Banking Operations - Moroz AM


Domіsiljacіya promissory notes - tse doruchchennya pay for a bill in a special local payment, yak vіdіznyayatsya vіd mіsceznachodzhennya (domitsil) individuals, kotra marked yak paysnik bills. Відповідно, the bill, пo підлягає оплаті в місці domіциляції, називається domіcil'ovanim .

Tі Vekselі, the payment of some of them is guilty of having to pay for the money of the payer, to march nedomitsilovanimi, and the person assigned to pay for such promissory notes, is to be attached by the platnik . Natomist person, is recognized for the payment of promissory notes in the form of payments to planners, visually in the home .

The assumption of payment of a bill of exchange is a promissory note of a simple chi of a promissory note (an acceptor of a promissory note). If there are no bills in the text of the bills of the house, you can appoint a trasat when accepting a bill with pre-paid bills. Yakshto z ostalnі not vkazuyut domitsiliata, then vvazhaetsya, scho payment of a bill of stink zdіysnayat sami.

The zovnishnyyu sign of the domiciliary note - notes, tutorials on the personal bills promissory note (a pim of the plaintee) as a bill-holder of a simple bill of exchange promissory notes, an acceptor of a promissory note of the type " Domicions in ... (named bank and special payment"), abo " Platnik. .. (name the bank and the special city of payment) "," Paying for the payment in ... (name the bank and the special money for payment) "with the least significant errors, at the same time as the individual's letter, the code of the home, the home of the ciliat .

The symbol of a non-promissory note is to be attached by a platnik-nayavnist on a personal bills promissory note written in the form " Payment for payment in ... (name of payment and bank)" abo " Platnik ... (name the bank and the payment)."

We will expand є priznachennya domitsilіatom chi with a platnik install a commercial bank. With the main accounts of the bank, the payment for promissory notes for promissory notes. On vіdmіnu vіd іnkasovoї sgays, the bank at the house of the housekeeper does not pay off the payment, but the platnik for the bill.

For vikonannya oblegi domitsiljatsії mіzh bank і vіneselezhdatelem ukladаtsya spetsіialna ugoda, zgіdno z osoboyu bank zobov'yazuetsya zdіsniti pay for giving yomu klієntom (doviritelyom) bills for vidpovidnu vinagorodu - komіsіyu. Клієнт дає зобов'язання до настання терміну payment for bills, але not пізніше viznachenogo for the sake of the term (zvichayno 3-5 dniv) zarezervuvati at the bank of grotesque кошти в сумі доміцильованих векселів. Договір може укладатися на пвний термін або for payment of the outstanding sum of money and / or visas.

Після підписаня угоди довіритель грачує комісійну виногороду (якщо послуги доміциляції не є for nyogo bezkoshtnimi for the agreement on the rozraunkovo-kasov obeslugovuvannya) і transfer to the bank vekselі, alternately inserting them on the note about domitsiluvannya.

Priceworks to the bank are fond of arriving at the expense of the pre-merger of the goods and services of the bankruptcy trustee and the governor of the Bank of Ukraine . Dovitritel zobov'yazaniyah perehrauvati in the bank for the periodic rahunok koshti in the region, available to pay bills. For rakhunok tsikh koshtiv for the credit of the loan to the loaner, the sum of money is casually secured for the payment of the bill for the payment of promissory notes, the bank is obliged to pay the bill to the lawful holder in the following order:

- payment of bills, for which the day of repayment is established, to be paid on the day of payment, on the bill of exchange;

- payment of promissory notes, for which the terms are not charged (such as repaying for submissions), in the course of one banking day, when the yogin is filed, but no more than a bill of exchange.

Bank zdіysnyuet plizhizh lishe with vikonanni such minds:

1) filing an original (ale not copies!) Bills of exchange and a supra-redevelopment of promissory notes, filed before payment. Yakshto pokalyutsya perekaznі vekselі, pozadenі in kіolok primirnikah, then the payment is vikonuetsya against that accepted and endorsed commentary (abbreviations), a kind of filing before payment to the first;

2) Nayavnost koshtiv for payment on the outdoor camp. Payment for a bill of exchange may be made in cash at the balance of the payment for sufficient sums of koshtiv and private (at the boundaries of the authorized kostyivs) at various disadvantages for paying a bill of payment in rubles.

The bank can pay a fee to pay for non-payment, we will attach it to the unregistered, domiciled promissory notes, which are not directly incriminated by the censors of the bank. The loan is paid to the bank, the bank is not liable to the bank, it is written by the planner after the bill on the pessary Document.

Після оплати векселів bank обідляляє про це клієнта і rotate yomu vecilі під розписку або вони відсилаються з повідомленням about payment.

Bank vіdmovlyaєtsya vіd pay for bill of exchange у разі, якщо клієнтом not paid коштів, afforded to pay bills. At such times, the protestor of a bill does not protest, but the protest of the rectification does not contradict the bank-house (but in the course of the year), but against the payer (housekeeper). Otzhe, operatsiya domiciliary є tsіlkom bezpechnoju for the bank, scho, odak, not znachaet vіdsutnostі vіdpіdalnostі at її здійсненні. So, yakshto, not having paid the bill, the bank having defeated the agreement with the contract, the rest of the right to zvernutisya z shipvim pozovom on domitsilіata z vimogoyu kompensuvati zbitki.