Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

Війни з Францією і «The Holy Alliance»

Rosiya led the enemy to rebut against revolutionary France. Tsar Pavlo took part in the koalic powers of Europe: Austria, England, Naples, Tourechcini - against France, on which the Director stood. Війна тривала from 1799 to 1801 року і коштувала Україні bagat of victims: українські солдати, at once із російськими, were killed in heavy campaigns in the Alps.

To the rock of 1804, the French Republic was reorganized into the Empire with Napoleon to the choir. Oleksander 1 not having seen Napoleon as an emperor. In the Vainakh of France in 1805-1806. Rosіya was in the warehouse of koalitsi - Avstriya ta Angliії. Rock 1806-1807-th vіdnovilasya vіyna Rosії in the alliance of England and Prussia. Vsesі vіyni, закінчучись перемою Франції, забільшували fame of Napoleon and broadened the sphere of yogo впливів на схід. To Rock 1807 Napoleon having created iz of the Polish lands, they crossed over to the Prussia to pick up Poland, Varshavske Duchy.

Pid hour of world negotiations Napoleon and Oleksandra 1 in Tilzіtі імператори have looked forward to rozmezhuvannya spheres vpliviv: Sciydnya Europe is small zaloshitysya Oleksandrovі, and Zahidnya - Napoleonov. Oleksander proponuvav Napoleonov Sirius, Lebanon, Smirnu, Saloniki, and sobi zhadav Bospor and Dardanelli. In Erfurt, Oleksander obtained from Napoleon zgodi on priydnannya to Rosii Moldavia and Valakhi: tse put Rosiyu firm foot on the Danube.

The Tilizi world of Mavs is great for Ukraine. Z usіh opponents Napoleon neposmozhdenimi zalishilis tilki Rosіya ta Anglіya, і proti Angliії rozpochav vіn "економічну блокаду": greedy is not a small matter of the right to fly from England to the sea and admit English ships to its ports.

In the offensive rock Napoleon pikodoriv sobi mayzhe all Europe: in 1808 - Espanya and Portugaliyu, who recognized the Espansky king of brother Joseph, the rock of 1809-1810 - the Austrian and disembarked with the tsisarevoyu daughter Mary-Lyuizoyu. Napoleon's army did not know the defeat. In all permissions krainev vin lamav old social device, kasuvav kripatstvo і zavodiv novy ustrіy, the basis of a boom " Code Napoleon ". Frantsuzky імператор готував похід на Індію, щоб підірвати force Англії.

Zrostan'ya Franchizii nepokoylo Oleksandra 1. Until mastery of the character, Yak often rushed to the monarchs, prieednalsya spravi personal. The th union of Russia and France is not popular with Russia, it is not unheard of for the Russians, the merchants, they exported to tiiei krainei sirovinu. Інакше було з Україною, для неї питантан експорту до Англії не було so it is important, yak for Central Russia. Roku 1812 Oleksander 1 has been sent to the continental blocada, і тоді Napoleon із 600-тисясяю армією пішов на Росію.

Shlyah frantsuzkoi armії vyznacheniye Buv through Poland, de Mali priednatisya to nei polski viiyska, through Lithuania, Illarion to Smolensk in Moscow. Bezposednyo Ukrainian lands vin not torkavsya. Ale in Ukraine pochavsya zhvav ru. Українська інтелігенція has subscribed to two Tabor. In the autonomous region, the freedom of the country and the people, regardless of the coming of the French army, will be adhered to, and the Code of Napoleon and Ukraine will become autonomous, but may become unoccupied. At the pivdenny part of Poltava, in the Constantinople district, pomoshchik Mochulovsky, and in Pereyaslavsky - tycoon V. Lukashevich drank for the health of Napoleon that yogo help; Takozh vigoloshuvali toast for the republic in Piryatinsky poviti; Volsinskiy diodich, Tchaikovsky, organizing cossack "rushennya" for the assistance of Napoleon; Подільський дідич, Марлецький, creating at his own mate "republic" and passing through the rights of people on the fundamentals of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Tsikawa is a person of the Archbishop of Byelorussia, Varlaam Shishatsky. Українець, він був ректором Переяславського колегіюму, а згодом - ректор Новгородсіверської духовної семінарії. In NovgorodSiverskom, they were lying before that "autonomous community", a kind of obedience to the world of elitism. Rock 1787 Buv ігуменом Віденського Свято-Духівського манастиря і опівівія в центі змагань Польщі та Росії за Православну Церкву на Литві та Білорусі. Rock 1791-th of the fate of the Pinsky Cathedral, a kind of prokalosiv avtoekefaliyu Orthodox Church in Teren Polski.

Viznajuchi avtokefalіyu, Varlaam Shishatsky boev proti priyakoy zalezhnosti orthodox clergy in the Polish class. Tse viklikalo yogo konflikt iz polskim urodom і turn to Rosii. In 1808 the Varziam Shishatsky was recognized archbishop of Mogilivsky by Vitebsky.

On the middle of the cathedral, I found the yogo occupation of Mogilev by the French. Vin vyzavav Frenchman vladu, commemorating Napoleon pid hour of worship and vislovlyuvav Frenchmen pobazhannya peremogi. Pislya order, yak Frenchman buli podolani, Archbishop Varlaam, have added the rank and hung on the dovnich uv'yaznennya to Novgorodsiverskogo manastir. Al there vin korestavsya пошаною місцевої інтелігенції, yogo often vidviduvali, posing for books y yogo tsіnnogo biblioteki.

V. Kapnist's poem "The Vision of the Russians Crying over Moscow in 1812" with the following characteristic features:

"The flame of the vindictive vindictive wicked devil, Above the fallen palaces here mourning?"

Friend, pervazhna, part of the Ukrainian gentry was put before the arrival of Napoleon tilkom negatively. Vano did not believe that Napoleon should be allowed to leave Ukraine for despotism, and the French Revolution lied to the nobility as a result of the overthrow of the revolution and the most severe social and economical way of life. Bilko імпонувала йому американська революція, з ІЇ деклярацією незалежности, yaka mala gliboke natsіonalne korіnnya, bula conservative and did not bring sotsіyalnyh zmіn.

It was explained that the Ukrainian gentry were staged before the tsar's ranks, and one of them was a horde of harmony that spoiled the policy of Napoleon in Poland and skovuvaniya him kripatstva. The nobility of the part of the nobility was more eager to join the detachments in the struggle against Napoleon: she gave recruits, she sacrificed grouses, and products.

Prior to the army, the villagers, cossacks, spodіyvaychis polyshennya svoeї dolі і запевнення ім стану виільних козаків. Persha sprojba, zarblena in 1807 rotsi, if before mіlіtsії zaklikali hunters, bula has more or less vdala. Року 1812 був уклад убійний project of the organization of kozakіv із вільних селян Київської та Подільської губерній, але поміщики заміняли їх кріпаками (took one deputy of two recruits). A boulo was given for 300 people. Уряд обіцяв по закінченні війни заливти козаків вільними. The 4-oh shelves, which command a number in the count of de Vitte, a boule of 3.000 kozakiv. To lose the buli; In 1813 rotsі Barclay de Tolli, posting about the cost of 1,000 kozakiv, asking for priesthood. Dobrali on the ZO kozakіv z poіtu; Ішли старі, хворі, років по 50-60, прагнучи in this way звільнитися від кріпацтва. Alya obitsyanok not zdіysenno: 1816 rock all the chotiri regiments are re-formed on the regular, uhlansky regiments.

Together with 1812, Oleksander 1 punished the governors-general of Malorossiyskoye, the princes of Ya. Lobanov-Rostovsky, the cossack regiments on such bases, yaki buli in Pravoberezhnnyi Ukrainy, which, in spite of the fact that they are filling the cossack camp, post-day cossack Військо. The project of organizing cossacks by Colonel M. Miklashevsky, Vikoristavshi dances by V. Kapnist.

The prospect of a renewed cognac was in the people's enthusiasm. Зібрано 15 полків: 6 у Чернігівській губернії та 9 у Полтавській. Замість 4.500 чоловіка, як perebachav the order, it was announced 18.000. In addition, Prince Cantacuzin brought 500 bozy cossacks, V. Skarzhinsky - escadron - 180 choloviks. All utriannya: коні, зброю, обмундирування, харчі - охоче paid the population, подиіваючись поновлення козацтва. However, since the hour of formulating kozakiv vinik konflikt, bo Ya. Lobanov-Rostovsky khotiv bov nadati shelkami zagalorosіysky character. The prototypes were made by the apostates: the minister of justice, DP Troshchinsky, the Poltava province marshal, V. Kapnist, who were in the Ukrainian character of the regiments.

Shelves have recognized great losses: 1815 rock has turned to 18.000 choloviks - 12.484. Takozh zagalnih vtat on sumu kol 2-oh mіljonіv karbovantsіv not vishshkadovano. Alye chekalo shche gіrshe: 1816 року всі привілеї від козаків відібрано, and їх themselves is committed to the future, tobto selyanskoho. In the course of the drive, the conflict began: the new Governor-General of Malorossiia, M. Repnin, the Wimagawa Zozerzhennya Kozatskogo Stanu, Almost the Master of Internal Controls, V. Kochubey, insisting on the lykvidatsії kozatstva. About obitsyanku Prince Ya. Lobanov-Rostovsky did not booze.