Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2


A) Shelves

The territory of Ukraine was enlarged to regiments - oditytsi, scho mali vіys'kove, admіnistrativnee ta sudov v znachennya. On Pravoberezhnnyi Ukrainy buli soi regiments: 1. Chigirinsky, 2. Cherkasy, 3. Kropivensky, 4. Kanivsky, 5. Korsunsky, 6. Bilotserkivsky, 7. Kalnitsky, 8. Bratslavsky, 9. Umansky, 10. Povolotsky, 11. Ovrutsky That 12. Podill'skiy, oseredok yakogo buv near Mogilev. At Лівобережній Україні було 10 полків: 1. Чернігівський, 2. Ніженсь-кий, 3. Прилуцький, 4. Київський (center of the Buz of Kozelets), 5. Lubensky, 6. Mirgorodskiy, 7. Pereyaslavsky. 8. Gadyatsky, 9. Poltava, 10. Starodubsky.

The shelves were added to the number, the number of such boules was not, however, from 10 to 15. Kolya Ukraina became a power, regiments, sooner buly wisconsin odinitsami, nabuli new functions of state control. On the shelf stood Colonel. Yogo offended the starshina, pleased with the recognition of the hetman, abused the zbory of the regimental glad. On pivnochi overvalued by the hetman, and in the pivdennyh regiments - Poltavsky that Mirgorodsky - was ripped off on the regiments of the Cossack rads. At the XVIII century. To enter into the life of confession on the colonels of the Russian elders. Zbory polkovykh glad, or glad the elders robbed the Lisha three candidates for a colonel, and the Russian Order hardened one of them. For Rozumovsky, the colonel could have recognized the rule of the Ukraine.

The colonel at the borders of his regiment of Maves is magnificent. Він був воєначальником на війні, and on триторії regiment був навивищим адміністратором; Yomu підлягали всі урядовці; Він мав право карати їх, мав судові функції, head to the side of the elders regiment. In addition, Colonel Buv is a member of the collegiate general of the senior sergeant who is a senior officer, on a mission to the regimental delegation. Vzagali detachment colonel buv naveplivishim in Ukraine, the hetman's pislia.

Belya Colonel was a regimental sergeant-major, who, with her own names, had the functions of general seniority, or in the regiment's scale. Tse Boole: regimental inscriptions, Pershaya persona colonel, regimental judiciary, regimental scribe, regimental sieul that regimental khorunzhiy. At the same time, straightforward functions were inflicted on stinks up to the sake of the regimental commander, the Yaqa delegated to the General Manager. In them, the fate of the true Kozaks took place, or the fate of the Buli obovyazykov for the entire population of the regiment. To the competence of the regiments of the Cossack Rada, they were fed up with food, money, senior elders, and food for the court.

In the beginning of the XVIII century. Polkovі for the sake of bilshosti polkіv zanepadayut, ale besh dovgy hour nisnuyut pivdennih regiments: Poltava that Mirgorodsky.

In the XVIII century. For the sake of that radiopolitnoy senior sergeant, the regimental secretary, de head of the colonel, the regiment, the sergeant-major, was vying for food and drink in court. The regiments of the office of takozh were governed by the population, the revelation of the yogo, the "relations with the mastiness", the population of the population, , Sebto reestrii "noble" comradeship, in some they recorded the service of the skin cossack for all the life.

Lower lankoyu buli hundred. On cholі hundredni standing a centurion, yak in the scale of the hundreds of mavs, so ya functii, yak colonel in the regiment, krim rozdachi zemlі. Sotny the foreman of the bula mench is numerical, nizh regiment. The defender of the centurion bouv is otaman. Yaksho residence of the centurion bula in the city, the otaman was called the city otaman. Daly Ashley was a hundred scribes and a hundred o'clock. In the XVII century. Boules for hundreds of cossacks, the head function of some polygal in obnanni sotnikiv that hundredth senior sergeant. Yak інші organ self-management, сотенні for зникли раніше in північних regiments, and навпаки - затрималися in південних, Poltavsky that Mirgorodsky to the back of the XVIII century.