Історія України - Полонська-Василенко Наталія: Том 2

7. Rebellion against the Hetmansky Tier

Borotba with the Getmansky detachment recruited the deadly form. In the plentiful kuts of Ukraine, organized rebellions were organized. Місцями повстанці мали значний успіх. At the start of one of the most numerous outposts, becoming the commander of the Kievskoe Vyskovo District for the Central Radik Capitan Shinkar. Він діяв на Звенигородщині. Buli zachni povani at Chernigivshchina, on Podilli.

Nayibilshim Bulo rebel anarchist N. Makhna , teacher from Gulyai-Polya, on Katerinoslavschiny. Влітку 1918 року він having created a great zagі z zavstanzіv-selyan ta rіznih malicious elements, such as calling up the resignation of Hetman Skoropadsky and not allowing "nіyako іnshoshi vladi"; At the same time, we ignore the struggle against the Austrians, the people and the people.

Selyansky insurgents sprinkled without a care, they sent a message to the admisnistratsiyu, they viklikali zagalne nedovіr'я to the Hetman's class, in a kind of wide masi bachili tilki rosіysskogo general, pomyschika.

"At the Katerinoslavlshchiny Hetman's regime, the maternity leave is falling down to the ruins of the director's office. Vshe on the back of the leaf fall of the Katerinoslavskis, the Bolsheviks rushed to rebellion for the plundering of the Vlad in their own hands. . . Pobachivshi tse, Hetman's VIII Corps, sho warehousing is very important from the officers' staff, becoming a hobble out of active wits. Катеринославські українці вирішили take negayno for organisatsіyu its vlasnogo vіyska.

In Poltava up to the Hetman's rule, a fortune-teller was set up, - V.V. Andrivsky confirmed, the number of the komissar of the fall of Poltava.

In such a state of mind, the Ukrainian National Union is penniless in rebellion.

For kerivnitsva, the rebels' back is directed by the Director of the 5th Osip V. Vinnichenka, S. Petliuri, F. Shvetsya, O. Andrievsky and A. Makarenka. Oseredok Director of Buv at the Biliy Church. Vnochi proti 13 листопада до Білої Церкви pribuv S. Petliura, 14 листопада - F. Shvets, O. Andriyevsky and V.Vinnichenko. Direction zvernulasya to populated area in vidozvoyu, in yakіy poimodomlyala about perebrannya vladi ogoloshuvalo, but the hetman's mistress mia bouti "doshtenu" is deprecated, and Getman is "pose law." The basis of the rebels gave Sichov Striltsi. On the 16th leaf fall, the Director agreed with the Vijskovo Radoy in the Church of Lithuania about the nevtralitet, and the 17th leaf fall of the insurrection, occupied Bilu Tserkvu ta Fastiv. The rebels were ruined at Kiev.

Гетьманські війська були дуже невеликі й розкидані по всій Україні. I really realize the strength of the bula Serdyutska diviizia, she stood in Kiev. Krym nebyuli bodilovnyh druzhini, it is important pid command of the Russian elders, the 18th leaf fall is recognized as the commander of all the brutal forces of the Russian general, Count Keller. Bula is shattered by the mobility of the Russian elders, Yaka gave little to the bow. Appreciation of Keller bouleau is no longer intangible: vіn vіyviv himself a rival of Ukraine і навіть хотів become a dictator, having pushed Hetman. The legend of the nearness of Keller to Getman is preceded by the sheet of Keller himself before the otman of Donskoi, P. Krasov. "Skoropadsky," Keller wrote, "seems to imply misleading everyone. . . Anticipating the charm of his coronation on the throne of the Ukrainian kingdom. " The 27th leaf fall of Keller's castle is recognized by General Prince Dolgoruky. Bula is a well-educated squadron

"Motherland", it is important із студентів та учнів старших кляс гімназій, yaka became the head defense of Kiev.

Hetman's order is not a mav of a greedy pidrimki із зовні. The Entente did not recognize the Ukrainian Government and allowed the bodies of the federation of people to enter the warehouse of the Russian Empire; The middle of them is small but Ukraine. The Hetman's class became a massacre. Ukraine was described in the cliched pages of the Antantoi, the Bolsheviks that anti-communist army Denikina, the Yaku podtrimuvala Antanta. With the help of this lawful position, there could be a clique of oriectatsii, the 14th leaf fall of 1918 in the city of Lizogub's kabinet, in a boulevard of bagano germanofiliv, buvo of disagreements.

On the same day, 14 sheets of the fall, Getman wrote a letter on the federation of Ukraine from the Maybutny, non-Bolshevik, Rosiye. Tse krock at his own helmets Hetman explaining, yak єdiniy, yak at the time of the month vryatuvati Ukraine. D. Doroshenko in his "History of Ukraine" explains that the act is as follows: "in the same state union of Ukraine with Russia ... Ukraine, the force of facts fell at the brink of persuasion, bogo vzhe šnuvala yak power, and the Russian federation bílo vidbuduvati."

At the same day, C, Herbelevi of the new kabinet of the ministries, was built; Кабінет мав бути тимчасовим, leave not adjusted to see the Entente.

Thus, the list of 14 leaves of the fall became one-day two important items: in Kiev, a letter was written about the federation of Ukraine from Maybutnyu Rosiye, and in the Byelorussian Church the head of the insurrection against the Hetman class - and that is to say, two facts can not be found near the reservoir.

Новий кабінет повідомив про свої заванняня: на першому місці was «праця коло відбудовиієноної Росії on the federal principles із detainees in Ukraine all rights to the development of її power and national self-sufficiency». Далі він обіцяв negyno skolkati Держаний Сойм та розпочати реалізацію land law.

At once - і diploma about federatsіyі and new warehouse kabіnetu, in yakom bіlshіst міністрів були не-українці; І маса росіян, які тікали до Києва від большевиків; І російськії військові частини, що їх were formally formed to the zahist rally of the opposite insurgents - the truncated state in broad kolae was the populace of the witch to the conspiracy. Lavi rebellions were growing. V. Vynnychenko, who is for the Central Radi standing on the Ground "Edinogo Front" with social partners, now becoming the enemy of the Ukrainian national interests and people's popularity in the people.

Ідея федерації not притбала гетьманському урядові прихильників навіть серед русофільських елементів, які hungry not for federations, but for ponovlenya "єdinoї nepodіnії" of Russia, before the anchor of Ukraine is small, it's ії part. The federal delegation to Galicia was summoned: ZUNR Ambassador, G. Miketey, who had come to Kiev and had diplomatic embassies with the Hetman's detachment, without knowing after the mogul to conduct a conversation with him, to get out of the federal office in Russia.

We spent an hour talking with Entente about real help. In Yasakh, the representatives of the Entente were seen, they fixed the ambassadors to the ambassadors of the Hetman family - the federation of Russia; In Odessa, the consul of France. Enno for the whole hour zapevnyav, scho nablizhayutsya vіyska Antanti. Ale did not bude.