Політична економія - Oganyan G.A.

Formulation of suspilnyh needs

Suspіlstvu vazhlivo mother vicherpnu іnformatsіyu about tendentsії eg th PERSPECTIVE rozvitku necessary - іndivіdualnih, sіmeynih, Collective, zagalnosuspіlnih and takozh about strukturnі zrushennya (zmіni) in dinamіchnomu rozvitku required. Tse vplivatime on Roads Ahead away rozvitku narodnogospodarskogo complex, spriyatime fact dwellers lyudska osobistіst sub'єktom formuvannya became clear that rozvitku i vdoskonalennya potreb themselves, not deprivation has been viewed їh Passive virobnikom.

Vodnochase formuvannya processes require zokrema ekonomіchnih, povinnі kontrolyuvati i regulyuvati suspіlstvo, yogo funktsіonalnі organi s metoyu zapobіgti deformatsії require pov'yazanim s CIM destructive yavischam, SSMSC mozhut prizvesti to "otruєnnya psihologії Helsinki Human" pіdrivu Zdorov'ya okremih people i natsії zagalom , To the widening of the narcotics addict. Vazhlivo through organic sovereign regulyuvannya, vikoristovuyuchi vartіsnі, pravovі vazhelі, vzhivayuchi vihovnih zahodіv, tsіlespryamovano vplivati ​​on ob'єktivnі minds lyudskoї zhittєdіyalnostі, rozvivati ​​virobnichu i sotsіalnu іnfrastrukturu scho could b sponukati skin trudіvnika, pіdrostayuchі pokolіnnya vіdtvorennya to health require spryamovanih on vsebіchny rozvitok І вскосколенлення человеської особистостіі.

Zhittya real and not "manіlovskі the Dream" for slavnozvіsnim M. Gogol, perekonuє, scho in razі NAUKOVO-tehnіchnoї th tehnologіchnoї vіdstalostі virobnitstva, deformatsії yogo structure nezadovіlnogo torgovelnogo th cultural obslugovuvannya, vіdsutnostі Suchasnyj komunіkatsіynih zasobіv people vinikaє nestrimne Bazhannya whether scho Kupuvati prestigious and defensive partners. For such obstavin dієvo reguljuvati consumers are unlikely to be able to. Navpaks, takie reguljuvannya mozhe prizvest to activeіzіcії тіньової економіки, криміналиізації комерційних structures. With tsiomu traumuyutsya psychology of people, especially pidrostayuchih pokolin, podstruzhuetsya spozhivatsky cult. Otzhe, zalizhno vіd that, yak rozvivayutsya і spryamovuyutsya vibrochnichy protsess, at suspilstvі formuyutsya i regulyulyuetsya uspe. Axis chomu vazhko pereotsіniti sotsіalne values ​​Naukova obґruntuvannya ekonomіchnih require oskіlki TAKE obґruntuvannya Je metodologіchnoyu Basics rozrobki tsіlіsnoї Sistemi sotsіalnih rules vimіrnikіv rіvnya rozvinenostі sotsіalnoї spherical she її іnstitutіv, dinamіki real dohodіv rіznih kategorіalnih groups of the population. For virublenya actively ekonomichnoi strategii powers for the minds of the rink mechanics, the state dignity is especially important in the science of obruktuvati optimum budgetary community. Such a budget is based on the system of norms and norms of rational co-existence of benefits and services. For the minds of the administrative and command mechanism, the state darlings of the people who were arguing for the budget of the social groups were not affiliated, although they were unofficially assessed by the bodies of state statistics. Actuality of the tzogo pitania ninі zrostaєe, bo yogo virishennya is not deprived of ploschinі teorії, but of the practical zastosuvannya dye zmogu krashche koriguvaty strategіichnyi ekonomichnyi course of the power, rozrobljati come in, spidmovanni na іstotne pidvistchennya kindness of people.

Social normativi maiit postinoyovnovyvatisya i vdaskonaljuvatisya in the way of the most effective adaptation to transformations, reshuffle in the post-socialist landscapes, yaki to bend yaknaishvidze to get to the zdobutkiv svitovoi tsivilizatsii.