Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

4) Vіysko

Осново війська України - Гетманщини були козацькі полки . Heavy pіdrahuvati, skіlki kozakіv buvalo at the time of the hour Khmelnichchini: під Lviv Khmelnitsky Mav 200.000, and під Зборовом - 360.000, але в цю кількість were not themselves kozaks, ale and village, but prioednuvalisya viaska. Zmіnylasya takozh kіlkіst polkіv, zalizhno vіd teritorії, yaku hunted power. For Khmelnitschyni boulevard on L'vivoberezhniy ta Pravoberezhnii Ukrainі 17 polkів: Білоцерківський, Брацлавський Kalnitsky (Ovni Vinnytsky), Kanivskyi, Korsunsky, Kropiensky, Mirgorodsky, Nijensky, Povolotsky, Pereyaslavsky, Poltavsky, Prilutsky, Gumansky, Cherkassky, Chernigivsky, Chigirinsky, , Abo the Byelorussian. Після того, як Правобережна Україна відділилася, було 10 полків: Гадяцький, Київський, Лубенський, Миргородський, Ніженський, Переяславський, Полтавський, Прилуцький, Стародубский, Чернігівський.

Кількість козаків beside shelves not була it is established: for Хмельницького вона вагалася між 5.000 і 20.000. In 1651 rotsi kozatsky colonels obovidali Muscovite ambassadors, but kolkist kozakiv from the shelves then zbilshuyutsya, then zmenushyetsya: de ranish buvalo for 1,000-2,000 kozakiv, it became 5,000. In 1723, the Russian regiment had mali for 5,000 kozak people, and the Nijensky regiment was 10,000.

The shelves were added to the cell. Spotchatka tі сотні дійсно мали on 100 козаків, і in the regiment, що мав 500 козаків, було 5 сотень. Ale for Khmelnitsky named "hundred" is small in the wits' mind: in the regiments of the boulo to 22 hundred, and the skin of them is small for 200, 250, 300 cossacks. At the XVIII century. In hundreds of Kozak brews, the boolean is more significant: 1723 rock - peresichno on 400, and in 1782 rock - ponad 1.000.

Hundreds were cut off by dozens , yakis were called kurens .

Kozatske vіys'ko podіlalosya on кінне та піше. 1723 rock, on the other hand, in all the 10th regiments of the boule, 16.540 pishih kozakivs, 38.701 kynnikh, at once 55.241. Before the skin regiment included kіnnі tі піші козаки, і виідношення між them ввесь час змінялося. At Мринській сотні Ніженського regiment кінні became 3/4, and піші -? A foul number. Do you go, zhdebolshogo yshli kinni, and pishe kozaki zalshalisya for watchdog service. Before Viaska Kozak is guilty, the Buv is to be seen in the rush, the Shabla, the Spis, the Powder, the Kulami, and with the Providence and the Good Faith. In far away it seems that the fodder was carried by wagons.

З XVI ст. In the Cossack Vyss'ky Bula, the artillery is the general, the regiment is the one hundred. Artelerіyu vіdav generalniy obovniy, komandivav her "garmatny.a.saul", and obysgovuvavav її the great staff of garmash and that of guns.

The general artillery was in Baturin, de for neobyli sporudzheni spetsial'nye velikii peritki ("shed"). Rocku 1708, if Menshikov had bought Baturin there, a boule of 40 garmat.

The shelves of the boulevard have their own artillery: in Poltava, 1709 rock, 12 garmat boulos, and at the same time with hammats of hundreds of boules in the Poltava regiment of 19 months and 3 chervon garnets.

Pid hour marching trips were transported by oxen abnormally, on great wagons, they were called "decks". Significant part garmat buli vyskovski trofe, it is important polski, ale bagatom garmat that nucleus vіdlivali in Ukraine. The center is located in the town of Gluhm. Gunpowder vibrolyali on all shelves.

Garmashi, Pushkar, Ludwisari dystavali paid. On utriannya artillery buli recognized villages, and in addition they paid grishmi; In front of the dermatopolite podpolitikh they took a gift.

In all regiments of the buly, musikanti - trembachi, sumarichi, dovbishi (leafavristi), siblings, yakis, supported rozmirno great platnu.

Становище козаків було it is more than heavy. Widowed the service of stench in the wild Utrimanni, in the virgin groves, and yawned, with a steed, with a sovereign zbroye. Platnye stinks did not keep, krіm rіdkih vinyat-kіv, if the regiments of buli in distant campaigns. Cossacks pissed: gostarstva їх, if they puffed the stink then at the Baltika Uzbezherzhi, then in Poland, they collapsed without gospodari. Protests kozakіv proti such a kind of service tidied up the richest forms: vihіd z kozatstva, prisisuvannya to pospolityh, vtecha z vіyska, naimannya zamozhnіshimi kozakami "intercessor", which put stink up vіyska zamistі sebe. For an hour the vibuhali rebelled, yak boolo, napriklad, 1687 rock, if the Cossacks Hadyatsky regiment vibili their foreman. The heavy camp of kozakivs pogryshuvala pracea over budo voyage - Kyiv, Ukraine, Leningrad, and tochno.

The Tsar's regiment had lived in the past few times, had saved the kozak people, and had had strength with Vias'k. By the method of 1735 rock buv introductions podol kozakiv on "vibornikh", scho served in armenia, and on "pidpomichnikiv", yakis gospodaruyvali zbezpechuvali vsim potrebnim vibornikh kozakiv. At the same hour, the vyhod of kozakivs from the regiments and villages was severely fenced off. Not zvazhayuchi at all, come in, the number of kozak residents changed: rock 1736 boulo 20,000 kozakiv, and 1764 th vzhe tilki 10,000.

One-hour in the Kozatsky Vyss'kyi Buli naimanі vіyska. Vzhe u vinyh Khmelnitsky took the fate of naimani pogany serbiv, volokhiv, nimtsiv, dragoons, naimaniy Ukrainians, postinyi corral Tatars.

Виговський в Гадяцькій угоді 1658 року застерігав за Україною right мати 10.000 найманого війська. Doroshenko Mav naimanih turkish "seymenіv", the middle of some buli th and ukraїнці. Not zvazhayuchi on nedodovolennya kozakiv, їх кількість it is brought up to 1.200. If there were visions of hetmanism, "sejmeni", abo "seriouki", switched to Livoberezhnu Ukraine, and Samoilovich prihnyav їh to the service, yak pihotu.

Multigrash zorganizuvav h hunter "kompanіyskiy" kinniy regiment. Конотіпська рада 1672 року has praised скасувати і сердеюцьк піхотні і компанійкіі кінні regiments, але року 1687 вирішено їх поновити. For Mazepi bulo їh already 8 polkiv. Organizatsiya polkіv bula taka, yak kozatskih, ale stinks hip-paced pidlyagali hetmanovy: їh got on well with hetmani for special hunting, for the service of the guard service in the cordons, for zatrimuvannya vtіkachiv. And so on. The shelves of the buli are small, not more yak 500 cholovik at the skin . Okhotnyi regiments did not booze in the territory, they did not carry their own colonels: Novitsky, Kozhukhovsky, Kalanan and Yisshikh.

Становище найниманих полків було ліпше, ніж козацьких: вони Distavali z'servnogo scarf pay, ikh rozmischali on the "apartment" that on utriannya through the villages. Until the tsikh polkiv fenced the villagers and villagers. Samoylovich motivating the fence in the following way: yakshcho pochati priati kozakiv - all kozaki pidut to hunting polkiv.

In the campaigns of the Vyss Commander, hetman abo, yaksho yogo not boolo, nazkny hetman. The hetman was recognized as the "nazkimnym" by the general ozozo abo osaul. Often, the Nazim Hetmani played for Mazepi. So itself, if not a boule of the colonel - the commander was handing over the nazhniy colonel. Until the 17th century. Козацьке військо зберігало свою оргаізацію та єдність. Petro І почав розбивати козацьке військо на частини, приділяючи їх до російських військ. Qiu system practiced і in the XVIII century, приділяючи з кожного полку по кілька сотень до російських військ. Tse vprati kozakami pocutty natsionalnoy єdnosti i viklikalo nezdovolennya.

At the XVIII century. Kozatske vіys'ko shvidko vtrachalo his visoki anchorі. Kozatstvo, zubozhil, vtrachal svoy vovovnichiy character. Військова техніка теж did not attend вимогам hour. In the campaigns, yaki ruined the goodwill of the cossacks, the stink of the power exerted on them (rozvіdka, the hunting of the troops, the shlyakhіv tochno) and did not become the main part of the army.