Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

Ivan Skoropadsky (1708-1722)

Yak already said, negayno nislya that, if Petro 1 diznavsya about perehid Mazepi to Karl HP, vin punishing the return of the new hetman. Vibir yogo is hanging on Skoropadsky. Tse buv one iz nasvidatnihih polkovnikіv chasіv Mazepi, yogo shchiriy odnodumeets .. Navit hlymanom, vіn nіkoli nazivat Mazepa "zаdnikom", yak boolo is taken in the office mosivi, and having got along the name "buhiy hetman" abo "pan antesesor." The other risks give the promoter the characteristics of the new hetmana yogi morale.

Ivan Skoropadsky , if yogo is inverted by a hetman, the mav is ponad 60 rock. Wending vin z Pravoberezhzha, ale pereyshov to Chernigivshchyna and zroviv blyskuchu kar'eru zavdyaki his diplomatic missions; In 1709 році мав усі rights to march in favor of one of the most important colonels. This order, tying yogo on the hetman, conducted by the Petrograd Penitentiary Unit 1, was normal, but it did not bang, but the yogi, however, was nicknamed by the "senior voices" of the sergeant-major of the one super-Chernigiv colonel Pavel Polubotka .

Hetmanovannya Skoropadsky fell on the periode of the shvidkogo zrostaniya capabilities of the Moscow State, yaka ofitsitsyno reorganized into the Russian Empire, and the humiliation of the Ukrainian state.

Treba bulo bahato tact, vmіnnya lyiviruvati mіzh trіyumfyuyuchimom peremozhtsem, yak not having already his own bazhannya residual znishchiti Ukrayinska power and pragnenyam vryatuvati grates of power.

Щоб уявити собі труднощі, які steel before Skoropadsky, the track is known from Prince Golitsin's leaflet to Chancellor Golovkin. Tsei sheet is submitted to the program of the russkiy contract of Ukraine. "Backing up our asses," wrote D. Golitsin, "the demand for success in the meeting with the colonels and the hetman." Do not treble vikonuvati prohane hetman. If people pobachit, scho hetman no longer mak takoi vladi, yak Mazepa, then, I'll try, come in denunciations. . . Treba, schoob in all regiments of the Buly Colonels, unsuited to the hetman; Yakshcho mizh hetmanom і colonels will not be helpless, then all the laws will come to us vidkriti. "

Згідно з традицією Skoropadsky після обрня звернувся до Петра 1 з проханням затвердити « статті ». Tsar vidmovyvsya, posilayuchis on voyenni obtanovni. Pislya poltavskoy catastrophe Skoropadsky znuvu zvernuvsya to Peter z prokhanniam pidstverditi rights and volnostі Ukraіnі and shche with such проханнями: 1) Щоб українські козаки in mіstah plastered by the command of its senior officers, not the Moscow officers; Petro vіdmoviv; 2) shchob turned Ukrainian garmati, scho їh is taken to Baturin, - it is shown; 3) the Moscow authorities did not get into trouble with the internal management of Ukraine, - Petro obitsyav, but punished by voevodam "not interested" in the internal reports of Ukraine; 4) However, the people did not tighten the population with the Moscow Visiks. A note of that vsogo buv such: "the Ukrainian people from the caress of the tsar moe stylki liberties, yak nі one people na svіtі ."

Petro 1 recognizing the izmaylov's steward, the brutal man, the minister at hetman and giving the yom of the two structures - taemnu and yavnu. In taemnіі інструкції punishing resident policemen for the hetman, listen to the roses of the elders, that of the cossacks and about all the denunciations. The Hetmanska capital was transferred to Glukhov, on the cordon from Moscow.

Nezabarom Ізмайлова відкликано і it is recognized on міністра-resident of Протасьєва, який своєю брутальністю перевищувв Ізмайлова.

Petro обіцяв амністію старшині, що will turn around Mazepi, але після полтавської перемоги цю амністію скасавав. Chuykevich, Maksimovich, Zelemshyaky, Kandibu, Kozhukhovskoy, Gamaliyu and the others "mazepiyats" were sent to Sibir, and the mates were confiscated. Do not worry about the rights of Ukraine, Petro himself acknowledging the regiment of that hundredth sergeant-major. On the colonel of Starodubsky, Chernigivsky, Nіzhensmyugo, the bullets are recognized as mosquitoes; Recognizing він на різні посади сербів, німців, волохів; Rasdavav mateki, confiscated from the "mazepintsiv", rosіyanam ta nishim chuzhintsyam. Granted pose hetmanom, usі tsі diodi did not rahvalivsya with him, and they recognized the rulers of the Tsar. Wongs relocated from Moscow and Crimea brought a crib, which in Ukraine did not bude. Greedy skrogs on them are not malicious. So - the Serb Miloradovich is recognized for Colonel Gadyatsky; Colonel Prilutsky - Gnata Galatan, a kind of additional zyuynuvati Sich; On Colonel Novgorod-Siverskogo - col. The priest of Lysovsky. Багато українців також, поминаючи hetman, distavali sit that maetki bezposednyo vid tsar. Znachennya that the Hetman's lordship went nannivets.

Petro was living in the habit of settling down, and weakening Ukraine. Dozens of thousands of people - kozakivs that popolitich - vyraszhalosya on sporudzhensht fort, kopannya channelі bіlya Ladozskogo lakes (to that soі primusovі robots were called in Ukraine "kanal'skimi"), the future of the new capital of St. Petersburg in the Finnish bogs, heavy, especially for Ukrainians, klіmatі. Wongs were going over the Caspian sea, over the Terek, to the Caucasus, digging the canal of Volga and the Don, Tsaritsin's colo. Skin rock, on the dead, pokalichenii kozakiv, hung novices - і знову тисячі їх dying in the cold, hunger that епідемій, and dodomulya kalіki. Тяжко підрахувати, скільки втратила Україна своїх людей, своєї молоді. On the Ladoga canals, they were trained, 30% of the sykhs perished, but there they were pratsyvali. Mabut, I do not want to revive the tidy for a minute to clean up the number of useless prac- tices. Until the whole of the treasury, dozat 'vyslannya kozakiv na vinyu s Persiєyu r. 1721 - pіd Derbent, and especially in the titles of the Gilyansky pohid, de загинуло їх вечезне the number not seen in the village but in the wilderness. For official news in 1725 році з 6.800 козаків тиільки 646 turned to dodom. . .

One after another, if the Cossacks pozpoliti gynuli on robots, їхнє the state fell into ruin: the rekvіzііія horses have gone, volіv, zbіzhzhya; On the villages stood the Russian regiments on the popular Utriman population. Наслідком цієї політики Україна за 20 років після упадку Mazepi zbіdnіla, scho steel pomichati i myss'kі voyvodi, yakі have tossed one on one for the attention to the teeth. Tsya politika is small and morality nalidok: in the course of 20 rockov kozakiv lived out yak zvichaynih chornorobiv, i kozatsky, viiskoviy spirit їh почав підупадати. Tsearzhivsya in 1735 rotsi field marshal Minik.

Українська foreman bachachi, як політичний провід to come out зїї hands, shobo zbereghti svoє stanovische, zverataє respect for the economical stan: поширює земельні посілості, забезпечує себе робітними hands, join in trading.

The trading companies of the XVII and the cobble of the XVIII century called Ukraine out of Poland, Nimechchinoyu that Turechchino, and not from Moscow. Petro 1 virishiv sprymuvati ukrainsku trade in Moskvschina, and from 1701 to the fate of tudi, punished by a boule vivoziti product; Rock 1711, if it is conquered by Riga, it is allowed to cart to Riga; Rock 1714 dodavil dovzil vivotiti th to St. Petersburg. All the customs of the douche gimmicked the export. There was a boulevard in the import trade: Petro primushuvav kupuvati pevni comrade in the Russian factories and fence importing them for the cordon. Up to the whole of the track to add to the renaissance of the merchant shlyahs, any bills to be brought by the comrade, and the burden of mitna polity. All tirunuvalo іііраїиську торгівлю.

Demoralizatsiya devil bіsh more hopsplit vizchі vertices suspilstva. Hetman vtrachav svіy authority, і not tіlki chuzhintsi, аle thе Ukrainian, zvertayuchiys to the Moscow boyars, they woke with a brim shlyh on the surface of the life - zdobuvali vigіdnі posadі і маєтки. Getman did not feel himself able to lead a battle with them. Rosyskie bosses hunted down the skrogs on Ukrainian elders that on the hetman himself, and Petro 1 engraving the role of the zahisnik with the greedy people's sergeant.

1 722 rock is founded Malorosіku Колегію із шістьох of Moscow elders with the president-bréadier Veljaminovym at cholі. Vona small priymati vіd populated area skargy on ukraїнські суди, контровати фінанси, стежити, shob elders did not tighten kozakіv. By reading letters to the people of Petro 1, stating that Malorosysku Kolegia is grounded to ensure that "the people of Ukraine do not look like anybody's clothes - in the wrong courts, and the elders' accusations."

This is the rank of Malorossiyskaya Kolegiia who added the hetman to navigate the rulers, yoga was absorbed into it. Old Hetman І. Skoropadsky tried the Buv protestors, or the Marno. Він не переніс уда і и незабаром - 3 липня 1722 року - помер.