Політична економія - Oganyan G.A.

1.5. Forms of organisation of a susceptible vibrobitvita

1. Natural and commodity form of virbitnitsva organisation.

2. Goods and yogis of power.

3. Theories. Alternative vartism.

Natural form of viribnitsveta organisation

The roster of the sispilnyi vibrobitvtva is characterized by the formation of two forms of organisation of the state estate - natural and commodity virbitntsva. Istorichno the first form of the economical organization of the suspilnyi vibrobitvtva booleau virginnoe vibrobnitvo. The natural form of virbitnism is the form of the sospil state, for the sake of production, it is recognized for the satisfaction of the needs of the country, the virgin lands, the virility, and the dignity of the direct rospod. In the case of a natural economy, the economy was going through the internal needs of the consumers, for the sake of privacy and closed economic systems. Without interruption, the goal is not to add to the fact that the communities of the community were exchanged for the singing products of prazis. Alysay obmin buv vypadkovym abo such, but seriously not vpplyav on vibronichu sphere і spozhivannya.

The main signs of natural vibrobitvtva are direct economy, zvknutist, universalizatsiya praci.

For the natural state of Mizh vibrobitvtnom і spozhivannami існує straight, безпосередній зв'язок, тобто вироблений product by the vibroks themselves використовується і споживається; To finish frequently the phase of the rush to the product (vibrobitztvo - spozhivannya) vzagali spivpayayut. Усі виробничо-економічні processes обмежені певною виробничою ланкою (сім'я, community), to concentrate in the closed vibrobitvts. Sub'ektiv not enter into economics one-to-one, oskilki basic zavdannyam є samozabezpechennia, tobto kozhne gosdarstvo spirae on vlasnі vibrochnichi resursi і zabezpechuet sessim neobhidnim. In such a state, all are robotics - from the syvovini to the vigilance of the finished products and the spies.

For a natural vibrobitvita vіsutnіy misquestions rozvineny suspilny podil pratsі. Naturally, viribnitskoy naiharakternnishe for the past, pre-industialnye etapiv rozvitku suspilstva. At the same time, vno is not zniklo residual and broad in the regions, but grow, do not hesitate to explain the economic crisis. Tendency before the naturalization of the vibrobitvita can be manifested on the backs of the day-long promises and syllskopodarskih pidpriemstva, in the pioneer regions.

Commodity form of vibrobitvtva organisation

On zmіnu natural vibrobitnvu to come commodity. Vzhe in perіod patriiarkhat that rozkladu communities for a natural vibrobitvva virobleni for vosnogo spozhivannya products could Vipadkova obminyuvatis. Виникає випадковий обмін; Zgoda yakus Quantity produktіv steel viroblyati not Vlasnyi spozhivannya and the Same for obmіnu, h hour virobnitstvo such produktіv rozshiryuєtsya, obmіn zbіlshuєtsya, vinikaє trademark virobnitstvo, tobto virobnitstvo tovarіv for obmіnu abo sale.

The main features of the viniculture of commodity vibrobitvitva:

• суспільний поділ праці;

• Economical vidokremlenist goods.

Suspіlny podіl pratsі vinikaє in perіod rozkladu communal harmony yak vіdokremlennya skotarstva od zemlerobstva, vіdokremlennya Crafts od zemlerobstva and pіznіshe - yak viokremlennya torgіvlі in samostіynu scope dіyalnostі, viniknennya Galuzo novih i pіdgaluzey suspіlnogo virobnitstva. Tse уможливлює і робить необхідним обмін між виробниками, які спеціалізуються на певному виробництві. Al viniknennya commodity vibrobitvtva zumovleno not deprived saspilnym podilom pratsi. Історії відомі слов'янські общини, де був суспільний поділ праці and not було commodity виробництва. Products pratstі stayut goods for umovi, sho vony vyroblyayutsya for obminu nezalezhnimi, ekonomichno vidokremlennymi vibronikami. Ekonomichna vіdokremlenіst virobnikіv spochatku vinikaє on osnovі їh konkurentnoї Borotba for virobnitstvo i zbut tovarіv and Zgoda - at osnovі privatnoї vlasnostі on zasobi virobnitstva that viroblenі goods, Aje obmіnyati mozhna deprivation those scho Yea vlasnіstyu. Privatnaya vlasnist zabezpechuє naypovnishu ekonomichnu vіdokremlenіst goods, vonyi virіshut: scho, yak і for whom virobljati.

Prote zapitannya: "Scho, yak і for whom virobljati?" Not boolo b problem, yakbi resource not buli exchanged. "Yakbi mozhna Bulo viroblyati whether yaky goods from neobmezhenіy kіlkostі, dwellers lyudskі require boule tsіlkom zadovolenі - vvazhaє P. Samuelson - todі not bi MAV great importance to the fact scho yakiys one commodity at virobleny Nadto velikіy kіlkostі Todі not a little used. Meaning i neratsіonalne poєdnannya pratsі i materіalіv. Oskіlki Leather mіg bi volodіti vsіma benefits from neobhіdnіy kіlkostі not enough values ​​b i those yak rozpodіlyayutsya Flea i Income mіzh rіznimi іndivіduumami that sіm'yami.

Todi was not a bulb of economic benefits, goods, goods, goods and services, or goods that would not be consumed in the economy. All comrades would be free of charge, yak povitrya. "

Characteristic signs of commodity vibrobitvita

Commodity vibrobitnitsu characterized by such signs:

• the syspilny subpile system is rooted, if the virgin is specialized on one product;

• products vibrobitvva vypuskayutsya yak com, tobto for zadovolennya need not themselves vibroknik, and інших споживачів у результаті купівлі-sale; Vyrobnitvo vidokremlyuyutsya vіd spozhivannya, and vibroknik - vid spozhivacha, zv'azok mizh vibrobitntsvom і spozhivannyam is mediated by phases rozpodilu that obminu;

• obmіn tovarіv vіdbuvaєtsya on osnovі ekvіvalentnostі virobnichih vitrat (goods, scho obmіnyuyutsya), selling goods svіdchit about viznannya pratsі, vtіlenoї in tsomu tovarі, yak pratsі suspіlno korisnoї; Vibronichi vidosnoni mizh people vyavlyayutsya not directly, and oposeredokovako, through the goods abo groshni, urechevalyutsya vibronicichi vidosnoni.

On the різних еетапах, the development of commodity vibrobitvita is the most specific and new. Наприклад, Я. Корнаї об'єднує їх у такі основні диреіїії terms:

• the possibility of non-leaking penetration of goods and services into the market and the output of a certain one at any time;

• navyavnist chesnoy rivalry on the market that zagalna її підтримка;

• вільне виникнення та охорона приватної власності;

• індивідуальна ініціатива та підприємництво як основні знаки і рушійні сили ринкової економіки.

Otzhe, merchandise vibroitnitsu - tse taka organizatsiya sospilnogo gosdarstva, for anchor vibronichi vidosnoni mizh vyavlyayutsya through the market, through kupivlyu-sales of goods. Кожен товаровиробник himself on his fear and rizik priymaє gospodarski rіshennya: scho, de, if і skіlki virobljati, z kim zdіysnjuvati obmіn і yakih umovah.

Models of commodity виробництва

The evolution of the commodity vibrobitvtva at once with the development of the vibrotic forces and the subspinal sublimation of the yogo visions, one can imagine such models:

I. A model of a simple commodity vibrobit. Як об'єкт аналізу розглядається дібне, засноване на власній праці виробництво.

II. Commodity vibrobytsuto vіnogo rivalry. Tse universalnisha model, vona characterize the tim, but the economy is not enriched by the monopoly monopoly. Here dominu naimana praca. Gospodarska diyalnist merchandiser zdіysnyuetsya in the ranks of competition, with the use of wines to spiral into the market situation, to see the invisible from the intrest.

III. Commodity vibrobitnitsu organizovanogo rinku. Model ekonomiki vishchogo rivnya. Поглиблений поділ праці і спеціалізація запрянять господарські зв'язки и об'єктивно zumovlyuyut neobhіdnіst koordinatsії i reguliulyannya ekonomiki. On the basis of the turn-up of the rinkovo, self-adherence is achieved by keeping the regulars, but I re-arrange the goods on the organozovano-rinkovo. For glibsovogo usvidomlennya zmistu і zakonostrannost rozvitku commodity-groshny vidosin neobhidno rozglyagnuti basic kategorii cih vidosin - goods і groshni.