Banking Operations - Moroz AM


Commercial banks can mull vikonuvati proruchennya svoїh klієntіv-vekselederzhtelіv, beruchi on itself vіdpovidalnist for podannya vekselіv і suprovidnih komercitsnyh dokumentov at the lines of the platnik and those who are secured by the payment. To serve as an ambassador інкасуванням веселів .

In інкаізацій операції to take part п'ять учасників: bill holder, yaky дає доручення інкасувати the bill ( principal , комітент ); Bank, yakomu given proruchennia zdіsniti іnkasuvannya bills ( remіent ); Bank, which takes part in інкасуванні, але не є bank-remіtentom ( іnkasuyuchy bank ); Payer for a bill; Інкаюючий a bank, a certain amount of a bill of lading to a platnik (a pre-acting bank ).

Zdіysnemuchi іnkasuvannya, the bank does not take on itself the income for the form, the exactness, the accuracy, the accuracy, the pidrobka, the legal meaning of the document, so it is for the sake of zagalnі ta / abo okremi umovi, pokazany in the documents. Bank takozh not in charge of the investment for the admission of children, who are appointed in the dorechennyi on інсасування, умов to the agreement між the principal and the platnik. Він не відповідає за неплатоспроможність, не-дбалість, неправвомірну поведінку, pomilko neobikonannya іnshogo banku chi platnika, аb ж нотаріуса at protest, and takozh for zatrimku, втрату або знищення документаів під час їх пересилання або під час їх перебування у володінні інших осіб.

The holder of the bill is to make a loan to the bank and I will declare it, in order to get in touch with him about the sale of the promissory notes of his portfolio. Prior to the announcement, I agree to comment on the promissory notes, which are to be submitted for payment, in two copies of the bill of lading, in the bill of exchange. Pravtsivnik banku, scho priymaє documents for rozglyadu, kind of klієntovi prisypku pro їh otrimannya.





Місце і date


Number і date реєстрації у комітент


Person, tel./fax



Number і date реєстрації from the bank of references

Виконуючи платіж, loan our rake № _____________

Your vinogradov and vitrati take time off until _________

Asking banks to do it is necessary to settle on our number and date


Preliminary Bank:

Bank і pootschny rakhunok paysite:


Before payment

Before acceptance



Number and type of a bill











Bills of exchange for pre-offerings

String bills


(Date of payment)

Інші умиви (be-ласка опишіть)



Your zbir for інкасусування за рахунок :

Збір за інкасування кореспонта за рахунок :

Over the years

Over the years

Payer: the documents can be billed before payment of the fee

Payer: the documents can be billed before payment of the fee

Of the payer: the documents can not be billed before payment of the fee

Of the payer: the documents can not be billed before payment of the fee

At raz viniknennja it is difficult you need to call z:

Особливі умыви: (заповнити при необхідності)

Agent (mediator)

Protest at times



Without protest

Guarantee is seen:

The percentages of the vipadka non-payment:% of the riches,

Starting with ___




Can not be affected

No such thing as nonsense

There is no need for payment

Be-weasel send the documents


A distinction in acceptance

Courteous call

Інструкції у разі неплатежу, неакцепту та / або некоконання ішших вимог

Postovi vitrati

For our rakhunok

Або інші коментарі:

For a plucker's salary

Виконуючи платіж, loans:

Our rake № _______ in _______________________________


(Pikspisi i printchat komіenta)

Fig. 5.11. Doruchennia on інкасування

We have the documents that are transferred to the bank for settlement, are guilty of a subordinate to the doorkeepers at the village (Figure 5.11), in which a little bit the exactness of the principle of the principle is written. Banks are allowed to dispose of the goods until such time. Doruchennia on інсасування is guilty of a mother's fate. The principal is submitted to the bank for the bank-remuneration of three months, the bank-remitent and the predecessor bank-one person; At chotoryokh primrnikov, yakshcho bank-remitent i pred'yavlyayuchy bank - rizny individuals; At the time of the payment, in the bank, in the bank-remitter and the bank that is taking care of the bank, take part in the bank. For neobhіdnostі bank-remіtent mozhe vimagati vіd prinadala nadannya dodatkovykh primіrnikіv doruchen na іnkasuvannya.

Bank-remitent perevіrya correctness formalized by principals doruchen on інсасування, scho podayutsya, і у разі виявлення помилок або неточностей rotateє їх клієнтам на переформлення. Correctly executed on the date of registration of the document, the documents should be received by the bank-reminder from the principal to the receipt of letters to the authorized persons of the date fixed for the remaining period of admission and registration in the ad-hoc journal.

Banks, priymayuchi vekselі for інкасування, всивають вимогу about наявність у місці оплати банковівських установ. Yak rule, banks vidmovlyayutsya vіd іnkasuvannya neakseptovovanyh perekaznikh vekselіv, and takozh nedomіtsilovany vekselіv.

Між the parties укладається договір, в якому деталізуються всі умоi здійснення операції. Prior to the contract, you have to apply a discount to the agreements, receive payments on the account (Fig. 5.12). Договір може передбачати:

  1. Priinyattya pobykh і перекнихних веселів для подання платникам (when nastanni after them the payment line) for the payment that is paid for, which is due to them protest;
  2. For the transfer of promissory notes for submission before the acceptance and forgiveness of the promises in a row at such an hour for the filing date for filing a protest;
  3. Priinyatty protests vekselіv for їх подння before the payment of the designation in the prerupchennyah to інсасування individuals (for vinyatok ship's order);
  4. Priinyattya vekselіv for їх transferring to the name of the prerupchennyah on іnkasuvannya individuals on viznacheniyah dobruchenni on іnkasuvannya umovah;
  5. In connection with the bills of exchange with commercial documents, before the vizrapeniyah at the gatekeepers on the site of the organization, with the method of transferring commercial documents to the payer against payment for the bill; Against acceptance of a bill; To pay for a bill with a bills acceptance.



(Name, addresses, bank accounts of the bill holder)


(Date of the promissory note)


Name, requisites, addresses of the bill of lading

Number and type of a bill

Date and position

Name, legal address, requisites

Номінальна сума векселя (грн)

Interest for a bill (UAH)



Bills of exchange

Payment for a bill





Bill vyssilya on іnnazo

Bill of exchange before payment (acceptance)















Fig. 5.12

Клієнт вчинює на звороті векселів напис about передоручення (передоручительний индосамент) у вигляді « Сплаіть за наказом АБ« Лілія ». Currency on іnkaso ", abo" Payment for the order of AB "Liliya". Currency before otrimannya "- zasosovuyutsya razi filed bills before payment; " For the endowment of the JSCB" Elegia " "; " Yak dovirenomu bank Soreks for ... (перелік дій)" - zasosovuyutsya for viznacheniyah the principal diy. Peredoruchitelskii індосамент засвідчується підписом with the note holder. Vekselі transferred to the bank for the act of priymannya-transferred vekselіv .

Having adopted the bills on іnkaso, pratsіvniki rekstryuyut bank їh at the bottom of the promises , priinyatih na inkaso . Vona store for the mold, the analogue of the Knyas obliku vihovanyh vekselіv (Figure 5.12), behind the vineyard graph "lines of credit".

Bank-remitent zdіysnyuє іnkasuvannya samostіno neo koristoichchis іssіmі іnshih bankіv, yakschoo the principal at the contractor abolished in іnkasuvannya nadav yomu takе right. With the help of banks, vikoristovochchi інги інших банів for виконання інструкцій a principal, to tale for a rakhunok і на ризик останньго.

Yakshto bank-remitent is not a pre-existing bank, but it is possible to transfer the bill to the bank in front of the entrusted loan to the bank, and the remaining bank of his own chervon. Yaksho bank-remitent korostustesya posts of іnkasuyuchogo bank, then він is guilty of transmitting yomu доручення на інкасування. The first person on the bed is placed on the front of the library to check the payment, the acceptance is exact. Other commentary (copy of the note about the presentation of the document) at the same time with the documents attached to the documents (in the order of the principal) to pay attention to the payer of the payer to appear in the approved bank of the payer of the payer on the first note at the door to the iknatsuvannya.

Pratsyniki інкасуючого bank повинні свеєчасно переслати векселі за місцем їх payment і bring to the payment of the payer through поіддомлення about надходження веселя на інкасо. Submission of a document to a planner can be made:

1) by and by, and in the time when the moment of submission is due to the moment of having been awarded the post-war correspondence;

2) in the miscount of acceptance to a payment that is designated for a bill, and for the visibility of such a pledge - in the face of a person who has not paid a bill, so accept the bill. Yakshtso person, yaka makyo accept acceptance pay bill, person, be-yaka person, it is added dyati zamest neji, do not perebuvae danomu mіstsіi neo it not possible to establish contact, obovyazok zdіsniti podanya dokumentov vidpadaє.

Yakshcho not izschocheno іnshe, with інсусуванні документаів a string of payment for the filed of abo without a well-labeled string of documents submitted by the bank in the course of three days from the day of the document. Платник підписує Act of submission of the promissory notes before payment and payment of the payment of the day of payment. The acceptance of the drafts, and that of the vistavlennya pity vekselіv zdіysnyuetsya platnikom at the lines, notations in proruchennі on іnkasuvannya, and if the term is not a penalty - not three days from the day of the receipt of documents by the bank. Yakshcho the rest of the day, the line marked in proruchennі na іnkasuvannya, pripadae on nerobobchy day, acceptance abo payment of documents can be done in the first day.

With otrimanni payment for a bill, the presentation bank is responsible for writing a bill of exchange for the type " Currency otrimana " і zvіdchuyu yogo pidpisom. Otrymani kosti zarahovuyutsya on razhunok razhunkok klієnta.

In case of unreasonable payment, pay by the planner piss-write the Act of pre-payment of the promissory notes before payment , the bank of zobovaniya submit the bill to the protest of the admonitor (without restoring the ignoramus, turn the yom of non-payment of the bill), and inform yogo about vikonannya proruchennya. Unpaid loans are lodged in the bank before being fed by the billholder, or by a string that is not more than an agreement signed by the contract (as a rule, three times a month), if the bank has the right to repay the loan for itself.

Yaksho Bank for any reason may not be in vain for the sake of organization, it is impossible to stay in the dorechennyi on інсасування (in addition to that, if it is not accurate inaccurate), and for those who are sensitive to the documents, the bank does not pay much attention to the offensive day, In the direction of the side, for the sake of the vine, having gained a foothold at the Íncasuvannia, і запитує у неї відповідні інструкції. For proruchennyam on інкасування з нечіткими і нетониминими інструкціями documents зберігаються до отримання відповіді на запит.

Banks do not accept until the end of the year that the supra-commercial documents are filed, and the doorknob on інсусування prior to the vikonannya, yakshcho: on bills not affixing incorrectly the designations of the forwarding loan; Індосаменти on the bill is incorrectly issued and / is committed to a number of unsatisfactory claims; Rekviziti hocha b odom iz dokumentov not vidpovidayut zamyschim at proruchennyakh na іnkasuvannya danim; Yakshcho bank of revelry in addition, vik vikonannya tsyogo dobrchennya on іnkasuvannya negatively to get acquainted with yogo діловій репутації.

You can go to the bank for a business trip in an office, store it out of a commercial vineyard, get together for a vikonannya dobrichnya. Vodnochas Bank may vimagati vіd klієnt vіdshchoduvannya vitrat on відправлення та отримання веселів, а за еірородніми promissory notes, крім addition, дамно иі порто. Комісія за інкасо утримується в процентным відношенні до повної суми веселя, але не менше встановленої by bank sumi on the leather item ( мінімальна комісія ). Damno umitruetsya in percentage vidnoshennі to povno ¬ sumy promissory notes, ale not less than fixed by the bank sumi for the leather item (the minimum amount ). Porto udimuyetsya viznachenomu rozmіrі on the leather item. In cases of unreasonable payment and damages to the protest of the estate, they are charged with protest, the payment of that payment shall be ruled by the client.

Privablivist ікасової операції for the bank of the field is not deprived of the viluchenniy komіsіnogo vinogradov, but th in otrimanni y timchasov rozporyadzhennya resursiv, yakі mozhna vikoristati for svoyh active operations. With tsymu, zdіysnemuchi іnkasuvannya vekselіv, the bank is not nesriziku, bo yo role played lisha up to the exact vikonannya інструкцій its own cliеnt. Zokrema, the bank is not responsible for the costs of the bill on the post, not at the hour of the payment for the payment of the fee for the payment, for the missed loan, for admitted negligence in the case of a protest, for those who do not care about the bank, which can be summoned to the people who do not care for the client. Otzhe, vitrati jar can viniknuti lishe at different times the brain drain contract. For uniqueness of the claims of the bank, the banks at the time of concluding the promises are responsible for the stitches for the terms of the promises, the anchor is accurate to the customization of its design, for which it is recommended that the documentation be documented in the detailed details.