Mathematics programmers - Nakonechny S.I.

9.5. Bagatocrocus process priinyattya rishen

Bud-yak bagatokrokovu problem can be rozv'yazuvati in a riznomu: abo znahoditi odzrazi all elements rozv'yazu at all krokah, or buduvati optimally manages postupovo, crock for the crook (on the skin of the plant rozraunkiv optimizuyuchi one croc). Yak rule, other sposib optimizatsii є znachenno prostishim, nizh first, especial with a meaningful number of crocs. Optimization of one crochet є is simple in the process of optimizing the entire process, that the crash of the bagatoes of the roses rozv'yazuvati simple tasks, nizh once - folded.

The dynamic process is subordinated to the payment of successive benefits to the criminals. On the leather level, one crock is optimized, and the riddle, which is a sideways system, I switch from a streaming to a new one, I want to go to vrachuvannya yogo uslidkiv in Maybutnomu and not zavzhdi daє naibilshy efekt na danoomu etapi.

Planoichi bagatokrokovyh processes , neobhіdno upravleni udavlennya on kozhnom krotsi z rayahvannyam yogo majbutnih naslіdkіv on the silent crooks, yakіsh slobodu. Lisha for the rest of the kritsi can priinyati rishennya, yake give the maximum efekt, the incidence of the offensive crook for gnogo not існує. To optimize the method of dynamic programming, to begin with, toto the sponge to plan the rest of the crock. On the basis of information about information about those who are locked in the cross, for the different hypotheses, the shodo is completed for the transfer of the crook to vybiraetsya management for the rest. Take control of the mind-optimal.

For all krokіv yogo znahodit 'iz pripuschennya, scho krestokny krok zakinchisya zgіdno z odnієyu iz mozhlivyh gipotoz.

If everything is intelligently-optimal in all crocs, then it means, that is, it is necessary to care for the skin of the skin, for a bi-beech does not return to the cob. In this case, you can not know the optimum, but the optimal control.

Dysno, yakshcho vidomo pochatkovy stan , Then you can vibrate for a more optimal control , I'll bring you to the camp , For yakogo takozh vіdome optimally controlled I etc.

Otzhe, in the process of optimizing management by the method of dynamical programming of bagatrocrocic processes, is carried out in two. The first time - from the back to the ear, in the result of which one knows the optimal-optimal management and mental-optimal performance for all crocs. Another time - cob to the key, in the result of which one knows the optimal control, the optimal control of the process in the unit.

The first stage is the knowledge of the intelligent optimal management ду doug folded that dovhim at the others. On another stage, lisha "read" the recommendations, but otrimani on the first. Zauvazhimo, scho "kynets" and "cob" can be remembered by the sources and processes of the process of optimization and in the line of sight (butt 9.1).

Vrahovoychy vishchezaznachene, described the algorithm rozv'yazavannya tasks dynamical programvannya, yaky sdakadaetsya z poslidovnost such operations:

  1. Viznachayut specfіchnі otpazniki will become doslidzhuvanoi kirovoї sistemi і mnzhinu parameterіv, scho describe the tsei stan. The system is described in such a way that such a process can be used to solve the problems of the past and the next stages of solving problems of the problem and the mother's ability to solve the problem of problems in the long run, the result of optimizing the skin in the crock, and, moreover, priymati optimal ryisnenya on the offensive stages without degradation Vplyiv majbutnih rіshen on tі, scho були прийняті раніше.
  2. Sublayut processes on the stage (kroki), yak, yak, yak, ypovpodayut the pervim period planunuvannya dinamichnyh protsessov, abo okremim ob'ektam (pidpriemstvam, types of products, dostatkuvannuu tochno) at the time of preparation of the stasis kerovannya them.
  3. Formuluyu perelik manages For the dermal crochet and the dandruff.
  4. Viznachayut efekt, a kind of zabezpechuє upravlennya On the j- th krotsi, yakschoo before the system of the bullet at the station S , in the case of functions:
  5. .
  6. Viznachayut, yak zmіnyuyutsya Stan S sistemi pіd vplivom upravlennya On the j- th krotsi, tobto yak zdіysnyuyutsya perehіd to the new camp:


  1. To be recurrent in the formation of problems of dynamic programming, but viznachaet cleansing optimal efekt Starting from the j- th crook to the rest, through some other function


Цьому ефекту відповідає умовне Optimal management on j- му кроці Зауважимо, що у функції Neobhіdno zamist Vrachuvati zmіneni stan systemi, tobto

  1. Vikoristovuyu I will wipe out the optimum of the remaining n- th crook, viznachayuchi multiply stennov S , z yakih mozhna for one crock to go to the end of the camp. The optimal optimal efect for the n- th crock is calculated for the formula:

Potim know the optimal way of managing In the result realizatsii yakogo maximum will be met.

  1. Drain the optimization Th, The fifth of these crocs behind the recurrence of solitudes (div. 6) and viznachayut for the skin croche mentally optimal management:

  1. Carry out the folly optimization of control at the "swinging" straight line from the swinging mill Up to the front. For the purpose of hurting the well-known optimal management on the first crochet Змінють ста сими згідно з item 5. Potim for this new country will know the best management on another crochet І Analogically, you can repeat it to the rest of the stage (crook).

In the result, the optimal control of the slope , But the maximum effectiveness of Z * is guaranteed.