Economical Encyclopedia. Litora D


(Latin, de-limitatio - rozmezhuvannya) - viznachennya derzhavnih kordonіv z exactom opisom mіsts їh prodozhennya і pokojennjam on polichnichnu map vidpovidno to the mind of the established agreement with the other state.


(For Latin, delinquens (delinduentis) - the one that hurts the wine) - the right-hander. Div. Takozh Delikt.


(English delisting - виключення, вилучення) - виключення зі listing цінних паперів, set-offs for sale on birzhovih auctions, після перевір-ки їхньої забезпеченості.


(Vіd італ. Del credere - на виіру) - zaporuka (guarantee) in the maynova vіdpovdalnistyu tor-govogo mediator (komіsionera) shodo viko-nannya third special commercial operation for the contract (hijacking). For the purpose of trading, a visitor (komіsioner) otrymuyu vid guarantor (komentata) spetsialnu vinagorodu. Комісіо-нер, беручи на себе Д., гарантує проплату операцій за договором навіть у разі, CODEC Producer of products is not responsible for non-payment-pro-customs.


- 1. The electronic system of fire-free banking and waste management systems has been automated. In times introduced by the "Delta" system, the skin person can become a clerk of the banknote rahunku, the code of which will be posted to the electronic banker. All Visible Pributkіv pass through the communal channels and heaped into a yogic personal "safe." Mayuki personal plastic card - singularity magnitny "key" from a personal "safe", you can instantly conduct a bank operation in the banking industry, whether it's the edge, the banks, or the Internet with "e-money". 2. Зміна ціни опціону на майбутню купівлю або або акцій, is zoomed in зміною котирування поточних цін акцій. Зазвичай опціон на купівлю має додатну Д., and on sales - від'ємну. 3. Ustyrena rіchkovymi deposits nizinna ділянка dry-dolu in girlyі rіchki, rozglenovana rozgalu-zhenoyu sіtkoju sleeves and the flow.


- Position of the seller to the stock, is insured against the "delta".


- спів-відношення опціонів, installed yak neutral position. Tse neyelniy koefitsi-єnt vysnachaetsya shlytom dilennya delti bought opcionu on the delta sold.


- insuring by sellers op-tsіonіv riziku shajom komіvіl abo sale of the in-kind tool to the stock rink vіd-поідно to кефіцієнта "дельта".


- one of the basic methods of sociological logging, but widely zastosovu-є прогно прогно у у у. Polyagye at zbiranni, systematization and that of the dusk eks-pertiv and on the basis of the dusk (otsinki yavishch). To resemble the name of the ancient mountain town of Delphi, seen by its own provinces.

Demagogue [Demagogue]

(Greek demagogos, lit. - leader of the people) - 1-At Starodavnіy Gretsії demokratichny polіtichny dіyach. 2. Special person, yaka namagayutsya zdobuti populyarnіst, vda-yuchis to demagogy - obitsyanok, lestoshchiv, nawmischnikh perekruchen.