Economical Encyclopedia. Litora D


(For example, Decort - znizh-ka) - the scrap on the price of the goods, but sell the merchandise to the merchant for the add-on of the yogo payment. The number of deliveries is the product of the lower anchorages, not the attachments, to the contract.


(French decret, latin, de-cretum - ordinance, decree) - 1. The decree of viscous sovereignty is yakogos pitan-nya, scho moe force of law. 2. The ordinance act, which is seen in the order vikonannya, up-ravlinnya, in dopovnennya chiz zmіnu legislative acts.


- groshni signs, yaki to be entered into the decree of the organ of authority, I order the contract yak timchasovy zasib payment. Справжня їх ку-півельна цінність is not meant to be titled, but to the right market, to buy goods, to buy goods, to buy goods, to buy goods, you can buy a penny for me.


(In the form of decouvert, lit..- non-criticism) - riznitsya mizh insurance-woyu sumoju myna, viznachenogo polisom, and insurance sumoju, yaka to be deprived on rizik inshoryvannika. Розмір Д. може становити до 50 відсотків страхової оцінки.


(English deck hol-der) - serviceman birzhi, yobyi zbori doru-chennya klієntіv, and potim rozpodilyaє їh mіzh brokers.


(Vid latin, delegatus-messenger) - overseas is recognized as a person (a representative), yaka is equally endowed with the representation of the state, the organization, the setting in the other powers, regions, on the streets, conferences, congresses, nada.


(Vіd latin .partatio - vislannya) - group of delegates to the state, organisatsiya, establish, ob'єdnannya, partії, schо їх репрезентує іpresentє їхні Інтереси, діє від їхнього імені.


- transferred to the other person. To be conducted in accordance with the method of decentralization of management by the administration of the administration to the management of the warehouse of the managerial warehouse of the organisation, zdіysnen-nya (deeduvuvannya), povdlovazh pidllegim z kok kerivnik.


(English delivery order) - an order, a letter of a rozporyadzhennya vlasni-ka about vidachu goods; Of visions by a merchant of goods. An order for a war, or a part of a goods, a warehouse, a deed of zberigayatsya.


(Vіd latin, delictum) - illegal дія, правопорушення, що призво-дить до збитків, які правопорушник збов'-язаний відшкодувати.