Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

C) Orthodox Church in Ukraine in the XIX century.

Політика російського Синоду та світської адміністрації in the course of the 18th century. In the right of the denationalization of the Ukrainian Church gave in the XIX century. Its own. Українська Церква була відірвана від народду й became part of the All-Russian Orthodox Church, as the Holy Synod ruled . Metropolitan Kiriukomu ta Galitsky was lying in the Synod of Tretis. Hto sama buv metropolitan - tsezhe not tsikavilo Ukrainu, bou buin vin not obrantsom people, and urodovtsem "spiritual department." The archer shows the ceremony of "naming" the bishop, the yak was taken over in the nineteenth century. Tying yogo. Tsia tseremonіya was invited to the Synod of Bishops, in the presence of all yogo members, de Ober-Secretary of the Synod, reading the candidates tsarist "the highest order" about the yogic confession of a bishop.

Kyivskii metropolitans zmіnilisya, not zalishayuchi greedy slidu. All the stinks of buli are for the sake of freedom from them. Kiev's metropolitan bula is deprived of a foot up to the hunger - Moskovskoi abo Peterburgskoy.

Zrіdka people were hanging out in their midst, they were tied to Ukraine, for example, Євгеній Болховітінов, дослідник київської старовини, автор цінних наукових праць. The Metropolis has vested its meaning, and the metropolitan of Keruw tilki Kyievsky єparhієyu .

Наприкінці ХІХст. In Україні було 8 єпархій: Київська, Чернігівська, Полтавська, Харківська, Волинська, Подільська, Катеринославська та Херсонська. Дев'ята, Симферопільська, hunted Krim із півннічними степовими повітами. At the episcopal cathedra takozh did not rob the ibbis, but by recognizing the Synod, the populace is immensely affected. Another view of the XVIII century. Boolo those, Šoco bishops were marveling at their own cathedra, yak on the timeces of the world, the signs can be heard from Russia to Sibir. Vtrachavsya vnutrishny zv'yazok mizh bishops that virnimi, zatiralasya natsionalnogo svydomom pastiriv, yakі zdebіlshogo rozno served the Russian Synod. Teachers in the spiritual seminaries of those spiritual schools-bursa buli теж росіяни, які навчали в дусі офіційного патріотизму й сприяли русифікації.

Допомагали in русифікації Української Churches of spiritual consistoria at є episcopal cathedrals. Consistorii were equipped with "supernatural" people, until the great mosques, the "little people" were getting their priesthoods. Zalishalis poza tim syl'ski parafії, yakih naperedodnі revolutsії 1905 р. The boule is over 9.000. In the larger villages, there were two or three priests in the village; Approximately 12.000 Holy Communions. Until the first half of the XIX century. Svyashenikiv disposed paraphysia, and for Mikoli I svyaschenikiv began to recognize the consistory. Prote, in practice, was embroiled in the form of a new form, yak zalishalisya on parafіyі і svoerіdnі svyaschenichі dinastії-transfer їh priest of sine, grandchildren and naveit zyatevі. The synod of fence in Ukraine, in Ukraine, in Ukraine, in the church, in the church, in the church, in the church, in Ukraine, did not know.

In the XIX century. Rosyiska Tserkva led the struggle with the visions of Ukrainian nationality: the church was buried in Ukrainian style, vzhivati ​​with malyuvanni and Ukrainian style, prikrashati churches with statues (at the synod baptizing Catholics in vain), dodderzhuvatis zvichaiv, yakі vidriznnyali Ukrainskoj Bogosluzhennya v Moskovskogo.

Appreciated by the consistencies of the priests, zamest obranya їх by the villagers, brought in the rods that hunted the priesthood and the masses. Prior to the confessions of the priesthood, the hulks were set up yak to strangers, that same priest himself boldly entered into his paratrogen life.

Those, uh mіtsny zv'yazok, a kind of boevs kotis mіzh clergy і parafіyanami, slabshav, відкривало мослиість width in Україні різним релігійним sects. Naybilshoyu Bula sect of stundists (baptists).

The ear of the shtundism was sown in the middle of the 19th century. Німецькі колоністи. Ukrainian artists, yakі pratsyuvali tsikh polistіvіv, spіlno in their own sovereigns, spivali on the convergence of psalmi, rumored chetannya Biblii. They called the "Eine Stunde". So, the descendants became vladstovuvati and Ukrainians, twisting to the dodo. Providers of the Vinagali stundists in their own members of the high-moral life, did not tolerate piña, they did not put it in the Church. "Shtunda" hunted Khersonsku і Katerinoslavska guberniya, switched to Wolin, Chernigivshchina and Kiev. Protti shtundistіv vystupali orthodoxnomіsioneri ; Politsiya, at the Synod Synods, has begun arriving in the provinces; Bagatogo sent to Sibir. Tіlki після революції 1905 року шндисти legalized.

On the cobble of the XX century. Member of the sect in Ukraine were up to 3.000.000. The statistics are statistically unsustainable, but not all of them were shaved from the Church. In tsilomu stundizm mav nature ratsionalnoy sect, i tse pereskodzhal yogo rozvitkov.

One hour spread in the Ukrainian mystic sects, the middle of which is more important than the small one is founded in the XIX century. On Київщині селянином Мальованим. Malyovantsi did not recognize the Church, holy and radically sprinkled the life, brightened, Christ priishov. The mystical nature of the sect was the "Shaloput" sect, which spread on Katerinoslavschiny. Усі ці секти мали антиукраїнський nature. Vony svidchat about those, yakі velikі buli religіynі pаgnnnya to the people and yak little їх офіційна Tserkva.

Oholodzhennya before the Church vidchuvalosya y sered інтелігенції, яка, починаючи від Сковороди, created the holy vlasniy svitoglyad. In the XIX century. Widened the hearts of the young revolutionaries and socialists, and they encouraged the revelation. Naprikinsky XIX century. Became "fashionable" bezvir'ya , at every time - bajduzhe stavlennja to Church. M. Drahomanov, which is one of the 1870-their rock-n-rolls buv one of the most vlivoviks provіdnikіv molodi, stavivsya "z zapovedchennyam up to the Christian church and church, yak to chinnikiv, sho vidzhili svyy vіk i galmuyut sotsialnyy, polichichny that cultural way", - writing D Doroshenko. Naykrashchy ґrunt znayishov M. Dragomanov near Galicia, de-kuvuv his own antireligious work. Yogo opponents, who opposed the cosmopolitanism, hung in the Ukrainian national identity, V. Antonovich, that of O. Konis'kyi, buli takozh baiduzhi to the Church.

However, the mother's treasures on uvazi, the head of the Masa people were filled with their own church, its virgins. Vіrnі vypovnyuvali hram, tysyachami went to "goodbye", on Bogomillya to old-time svyatin: to Kiev Lavko, to Pochaev.

In the XIX century. Закінчився processes народження та зміцнення нової провідної версти. At that hour, yak vichcha of the Ukrainian faith - gentry - in the meaningful world russifikuvalas, for small, portivnyachi, vinyat-kami, natsionalniy ta relygynyy provіd perebrala інtelігенція spiritual походження. Do not zvayazyuchi at all the visits come zrusifikuvati spiritual school, seminarіya ta Kyivvsku Dukhovnu Academia, the stench became an oaserekami vіdrozhennya of Ukraine. In the Seminars of the Academy there were created Ukrainian jams, members of some of them waved an audience, literature, ethnography of Ukraine.

The spiritual homelands of the families of the families of the eminent writers (Amvrosiy Metlinsky, S. Rudansky, A. Svidnitsky, I. Nechuy-Levitsky), and vchischeny (O. Bodiansky, F. Lebedintsev, Academician M. Grushevsky, S. Ternovsky, P. Zhitetsky , O. Kostyakovsky, Father Y. Sichinskiy, Yogi Sin, V. Sichinsky, F. Matushevsky, V. Domanitsky, V. Bіdnov, S. Lototsky, S. Єfremov, F. Sushitsky, M. Bilyashevsky, and V. Shcherbakivsky) .

Chim dali yishli go to the Synod, shchob pozbaviti Ukrayinska Tserkva її national character, tіsh bіshe vіdchuvalasya demand of the peoples of the past. A letter to the memory of my mother, a demand in the well-developed crossbars of St. Letters to the Ukrainian language, yak something robbed in the XVI century. The cob of the XIX century. G. Kvitka-Osnov'yakenko and M. Maksimovich were given the permission to relocate the prince's wives. Letters. P. Kulish, спільно з І. Pulyuet, rozpochav systematic shifting of the Bible and the Gospel. Rock 1869 near Lviv, "P'yat books Moses," and the rock of 1871 near Vidny - the transfer of the Gospel. All the crossbars were filled with nedosyazhnim in Ukraine through punches in 1863 and 1876 rock, yaki fenced drukuvati in Ukraine books spiritual zmistu Ukrainian translation and bring їх із-за cordon. He did not spare P. Morachevsky nadrukuvati fetters Євангелії та Діянь Апостольських: не зважаючи на однодушну позитивну оцінку рецензентів Академії Наук, the Synod of fate in 1863 allowed the vidanna not to give. So in the XIX century. Not vdalosya zrobiti, St.. The letter is accessible to the Ukrainian people. The Talks in 1906 rots the override of the St. Letters from P. Morachevsky.