проблемы, которые вы хотели бы изложить интервьюеру.

7. Заключительная часть интервью — самое удобное время для изложения вашего самого существенного довода или постановки актуального для вас вопроса, чтобы закончить беседу на высокой ноте.

8. Не бойтесь выступать «зачинщиком» окончания интервью. Можете, к примеру, сказать: «Я очень заинтересован в этом месте, и мне очень понравилась наша беседа».

После интервью:

1. Возвратившись после интервью, запишите его основные моменты. Не забудьте записать, кто должен будет дать вам ответ и когда следует ожидать решения.

2. Объективно проанализируйте интервью с точки зрения вопросов, которые вам задавали, данных вами ответов, изложения вами своих аргументов и ответной реакции интервьюера на конкретные доводы (интерес, скука и т.п.).

3. Пошлите благодарственное письмо, упомянув в нем о каких-то дополнительных моментах и своей готовности предоставить более подробную информацию.

4. Не получив ответа в течение оговоренного срока, напишите или позвоните интервьюеру, чтобы узнать о положении дел.

Доведите дело до конца

В случае удачи вас пригласят в организацию для беседы. Интервью на фирме может длиться несколько часов, а то и целый день. В ходе интервью будут внимательно оценивать вашу заинтересованность, зрелость, энтузиазм, напористость, логичность рассуждений, уровень знаний о фирме и глубину профессиональных знаний. Вам же следует задавать вопросы, имеющие для вас особую значимость. Выясните обстановку, престиж должности, круг обязанностей, возможности роста, проблемы, существующие в настоящее время в данной сфере деятельности и характеристику «личности фирмы». Если все пройдет хорошо, впоследствии вас могут взять на работу в эту организацию. Чтобы не чувствовать себя в будущем неудобно, запомните имена людей с которыми вы встречались.