Economical Encyclopedia. Litora E


- Folding, firing of the power station of the economy. Harakterizuєtsya soon-chennyam virobnitstva, rozladom penny i Credit vіdnosin, іnflyatsієyu, bankrut-stvom Promyslova, torgovelnih that іnshih fіrm i of companies, bankіvskoї system zrostannyam bezrobіttya, rіzkim znizhennyam zhittєvogo rіvnya mainly kategorіy popu-lennya. Especially the Glibini E.k. nabuvaє todі, if ohoplyuє osnovnі spherical svіtovogo Gospa, the state, if the recession virobnitstva i zrostannya bezrobіttya suprovodzhuєtsya monetary, ene-rgetichnoyu, sirovinnoyu crisis.


- System tsіnnostey i CJSIC-bіv gospodarskoї dіyalnostі loyal becoming-lennya to whether yakoї FORMS vlasnostі, pov-zhannya uspіhіv komertsіynoї, pіdpriєmnits-koї, fermerskoї chi іnshoї dіyalnostі, stvorennya rіvnih minds for rozvitku gromadyan-skoї іnіtsіativi access in all areas ekonomіchnogo Zhittya Edge.


- the abstraction of the economical processes, virazhene for the third-economy-mathematical model.


- the science of gosartarstvo, governed by him, seeing people from the hardening of the world in the process of virbitntsvet, rozpodilu, about-mina and spozhivannya materialnyh i nemote-rialnykh blag. Yak zarema galuz, E.N. In ukrainian science, rozpochalas gospodarsko-statisticheskim doslizhenzhenam. З-поміж пер -шших праць були економіко-географічні opi-си Лівобережжя, Південної України. Еконо-мічні знання were popularized by the nature-based Kiev-Mohyla Academy, the founders of the science agronomy in Ukraine, the brothers P. і А. А. Прокоповичі та ін. In the XIX century. (Eg M. Arandarenka "Notes on the Poltava Province" in 3 volumes, A. Skalkovskogo "The experience of the statistical description of the Novorossiysk Territory" in the 2-nd Tomas ta іn.). In particular, the bureaucrats of the State Council of Ukraine have few statistical offices of the Poltava Zemstvo. We are writing to the pupils of the zemstvo of the zemstvo statics of the Buv O. Rousov, a kind of vihovav a number of pupils, having established their own school. Першу кафедра політекономії в Україні було відкрито в Харківському університеті to the mail. ХІХст., Вів її L.Yakob. Zgodom there vik-ladali K. Pavlovich, G. Stepanov (author of the first in Russia). The Chair of the Department of Economics of the Kyiv University of Economics received loans from I.Vernadsky, M. Bunge, L. Yasnopolsky, ian. З ряів Київської громади вийшли вчені економісти-соціоло-гi S. Podolinsky, economist and ethnographer P.Chubinsky, economist T.Rilskiy та ін. In popularizing Marxism, rozpochav his diyalnist Ukrainians-ekonomist M.Tugan-Baranovsky, a kind potdim piddav Marxism ґruntovniy critic. Yoga poglya-let's nalezhit provіdnom mісце in історії євро-пейської та світової Е.Н. Між класичною по-літекономією XIX ст. Zagalom z її obektivnuyu teorієyu vartosty, nagoloshennyam on eko-nomic laws. By the rolls of the theory of rink, the conjuncture cycles M.Tugan-Baranov-syky zdobuv sobi svitove іm'ya; Він відомий також як провідний теоретик кооперації. In Zahidnyi Ukrainy, economic activities were carried out in the main in the institutions of the kra-yoy Seimu and were drunk in official visa-books. On the cobble of the XX century. A number of Ukrainian economists have wagged the camp of the governors of foreign countries and that of Ukrainians (M.Stasyuk, M.Porsh, D.Siromacha, P.Sokolov, A.Ilchenko). Revolution of 1917 р. І securene svetye-hold-vi - UNR - gave new opportunities for roses-coins of Ukraine. There was a guest of the Pot-Reb in the Economical Characteristics of Ukraine, a self-esteem gospodarskogo complex. Todi spoke about the state of Ukraine (S. Rudnitsky, V.Limoshenko, I.Feshchenko-Chopivsky, V.Mazurenko, that ін.). The scientific and economic development of the Zoological-Red Bull in UAN. In the past, socially-eco-nomic organizations, pratsyvali takіi vid-datnі ekonomisti, yak Mlutan-Baranovsky, V.Kosinsky, R.Orzhetsky, M.Putha, K.Vobliy, V.Levitsky, O.Shlichter. Under UAN, the Economy Partnership was established. Special privileges for the visors were the prácica-aka-demicivas of K. Vobloi (the head of the Comission for the viv-chennya of the people's government) and L. Clear-Polish (the head of the Comisium for the writing of the fi- nansovyh sprav.). Комісії saw their own science in the "Zbirniki Social and Economical Way". Great respect in the dossiers was given to the vivchinya ekonomichnyh resurs-siv, shlyahіv rozvitku people's government of Ukraine. On the basis of the policy, the dosage of Ukraine's economy was crushed by the pittance for the economy in the Ukraine and Russia. So, V.Dobrogayev, after informing, Ukraine, for the sake of its own budget, is more nabutkіv, nizh otrimuє on its own needs, and M. Volobuev vidveru ssuzn the thesis about the colonial camp of Ukraine. So, in the 1930s, the rockets hit the repetitive economical science in Ukraine, and the economy fell into disrepute, and the economic sustainability of the bullet sentences to reprisals. Prote deco active at that hour rozviva-lasya E.N. On zahіdoukraynskyh lands. In Lviv, the Ukrainian economy was rushed to the pretext of the Committee on Economic, Social and Statistical Affairs under the cooperative-gdar-syk institutions. Певні економічні дослі-дження were conducted in Bukovina, near Zakar-patti. Українське Економічне The Bureau of Var-shavi has seen a number of statistics. Ukrain-інська економічна the science was rooted in Chekho-Slovacchini, де успішно діяла Україн-ська Госдарська Академія. Tim hour in URSR ekonomichnu science bulo tilkom pidporyadkovaco streaming party-it needs, naypershe - for oboruntu-bath bilshovitskoy polity chodode-nya people's government. Інститут економіки АН УРСР, заснований at 1936р., Розроб-ляв with problems галузеві та економічних райо-нів. There pratsyvali znanii ekonomisti academy-miki L.Jasnopolsky, M.Ptukha, P.Pershin, A-Radchenko, O.Nesterenko, D.Virnik, I.Romanenko, I.Gurzhiy ta іn. In 1954r. The boulevard was founded by the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Sciences, the yak became one-hour doslid-nitskim i navchalnym pawn. Після Друї світової війни в еіграції на різних ділянках науки працюють українські економісти. Zokrema, in the Ministry of Education of the Socialist Republic of Germany at Munich for that hour pratsyvali Є. Glo-vinsky, P.Kovan'kovsky, F.Gaenko, A.Poplyuko, V.Marchenko, and the young generation of economists-L.Dobryansky, M.Dudra, S.Protsiuk, V.Golubnichiy and Ін. Їхні праці drunk at periodichnih vidannyah zahіdnih kraїn n ukremimi books. Pomitny vnesok rozvitok ekonomichnoi nauki zrobili vcheni Інституту економіки АН УРСР та Ради з вивчення і розміщення про-дуктивних сил України A.Radchenko, O. Ko-cherga, M.Palamarchuk, P.Pershin, I.Lukinov tain.


- the operation of the agency, the sub-projects of economic development, for the transfer of the right of authority to the financial support of the activists to receive the admission services.


- the preparation of the financial services for the economical services of the special services and the specialization of the economical organizations (finance-soviks, banking, statistics, auditing, marketing, etc.), and such forms of support for the necessary minimum proficiency in the economy of the special economy of the economy. A broad stake of prazivni-kiv pidpriemnitskikh structures.


- the basic strains of power, the yak of the world, so on the international arena in the management of economy, the supply of the spontaneous economy to the processes of laying in the supply-lenih tsіley, zavdan, enteressiv kraїni. E.p. Including structural, investment, financial, credit, social, economic, scientific and technical, tax, budget policy.


- Dohіd vіd be-yakogo factor virobnitsvva ponad yogo alternativnu var-style. Through those loans, the investment firm can not control its own nonterminal activity without care (leaving not to compete with a competitor), tse dohіd exacty vysnachaet-ya yak kvazirenta (abo nadprybutok), ya-pez povnyi chas mozhe zniknuti.


-Dive. Rivnivaga is economical.


-non-zalozhna povedinka to the market, the possibility of a sa-bridge viznachennya warehouse that is a vibro-loan of production and service, rozporyadzhen-nya mayom and otrimanimi in the process of virob-nitztva results; Mozhnovistіі і rights прийняття відповідних рішень у сферыі фі-нансово-господарської діяльності.