Політична економія - Oganyan G.A.

Потреби як джерело активності особистостіі

Ludina is alive at the folded and rozmy-to-the-spot. Not at all, but in the future and in the country, however, it is not possible to sprinkle your individuality from the available information. Що ж визначає вибірковість у людській поведінці? Що є джерелом активності особистості? Psychologists vvazhayut, scho tse consumer. On the duma, the consumer experiencing people's pragnennya to yakoy ob'ekta, minds of the medium, neobhidnyh for її rozvitku ta іsnuvannya vzagali. To the consumer, the internal psychiatric institution regulates the behavior of the individual, the proximity of the mission, pocuttiv and wave of people. The activity of the individual is manifested in the process of satisfying the needs, which is the directness of the disposition. Enthusiastic that I will require, I will approve meti, lyudina pragne create new ob'ekti, new ways of the middle, yaki at my chergo breed and new consumer.

Use, being the psychic vidobrazhennyam obsektivnogo pragnennya before cho, formuyutsya і rozvivayutsya, zaznajuchi znachnogo vplyvu sotsialnogo zhittya i vihovannya. Often navish suto bіofizііlogicchinі consumer, scho zabezpechuyut cheloveku zhittєdіyalnіst (їжа, рух, теплообмін тощо), підконтрольні соціальним, spiritual needs. At the progressive Rus syspilstva consumers єллідком розвитку виробництва. In the process of citizenship, people pristosovuyot ob'ekti, rechі, vyatі at natures, up to its own needs, yakі tisno povyazhenі і bhakto v chomu viznachayatsya sotsіalnym zmistom priblnogo rozvitku vibrobnitsva i rozpodilu materіnnyh i spirnyh blag.

Потреби - basic jerelo activity at пізнавальній і практичній діяльності people. Enthusiasm of its own consumption, the human being, for the sake of one's selfishness, and in the folding of the social situation, it is up to you to stand in front of you and virishuvati theoretically and practically. I will look at the world of people, the mission - the biocoopsychological process, the cries of zabezpechuvati poshuk neobhdnikh zasobiv and izvіv zadovolennya consumes, sho vinikli. Alya is not a messenger, but the human will is spontaneously picking up her new needs. For dopomogo voleovih zusil, tsіlesprjamovanosti, napleglivosti lyudina dolyae hard, pereskodi, scho vinikayut on shlyahu realizatsii needs. Use the main reasons for singing the psychology of the cities, survived, pocuttiv people. Zalizhno vid, yak zadovoleno abo nezdovoleno consumer, ludina survive radish chi, navpaki, - zaznacie numerically abdominal psihichnyh stresses, vidchuvae psychologic discomfort, grief, gniv, prignichchenost diyalnosti tochno.

Yak has already been proclaimed, consumers of people are numerically and riznomannitny for its nature, one kozhny sobistostostі pritamna pevna system of consumption, in the structure of the home and the consumer. At the time of the house (overpayment), you can attend a meeting, you can see all the basics and visions of the main strains of the behavior and life-expectancy. So, lyudina, yak postyno need to be satisfied, all your needs and wishes are written down. Інколи для неї важливий успіх self on, without uraquvannya zasobів, коштів і способів його досягнення, морально-етичної цінності. Takіy zhіtіtіvіy mozhetі іноді підпорядковуватися consumer at пізнанні, спілкуванні, праці, що nііlіkі vіyavlyaetsya v zhіttі okremih іndіvіdіv, social groups, political parties. Інший апк: поведінка people, чиї думки і вчинки зумовлені demand in соціальній справедливості, її real досягненні. Taka ludina, schwidsh for all, povodimetsya in such a way, but the consumer in a special way, social security, and інші матимуть одирядю не значення.

Behind the minds of the spilna vibroichoi diyalnosti, it is important, that in the behavior of people, the consumers were predisposed to be so-called consumer consumers, yak consumers in pratsy, spilkuvanni, suspilnyi diyalnosti. I will demand that people take care of the welfare of the people, the right of life, the important and the necessary, the concentration of all the spiritual and phisical forces of the people. Tsya needs Hochi і є practical at the skin indigestion, the proto-che did not become domiciled, did not change for bugatogh people on the haircuts of the living credo.

Вім, у поведінці человени та або інша need to be able to be identified situationally - at a specific moment, not vobodobazhayuchi on the basis of the structure of the structure of consumers. Napriklad, the people's guide, yak tsykavitsya novymi komp'yuternimi systems, tekstrazatimis pidvischenuyu activenistyu s spilkuvanni z tiimi, hto zmozhe nadati їй потрібну інформацію з цієї проблемыми. Після одержання необхідної інформації подальша теба у ній зникає. You can use the buti and udividlenimi. The other type of consumption is in the form of a zhedylshovogo pevnі zapoplennya osobistosti.