Economical Encyclopedia. Litora D

Demonetization [demonetization]

(Vid fred demonetisation - vtrata) - pozbav-lennya sovereign power of coins in vmistom noble metals (gold and silver) were legitimate pay zasobu. The coin in the zoo-mu razi zberiagae its vartit lishe vidpo-vidno to vartosty vmischengo in niy metal (for yogo vagoyu). To be held at the doorstep of the bankruptcy of the credit, bank loans, bezgotivkovyh grosche, check. Міжна-родне закріплення Д. золо здійснено в ста-туті Міжнародно валютной фонду з 1978 р., If the gold price of a bula is seen from the sources. In the spheres of international roses, gold is vikonuet so and functions: the fund of insurance of deposits, the loan for loans, the reserve of leaking out of resources.


- the power polity, it is crammed into the fire of striimuvaniya, the znizhennia rivnya chistonnoy chi іnshої monopolії one chіkіl-kok vіrobnikіv produkії, produktiv, obyg, yakі domіnuyut na rinkah. Zdіysnyuetsya on the ambush of the state antimonopoly legislation. The state-owned antimonopoly committee for pidtrymki processes rozukrup-nennya monopole structures zdіysnyuyu za-hodi, spromovanni na pricelnya і pidtrimku rivalnykh organizatsii i sprijannya roz-vitkovі vіnogo rivalry.


-and the widening of the spizi-valnitskih namiriv, yaki is transmitted through the use of zasobi zvoyazyku (including podorozh), and takozh through Torguvlyu that investment.


(La-tín demonstratio, for demonstro-show, explanatory) - 1. Processes, meta ta іnshі formi mi public pribolyannya suspilnyh na-stroyev, positsіy (polichnichna, svyatkova). 2. AK-TIVNIY by means of indirect method of downloading from third-party tables, graphs, kinofilmov, display of images, layouts. 3. Refuse to run ahead of the day in the back of the powers. 4. Portable - nadmirno zuhvalі dії, vizyvna, zadirliva in the Vedinka.


(Fr. demontage, vіd demonter - розбирати) - розбирання або зняття з місця встановленго обладнан-ня, пристроїв chi sporud zі zaberezhennyam ці-лісності вузлів, детали. D. spend an hour to repair chi chamini cars (pristroїv, spo-rud), and takozh at peremischennі їх інше місце.


(Fr. demoralisation, for Latin, de ... -extend, pripinennya and moralis - moral) - 1. Moral zalepad, rozklad, rozbeschennost, vtrata cultural and spiritual (nonmaterial-them) values. 2. Zanepad disciplinary, on-line, vtrata zdatnostі to dіy, pratsi, active-nostі.


(Від англ. Dumping- скидання) - sales of goods in monopolls, companies, great businesses for pieces underestimated, пільговими, "заохочувальни-ми" цінами, які an hour мууть бути нижчи-ми від собівартості з метю завуюванню чи закріплення на товарних і регіональних ринках. The sale of goods to the export for border dempoving countries, to compete for the competition, and for the invasion of the calls-nishynih rink. Інколи carried out by the method of realizing supra-store provisions in goods and goods from outside the warehouse. Існує і currencies-D. - vivecennya goods for tinami, lower-svyatіvіh, з країни із знеціненою the currency in the territory з стійкою чи менш знеціненою валютую. Tsekspansionistskie methods pri-dushennya rivalіvі і завоювання ринків. Often enacted by the state authorities in the field of political and legal rights, and that of pirogovoy otopotkatvannya.


(Від англ. Dumping - скидання) -shtuch-but understated tsina, mensha for the middle-sized roses-drіbnі tsіni, and the lower base for the vіvіvartіst (витрат виробництва та обігу), for the alleged sale of goods on the call and in the internal markets. D.c. To be introduced by means of penetration into the market, zavoyuvannya mіstsya na ньому, витіснення конкурентів. Dempping zdіsnyu-є be power and companies in the critical way in the Maybutny streaming zbits, to whom zavodyaki yogo zastosuvannu bude dosaya-nuto stіyke stanovishche rinku. However, one hour and the other, the power vikoristovyte dem-ping yak razovy zahid shvidkogo opresnenya neobhidnih kostyv, currency. At ryady kraine zdіysnyuetsya protyostoyaniya dempinu shah-hom zastosuvannya antidempinovikh legiyiv, vstanovlennya spetsialnogo protidemppingo-vogo mita.


- skasuvannya municipalizacii (municipalnogo vlasnosti), pokonennya ko-otlozhnim vlasychenogo they have a mine, the sales of municipalnih pіdpriemstv pri-vatnim, phizic and juridic persons.


(Vid latin, denarius - that, sho warehousing-ten, ten) - an ancient roman srіb-on a coin in 10 ассів, пo містила 4,5 г срібла, карбування anchored in 269 р. To. Bula is widened for a part of the Roman Empire. Vid D. to resemble the names of the day's pennies nobles of a number of countries (Algeria, Iraq and India).