Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

3. The Revolution of 1905

In the period from 1905 to the year, the vibuch strikes at the Putilov factory in St. Petersburg. Wongs vimagali 8-year-old robot day, vstanovlennya mіnіmumu platnі, polіppshennya minds praci, viznannya predstavnitstva robotnikov. Вимоги путиловців підтримали робітники інших заводів Петербургу, і застрайкувало понад 100.000 робітників on 382 підприємствах. Tse bov the first vibuch of such a scale. Petersburg was baked without water, svitla, newspapers.

9 січня 1905 року робітники пішли до Зимового палацу , Щоб подати пареві петицію. Yshli with korogvami, churchmen and patriotichnimi spivami kіlka tysyach cholovіkіv z zhinkum, dіtmi, їh zuststrіli postreіlami zazdalegіd znachenі for ts'ogo vіyska. The boule was slaughtered 200 pesos and kilka a hundred wounded. Obryennya robnikov did not know between. On a different day, 125,000 robots were set up near Peterburg

Strike spread to the rest of the city. In Ukraine, robbers were stopped by Donbass, Kiyov, Odesi, Kharkov, Katerinoslav, Mykolaev.

One day in the strikes, the village peasants flocked: the villagers burned pomischitsy sadybi, gospodarski budivlyi, took thinness. Усе грізніші були вимоги send all the land to the villagers. Selyansky Ruh hunting in the first half of 1905, 64% of the accidents in Ukraine.

Revolutionary moods were violating post-unhappiness on the front: in the serpentine year 1904, the army recognized the heavy defiance of Liaoyang in Manjuriyya. At the beginning of 1905, Port Arthur was built. In the fierce army, she learned the pografies of the Mukden pamphlet - one of the best in the country of Rusia. In the herbs of 1905 the rock was sunk in the Tsusimskyi Proto-Flot, and went to the port of Arturov. Нарешті у Портсмуті підписано мир, за яким There are no translations available. Японія дістала Квантунський півострів і Південний Сахалін. Усі жертви російської армії пішли намарне,

In 1905, the Revolutionary Rukhs had an army. Mounted in the rock in the Chornomorskiy Floti, the zbroyne rebellion was prepared: the sailors of Mali arrested the officers of the virus in Odessa. Повстання почалося на броненосці «Потьомкін-Таврійський» . Ale "Potomkina" did not attack the ships of the vessel, zbobivshi kilka voyages through the Black Sea, vyn shotshov to Rumunii. Із 800 rebel sailors 54 turned to Rosii.

In the winter of 1905, a vibuchal insurrection near the Kronstadt flot ; At the same hour, the insurgency of the Chornomorsky escapade rushed to the head: the sailors drew the commander of the Floyt lieutenant P. Schmidt, or the insurrection did not deceive: the fate of the boats had taken on the fate of the ship, and the stinkers were defeated; Шмідта та багатьох матросів is stricken. Ale insurrection in the army did not get fixed: at the fall of 1905 rock broke out at Kyiv's Sapiri with the wire of the Zhadanivsky guardsman. Після то були rebel against the viscisses - in Poltava, Kharkov, Chernigov, Cherkasakh, Beliy Tserkov, Umani, Smіlі. Усі ці rebels do not mali uspіhu, аle stinks svychchili, scho армія has ceased to be over the top ranks of the ranks і have shown zagalny rozval admіnіstrііїї.

1905-ri rik showing a picture from one side - vzhe nazryvayuchogo folk zavorushenya, and the other - anarchy that razuglenosti tsarist class. The newspapers appeared without censorship of the Vimagali Constitution. In the universities of the town of 1905, autonomy was introduced in the city, the yak deputy zionist reaction statute of 1884 rock. Students vlasthtovuvali revoltsііnі мітинги, on yakі came all, hto bazhav. In Ukraine, in Belarus, in Russia, the following numerical unions were established: Academic, Engineering, Lawyers, Teachers, Technicians, Physicians, Pharmacists, Selyans'kyi tochno i nareshti Soyuzіv, Yakii їh usі ob'ednuvav. I mean the engraving of the zemstvo union in the post bureau. Усі ці unions of різних напрямків та фахів були об'єднані спільним прагненням - знищити існуючий політичний лад.

Prem'er-minister S. Vitte so characterizing the spongy mood on the cob of the Zhovtnya 1905 rock: the revolution has plagued all the population. Вищі шари були незадоволені; Young people, not students, ale y ucnі ​​serednіh shkіl, virili tilki tim, hto propoviduvav antirezhavnі teorії; A part of the professors did, but all of them were to be rewritten; Zas'kyi mіsіkі діячі claimed, шо vryatuvati mozhe tіlki konstitutsіya; The promises of the traders and peasants podtrimuvali revolutsіynі іdeї th gave a donation to the revolution (Morozov, Tereshchenko, Chetverikov); Робітники, під впливом революціонерів, були найбільш активні; Chuzhintsi, z yakih zakladalosya 35% of the Russian Empire, put their own: the Poles - autonomies, zhidi - rivnoprav'ya; Villages of vimagali earth; Ulyadovtsi buli are subjected to injustices in the orders of service by protectionism; Vіys'ko boulo shvilovan by wounds at the front, in some of them accused the detachment; In addition, there was a lack of vexation between those who were "spare", those who cursed for an hour, they did not let in the army, it was not enough vinyka - the army was filled in Azi. The Vibuks of the uninvited people wandered about in the Viasky parts. Naybіshe vulo of such vibuchi at flototi. At Peterburzi bulo rebel against the sea ekipazhi, yak pridushene bulo Guardia. Усі об'єдналися in ботьбі проти різного to a sort утисків, often обурливих i antichristianskyh. Without peresoblshennya - osya Rosiya bula skivilovana i mala spilny lyozun: "so you can not live!" Usi was associated with hatefulness to the regime. Years of the year I have been stealing the characteristics of the minds, yakis viklikali revolution 1905 rock, nizh ta yaku dav tse "dignitary".

To the ear of the battery, the pause of the zayalny strike in the halls. The tram was tied up, the electric was extinguished. Zupinilosya all the life.

17 жовтня ст. Art. The tsar's regiment having played the manifesto, in what was said "to grant the people the freedom of the individual, the words, the sum, the zenith and the allies." It was installed by the Duma with legislative rights.

Prote, tse Manifesto without giving zaspokoєnnya. Navpaks: the populated area has three main parts - 1) it is central to the bimovity, but it has been stored up for people, they have adopted the manifesto from the beginning, but they have given the constitution and the constitution to the pock-marked dodo in Estonia; 2) on the revolutionary group, they vvazhali, scho tse manifeste tilki tymchasovoyu zupinkoyu berotby in the ranks of the revolution, and put up manifestu sparrow і 3) on the rights Elements, poichinauchi v people, close to the Tsar's House; Stinkers vvazhali, scho Manifesto "virvano" from the tsar, i vzhivali vsexh tsusil, schob zberegti autocracy in the yogo silnoi forces. Naslіdkom chyogo pokhavsya ru rule, chornosotennyh elementіv, yakі knew pidtrimku znacheniyu partnosti adminostracii.

Після проголошення маніфесту по всіх містах України почася маніфестації з червоними прапорами, з мітингами, на яких люди вимагали остаточного знищення монархії. At the same time, they attacked the pogroms of the "revolutionaries" and the head ranks of the liquidities, in active places when they did not intend to participate in politics, but in action-related activities, for example, in the Gomel region. Найстрашніші погроми були в Одесі, Києві, Катеринославі, Донбасі, де вони тривали по кілька днів і peretovyuvalisya zbrynі bіyki z vіyskami. In Kiev, for the tickets of the medical "Shvidkoi dopomogi", 26 people have been slaughtered, and 223 have been wounded, and not all were wounded up to spits.

Progoloshennia konstitutsii shche bishe rozburhulo narodnі predistrasti. They began to pawn the parties, yakі mali protvinzhne zavdanya: "lіvі", scho buli fortune-tellers, і "pravіі" pіrkorkovі partnerі, пo підтримували ті заходи. Головні партії, починаючи з лівих, були такі: Anarchists - вони мали успіх у Південній Україні: in Одесі, Катеринославі. The party organization is small in organization: "Beznachalie", "Rebel", "Anarchist" and "Black Banner". Vaughn escaped the terrorist actions, yaki called "economical", sebto robila atentati to the manufacturers, kapitalistiv.

Established in 1898 році Rosіyska Sotsіyal-Demokratichna Robіtnicha Partіy y 1905 rotsі podilіsya na dvі: Bolshevikі ta menshovikіv. Close to them, Bula National-Socialist Zhidivska Part - "Bund", abo "Universal Jewish Workers' Union".

Bolsheviks taenschikov boules orthodox Marxists. Різниця міжми була is tactful: more on cholі yakikh standing . V. Lenin-Ulyanov , rіsuchche відмовляли від співробітництва з ліберальною бурзією: "proletarian people's keeper of people's revolutionaries, lyutsії", - writing Lenin: "the method of revolution moe bouti dictatorship proletariat". At cholі menshovikiv stood: L. Martov, F. Dan, P. Akselrod and інші. Menshkoviki stood for a wide range of organizations in the type of the Social and Democratic Party.

To Rock 1906 the Bolsheviks, the Menshawks, that Bundist formally united. Соціял-Демократична Partія мала успіх в Україні; There is a small number of members at factories in Ukraine.

In 1905, at the factories, the deputies of the Bolshevik Zobri, Yak post-ynii organi, sailed. Pid hour Zhovtnevogo rebellion in 1905 rock tz zbori reworked for the sake of the Robotnicheskih Deputies . Persha Rada has placed Katerinoslavna first secretary of the Wikonaw Committee of Bouvet G. Petrovsky - Maybutny Soviet-Ukrainian "Starosta". For the sake of the boules in the great factories, that is at the mists. The Bolsheviks vvazhali For the sake of the zakrodki revolutionary vladi.

The Part of the Socialist Revolutions, founded in 1899-1900-their rock, put its own method of revolutionizing the villagers. The leader of the party Bouv V. Chernov . Socialist-Revolutionaries widely practiced teror - from ministries to the rank-and-file politicians. For the vikonannya teroristichnih actives stinked asleep "Bojov Organizaciya." The official of the organization of the boulevard until 1903, G. Gershuni, and the pen of the yogo prisoner - the provocateur Azef, who by stretching p'yati rockiv keruvav the terrorist acts and one-time seeing the members of the party.

Vidatnimi dyachami partyi Buli: Є. Breshko-Breshkovska, B. Savinkov, M. Gotz, V. Zenzinov. In the Ukraine before V.V. Doroshenko.

Socialist-Revolutionaries in the Rock of 1905 were awakened by the All- Russian Selyansky Union , by the method of the I-boule, the transfer of all the earth, hto itself pratsyue on the earth. Тоді ж in Україні the Selyansky Union is founded, having become the head of S. Yefremov.

To Rock 1906 the boule of the People's Socialistic Party was founded; Organizatorami її buli writers, publitsisti, vcheni, yakі billed to the magazine "Russian Wealth". Tseboli: In, Myakotin, S. Melgunov, A. Peshekhonov that інші; З українських діячів took the fate: S. Єfremov, V. Korolenko. The part of the vimagal of "people's government" is that of the nationality of the earth, of the transmission of information, of the powers that be, of the will of the earth, that the earth itself will fall into oblivion.

Prior to the party, the party "Trudova", abo "Trudovik", yak bula tilki parlymentarnoyu faktsієyu і not small organizatsіy pose by the State Duma.

In 1905, the Constitutional Democratic Party ( Constitutional -Democrat Party), the abolition of the People's Freedom Party, is grounded . The party's party announced that the two groups: "The Union of Liberation" and "Zemtsov-Constitutionalists". The part of the Vimagala, the State Duma of the Bula "constitutional parlymentarnoyu monarchy" with the dvuhpalatnym parliament. For all nationalities, the party of the vimagal is free to culture.

Tsya partiya na cholі z P. Milyukov Mala Bagato member, the middle of some boulevards of the world, professors, lawyers: S. Muromtsev, P. Struve, A. Kizewetter, A. Kornilov, A. Manuilov, princes Petro and Pavlo Dolgorukov, M. Vinaver, F. Rodichev, A. Shingaryov and іnshі. The head organ of the party boule is Rech.

In Ukraine, the Cadets. Partiia bula duzhe widened the middle of the intelligentsia, profiuri. The middle of the vpilovyh members: І. Luchitsky, L. Yasnopolsky, V. Naumenko, Baron F. Steingel, D. Grigorovich-Barsky, P. Smirnov, M. Vasilenko, A. Rzhepetskyi and іnshі. The organ of the party bula is the Kiev newspaper "Freedom and Law".

Від партії к.-. Відділилася правіша від неї Part of the Democratic Reforms , to the anchorage: M. Stasyulevich, K. Arsenyev, V. Kuznin-Karavaev, M. Kovalevsky.

Central to the middle of the partnerships lay the "Union of the 17th October", a sort of buoy of foundations in the youth of 1905. Until the Union, which was recognized by a visionary representative of the Moscow merchant promyslovy O. Guchkov, included representatives of the zemstvo, pomyschiv in those cultural merchants and promises: G. Krestnovnikov, P. Ryabushinsky; Земські діячі: D. Shipov, gr. Heiden, M. Stakhovich, N. Khomyakov, M. Rodzianko i інтгі Згодом із партії відійшли лівіші members: D. Shipov, gr. Heyden, M. Stakhovich and the others have fallen asleep "The Peaceful Onion Partnership".

" Union of October 17 " (" Octobrist ", - yak їх nazvaly) vimagav zberezhennya tsar'ko'e vladi ta nevnosti "Unity and inadequacy of the power". Rosiyeju mav bii rule "constitutional monarch in єдності з people, in the union with the land."

To the right of the "Octobrists" there were reactionary parties, while the Dumas and Wimagals did not recognize the ponovlenya tsarist autocracy. Rocku 1905 announced the "Russian Monarchic Party" on behalf of V. Grinymutom, having seen the "Moscow Vedomosti". The other party is a reactionary party - the boulevard of the Chornosotenniy Union of the Russian People, A. Dubrovinim, V. Purishkevich and M. Markov at the choir.

Крім нехтування конституцією "Union of the Russian Folk" standing on the різко шовіністичній плятформі: він вимагав for російської народности першого місця у державі. Derzhavna Duma is small but nationally-Russian. Nasampered Soyuz Tsei viv battle with Jews, gave - Poles, Ukrainians, etc. The bodies of the Union Buli newspaper: "Russian Banner", but especially transferred the "Zhido-Kadetiv" that "Jew-Mason", and "Zemshchina." Apogeement to the Union of Buli - Kinets 1905, the cob 1906 rock, if vin with his "boyovymi druzhinami", the fate of the pogroms of the liquidity of the enterprise. "Allies" drove the Cadets - Gertsenstein, Ioles, Trudovik Karavaev. The union is widening in the middle of the middle-cropped populace.

Rock 1908 is based on Kiev's "Club of Russian Nationalists", but by placing the method of cultural and gromadsko wrestling in the Ukrainian rubble. Especially zavziat borotbu vіv tsei klyub ne protivu Shevchenko.

Усі праваі оргаізації увесь час були під таємним, and often навіть під наявним протекторатом уряду, діставали subsidies and all kinds of protec- tion. In the Universities of the Buli fіlії, the rules of organіzacіy - t. Зв. "Soyuz Akademistiv", yakі obednuvali monarhichnye elemementy student.

Крім відділів цих загальнороійсьських партій, in Ukraine, були свої партії. Такою була Революційна Українська Партія (РУП) - is grounded in 1899 in Kharkov D. Antonovich. By the method of ії bool, the self-esteem of Ukraine and the country is small. Серед членів цієї партії були: M. Porsh, V. Stepankivsky. Spotchatka in RUE perehreshchuyasya rizny tech, ales nasisilnishim buv vsetv sotsіyal-demokratichny, rosіysky. In 1905, the RUE changed to the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party of Ukraine (USDRP), which housed the Autonomous Ukraine with the Seym at Kiev. Tsy evolyutsіya brought the RUE to Roskolu: not met the People's Ukraine Party , and in 1905 rotsi - Українська Соціял-Демократична Робітнича Партія.

Rock 1905 is groundlessly new - Українську Radical-Democratic Party; Guslami її були: автономія України та земна реформа. The members of the party are bullets of species: S. Єfremov, B. Grinchenko, F. Matushevsky, D. Doroshenko that інші.

Кінець 1905 року has become known as meaningful polegds for the Ukrainian ruhu. In serpny 1905, the autonomy was turned to universities. Наприкінці року засновано Вищі Жіночі Coursy of Києві, Харкові, Одесі та інші високі школи. The Ukrainian science cathodes are founded in Ukrainian universities. Ukrainian zemstvos have ruined the habit of eating food for the people in the Ukrainian schools. Українські театральіі трупи дістали дозвіл влаштовувати вистави по всіх містах. Ukrainian associations, cribs, "Prosvity" were established; they conducted a Ukrainian identity to the robot of the middle of little people; They filed fіlії across villages, organіzvalі бібліотеки, читальні. Concerts.

To Rock 1905 the first newspaper was written in Ukrainian: "Khliborob" ; Ії seeing at Lubnyi V. Shemet. Після того у Києві мала виходити the newspaper "Gromadske Slovo", or for the first day of the first day of the arrest of the editor S. Fremov. Todi got to do a lot of "Gromadsku Dumka". Qiu pedagogical that spiritual master was fenced before paying. The writers from the newspaper Poltavi, Katerinoslav, Odessy, Kharkov went to bed. Zdebnilshogo tsepily tizhneviki. Usi vonyi opililisya pіd підозрою адміністрації і often could see the number of the first number.

The mother of the reserve authorities was brought to the admissions office for the issue of the newspaper, on the part of him. Bagato editor in the booo zaireshtovano.

Rock 1906 zaireštovano kolkok spivrobitnikov "Gromadskoi Dumka" and editor S. Fremovim. In 1906, it was allowed to ponovit tse vidannya pid new nazvoyu - "Rada"; By the merchant її buv Є. Chikalenko, the editor - M. Pavlovsky.

Uves' hour in Ukraine is not fastened strikes that rebellion robots. The stench was cleaned at the breast of 1905 rock. In the action of the cities, they are invaded by insurgents that cripple in battle, inasmuch as they have been killed by hundreds of bullets. Neridko vіys'kovі partіni priadnuvalisya up to rebestіvіv abomіdіvlâvlâsya їhati na prizushennya rastan. So there was a boule in Katerinoslav in the Berdyansk regiment. 16 грудня 1905 року authorities from Katerinoslav slipped the command of the Odeisko Viskovskoi District: "arrests (rebeltsiv) after a marriage over the wives." In Kharkov, 12th of the same year, they hammered an artillery for a strangled insurgency, 120 people were killed in that one. In Kiev, the insurgents rebelled against Shuliavka, de posta soverіdna "republіka" on cholі z Radoyu Robotnichih Deputies; Policemen and gendarmes were afraid to enter. Znachnyh rozmіrіv insurgent vibuchly in Odesa і Mykolaєvі.

Naibilshogo uspіhu dovyagli revozitsioneri u Donbasі, de insurgency rests in the middle of the year 1905 rock; The rebels occupied the whole hall. Central to the insurrection of the Donbas nalezhit Gorlivtsi, de Viiyska with difficulty strangled insurgency.

In 1906 the revolutionary revolution collapsed. Невдачі 1905 року, численні людські жертви, жорстокі репресії, розстріли, заслання на каторгу сприяли зменшенню повстань, але в роках 1906-1907 вони ще вибухали час від часу — найчастіше 1-го травня. По всіх губерніях Украіви обнизився відсоток робітнитав, які брали участь у страйках.

Наприкінці 1905 року почалися «усмиренія» селян. На села виряджали військові загони, переважно кавалерії та козаків, які робули екзекуції на місці та заарештовувати селян. Подекуди, як у Погорільцях, Сосницького повіту Чернігівської губернії, у Батурині, Коногіпського повіту, між селянами та військами відбувалися бої. Великого розголосу набула боротьба селян Великих Сорочинець, Миргородського повіту Полтавської губернії, де забито помічника «ісправника» Барабаша, який з'явився з козаками. Багато селян виарештувано. Письменник В. Короленко в газеті «Полтавщина» виступив з докладними інформаціями про цю «Сорочинську трагедію», про безправство й жорстокість представників адміністрації.