Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

Danilo the Apostle (1727-1734)

An appeal to the hetman, Danilo the Apostle Mav already 73 rock. Do not be burdened close to Mazepa, vin Buvo yogo odnodumtsem u pitannі soyuzu Shvetsієyu i korostavsya yogo dovir'yam. It is unclear how to fill up the motives of those who left Mazepa and returned to Peter 1. Pisnishe, for Polubotka, vin actively podtrimuvav yogo in the right "adherence to the rights of Ukrainians," in the right typing Hetman; Buv zaureshtovany i zvilneniy nislja death of Peter 1. Shin Danila the Apostle, Petro, bared the mortgage in Petersburg. So it is, yak zhadano cherche, zatrimano synov інших старшин, випущених після звільнення to Ukraine.

On the cob of 1728, Danilo the Apostle in the subordination of the senior sergeants, went to Moscow for the crowning of Peter II. There, Ukraine received the best of good, they asked for the priinyattya tsar that dignitaries. By the head method їх podorozhі to Moskvi bulo bazhannia zdobuti " hetmansky statti ", yaki zhzhdi pіd hour obrannya new hetmana zatverdzhuvav king. Vinnyatkom boulo hetmanavunnya Skoropadsky, if the call did not follow "pre-items".

22 sickle 1728 rock Danilo the Apostle at the turn of the hardening of the "statti", having won the so-called. " Decisive points ", in some cases do not zgaduєєt about договір України з російськимким уряддом; Stinking the form of the "decree" of the tsar's class of hetman. In the center of the statistic points of Danil Apostol, the vitriman in the defense of the Ukrainian autonomous statehood, Moscow is in the process of breaking the system by striking against the power of the tsar. The pupil of the Order Petra P nishov gave, nizh detachment of Peter 1.

In the active pittany, the settlement of the hetman of the Apostle became the earliest to nail those who had skored Skoropadsky. At Vyiskovyu vidnoshennі hetman pіdlyagav general-feldtsekhmaystrovі princes M. Golitsinu (early tіlki tsarevі). The tyrant of the hetman could have been spent by the tsar for the sake of the tsar; The General Court has been reassigned to the Collegial, I have set up in Kiev a triple of Ukrainians and three Russians, and the head court was not the hetman, but the tsar. A heavy blow to the boule found an overzealous financial management - "office zborіv", z dyuma pіdskarbіami, rosіyaninom i ukrayntsom, shho hammered fіnansovі preterativy hetmana. Colonel General of the General Sergeant recognized the royal order. Behind the hetman, they stitched, and about the yogic krok they reported to us. Він actually buv zagavleni rights to privatnu privetncu korrespondenttsiyu zkordonom, poehati, hoche, to svoyh mєtkіv (naybіlshi buli Homutets ta Sorochintsi).

One hour after the loss of the hetman, the prestige was vested with the prestige їх і Vіyskova Generala Kancellia, kermanichem asa boev hetman. Petro 1 namagavsya vidokremiti її vіd hetman yak okremu set. Rock 1724 became appreciative of the "rulers" of the General Chancellery, and the general clerk of the Mav began to work in technical chancellery.

Dozvіl turn the hetman to Ukraine in a chaotic stanii. З 1724 р. Not a buno of the hetman, a whisker of power. It was not the general general's senior, Yaka Sidil, who was arrested in Petersburg. Малоросійська Колегія is not small competence to recognize a new sergeant-major. At that time, the sergeant-major turned to the sergeant-in-chief of the hetman.

Dosі zalyshayatsya obscure: hto ili kollyvtsu tsyu elders - the very General Rada, yaka Hetmana, chi sami colonels with the hetman? At every time the sergeant-major is not inverted, only candidates are nominated, it is very important to put two on the koshnu posad, and Verkhovna Tatyana Rada acknowledged the candidate for the general's name as a sergeant-general: Yakov Lizogub ; General Courts - M. Zabylu and A. Kandibu; The clerk - M. Turkovski; 2-ooh olsulіv - І. Manuilovicha, F. Lisenka; Cornet - K. Greceanii and bunchuzhnogo - І. Forth. Moreover, the General Prosecutor's Office, A. Markevich, the acknowledgments of the Bouvet against the Hetman.

Hirshe stood on the right with the colonels. Stan from the regiment of admissions and disasters. In 1725 the company was:

In 10 regiments, four colonels of buli were strangers, and the sergeant-major did not have a boule in the kit. Rocku 1727 zamishishche zmіnilosya: strangers commanded five regiments: Bogdanov - Chernigivsky, Pashkov - Starodubsky (Kokoshin's deputy); І. Khruschov - Nijensky (Tolstoy's estate); G. Miloradovich - Gadyatskim (the deputy of his brother - Mikhail Miloradovich); V. Tansky, Volokh - Pereyaslavsky. Tilki to the Poltava regiment is recognized by the colonel of Ukraine V. Kochubey. Granted, the colonel colonels, yak chuzhintsi, and ії Ukrainian, were led irresponsibly, did not listen to yogo orders, but the authorities recognized the authorities, enlarged the anarchy and pity the prestige of the hetman. The homeland of Bagato was covered by the homeland of Markovich: count. Hetmanova Nastasiya Skoropadska ta iі brother, Lubenskiy Colonel Andriy Markevich. On skins, bagatogo skarga over zdirstva, zapoplennya lands tochno, ales stink mali strong protection from the Russian chiefs, head over Vely Yaminov. Not kraschy buli volok Vasil Tansky, Colonel Pereyaslavsky, that Serb Gavrilo Miloradovich, Colonel Gadyatsky. The stinkers, behind V. Krupnitsky's curvature, were led in their regiments, yak at the conquered territory.

Hetman does not have the strength to fight with ziimi by means of havoc. Він пішов іншим шлях: налягав на виборності інших інів полковаї ішшини і з їх допомогою боровся з свавіллям полковників.

Danilo the Apostle found out on the Ukraine the wrong way around the land on the right. For the old zvichyat, the skin ransi lay down singing mateness, in obovvjazkovoj pratseju posolitih. Цією маєтністю володів foreman, leaving посідав пвну посаду. Yakshcho vіn zalyshiv її, tsya earth, yaka called "rango", passed to the yogi attacker, and in the new land, leaving the wound land. This is the rank of the ranks of the land, I pay for it, the city for the vikonuvannya of the singing obovyazykov and could not be stuck in the suspended timchas volostil, do not sit in the mav, but in greedy rage could not be passed on to slackness.

In the course of the hour, the struggle for re-creating the ranks of lands in the country was over. She started to get behind Mazepi and was selling at the approaching hours - for Skoropadsky and Malorossyskoy Kolegії. Naslіdkom ch'iogo fondi rantovikh zhizn vycherpalis і people, little zabezpecheni, unique posad, for yakі vzhe could not dostavati compensations. On the cliff of ґrunti, bulo bagato zlozhivan. The widow of Hetman Skoropadsky, Nastasya Markevich, korostayuchi from the protection of the Russian chiefs, stalked after him the great-grandmothers of the mothers, the shekman of the hetman mav for rank. Colonel Gadyatsky, G. Grab'yanko, the confessions of the 1730 r., So і яе дістав рангової землі. Himself D. Hetman D. The Apostle did not dovgy the hour of the day of all lands, but earlier they hungamani "on the mace". Bagato zakolotu contributed rosіyskі dostniki, yakі takozh distavali rantov zemzgі, ale staked before them, yak to vlasnih. Naumov, for example, selling two great villages. Tsі zemlerі росіяни залюднювали кріпаками, внаслідок чого have put more більші disorders.

Виникли пекучі питанння about працю посполитих, about терміни зобов'язань і т. П.

Tsit Pitannya having defeated the Russian detachment at the "Resolute Points." At the point "point" to the rock of 1729, D. Apostol ordered the translation of the syllables in all regiments. Clerk about "іhali shelves th zіbrali od starozhittsіv vіdomostі - if zasnovano those chi Lots Other village, hto i on yakih Rights him volodіє regimental sergeant musіla zsistematizuvati vіdomostі i tsі book nadіslati to Glukhov on residual perevіrku" Generalnі slіdstva of maetnostyah "zakіnchenі 1731.. rock, steel dorogotsіnnim Jerel іstorії Ukraine, її ekonomіchnogo that sotsіyalnogo encampments Tsіlі - dopomogti povorotovі illegally zahoplenih Ranked land - the stench is not dosyagli, ale viyavili duzhe tsіkavі yavischa:. zmenshennya number vіlnih Commonwealth, perevazhno in pіvnіchnih shelves, i peretvorennya їh people fallow od zemlevlasnikіv (on pіvnochі - in Chernіgіvskomu shelf Bulo vіlnih schonaymenshe - 7% usіh Commonwealth dvorіv, and in Poltava - schonaybіlshe - 81%) Ale tsya zalezhnіst Commonwealth slit does not bula krіpatstvom: Commonwealth zavzhdi mіg vіdіyti, chogo could not zrobiti krіpaki Tom butt.. Російських кріпаків, що їх translated to their own land "Pomoschiki", buv shuzhe shkіdlivim for Ukraine: the new norm was introduced.

A well-known guide of Hetman Danil the Apostle was a bailiff of "Zvod" of Ukrainian law . On the right is rozpochat for Ivan Skoropadsky, if the Boulo is worried about the transfer of Ukrainian law to the Russian government. Danilo the Apostle having created a comic, having served the rewriting of the right books with the Russian translation and compiling the code; The Lithuanian Statute of that Magdeburzke is the basis of the right.

Dhabalivy gospodar, Danilo Apostol osoblivoje vagi having poured out the vilagozhennyu of the state of Ukraine, or osyat yogo in tsi dilantsi not buli veliki. The promulgation of Ukraine was decapitated in vain in the hands of the Russians: in the backwaters, in the cloth manufactory Glushkovka and Zvanogo, in 1726, was taken to the "treasury"; Velikі polotnyanyі pіdpriemstva - Starodubske, Sheptakivs'ke ta Topals'ke buli takozh in the hands of Russians. So it is in the small galoshes of promyslovy - tyutyunovy, shovkivnitvіi tochno - the mercantile politician was shown to Petersburg and pragneniya peretoriti Ukraine on the column. Боротися з цією політикою Росії Hetman did not mav. Velikі manufakturi were pidpriemstvami rosіysskogo ulyu chi okremih rosіyan, in the hands of the Ukrainian elders, yak is not small kapitalyv ta vidpovidnih minds,

Zalishatіs drіbnі promyslovі pawns. Розбудові великих закладів pereskodzhala zagalna економічна політика Петра та його наступників; Gospodarchі go in Hetman Buli here helpless. Tak boolo become in the hall, the salon, the scrolling, the papermaking promyslovosti, ґuralnitsutvі tochno. Pereshkodzhali visoki eksportovі mita, obovv'yazkovi routs for merchant transport, yakі zbіlshuvali koshti transport.

Danilo Apostol staravsya prinaymnі obmezhiti rosіyskih kuptsіv (soldatіv that іn.) SSMSC konkuruvali s ukraіnskim kupetstvom in vnutrіshnіy torgіvlі, i've paid podatkіv Mali velikі privіleї, porіvnyuyuchi s ukraїnskimi merchant, Ale in tsomu not znayshov pіdtrimki zboku rosіyskogo Uryadov.

That tsі nevdachі not spinyali Hetman: vіn coexist schoraz novih zahodіv, dwellers nalagoditi torgovelnі vіdnosini Ukraine, submitted a memorandum in yakih was adjusted final consumption vstanoviti torgіvlі for freedom of Ukrainian kuptsіv, dozvoliti їm vivoziti goods in the cordon. Hoch and memorials did not give any positive, stinky tiakavom pam'yatkogo pro, yak rozumiv Danilo Apostol economist of Ukraine, yak dbav for Torgovelnyi spravi.

Danilo the Apostle succeeded in securing the Kiev ordering of the orders of the hetman, and not for the general governor-general of Russia, but then for a long time.

Останні роки правління Данила Апостола were introduced to the low ardor of heavy for Ukraine pod. In 1731 rotsі Pocha buduvati ukrіplennya mіzh Donets i Dnіprom, so the title of "Ukraїnsku lіnіyu" i on qiu Prace Wieslaw h Ukraine 30,000 cholovіka: 20,000 kozakіv that 10,000 Commonwealth 1732 rock - on zmіnu їm - znovu Wieslaw 30,000 cholovіka and 1733 rock - Додатково 10.000. Rock 1732 to Poland, the Ukrainian corps from 11.000 kozakiv, with the wire of the general lorry Yakov Lizogub, on the podium of Augustus P, candidate for the Polish king's fortress, fortified Stanislavov Leschinsky.

1712 rock, після невдалого Prutsky hike, запорізькі козаки, які вийшли були з Січі in 1709 році, settled under the protection of Krimsky Khan in Oleshky. Їхнє перебування було там дуже тяжке Відірвані від своєї економічної base, pozbavlennі mozhlivosti proaditi torgіvlyu з Україною, козаки бідували і in 1728 році have rushed to get away from the russia's permission to turn around. Dozvіl ім not given і zaporozhtsі "samovіnіno" switched to Chortomlik. Prote, russkiy detachment, shob not viklikati vinyi z Turechchinoyu, categorically vidmovivsya priinyati zaporozhtsi pіd its proteccy, i vony, living on Chortomlyk 1728 and 1729 rock, the musi turn to the titarsku protection. 1733 fate obneni zmіnilsya: Rosіya, poboyuyuchys, scho zaporozhі vіzmut fate of Borotby Polshi for korolіvskiy престіл on боці Лещинського, has waited to прининяти запорожців. Tsim at once smell, mavshi pidtrimku zboku kievskogo Governor-General Count Weyebakh, in the quarter 1734 rock went to the "old" misc and slept Sich over the river. Pidpilnoyu, prefluvom Dnipra. Tsim put on a stench a heavy blow to the Pilipa Orlik's beaches, which, through its borders, pidtrymuvav sered zaporozhtsy rishennya borotisya z Rossiye. Tsey perekhіd becoming vzhe pisleja death of Danil the Apostle, yakiy pomer 17 sіchnya 1734 roku.

The rule of Danila Apostol trivago deprived of half the fate, and actually less than, the remaining hetman, while the provadir is intensively struggling for autonomy, for renewing the rights of the Ukrainian people. Vishche given Stylus perelik zahodiv hetman for vporyadkuvannya adminostratsії, sudіv, vstanovlennya order apeljacіy, zabezpechennia ukrainian protslovsti, torghivlі. Not zvazhayuchi on pereskodi zboku rosiyskogo class, for Danil Apostol in Ukraine, the reorganization of the buv, hoch and obmenev svavoleyu ochupanta, order, zhtytya became stealing. Tse vidbilosya in two havens: zmenshivsya ruh villagers for Dnipro і - Navpaks - zbylshilos poverennya vtikachiv on Livoberezhzhya, zokrema - poverennya zaporozhtsiv At 1734 rotsі vzhe pislya death of Danil the Apostle.

His talents, zokrema diplomatically clever, Danilo Apostol not mirov dorivniuvati Mazepi. Ale spokiyny, rozvazhny, vin grupo gliboko perekononiy Ukrainian patriot , yaky ostawnnye sokogo burzhlivogo zhitty prisvyativ Ukrainian powers, zberezhennu tahotroni nezalezhnosti, addition, mono XVIII century. Called "autonomy". About schos bіshe not mrіyali українські патріоти. "Yogo sixteenthly hetmanuvannya boulo with a short, clear smudge on the dark tli of the Ukrainian life, the decline of Mazepi. Yomu vmalosya zmіtsniti hetmanska vladu and the authority of the hetman of the opposition of the Russian and Ukrainian authorities, "- characterizing Danil Apostle D. Doroshenko.