Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1

Розіщення слов'янських і українських племен

One hour after the antami pochinayut vzhivati name of the word'yan . Plowing at once with gunas to promise for. In the ІІІ-UІ century. Art. Zahіdnі t pіvdennyi slov'yani disappeared vzhe ti zemlі, yakih caught їх історія, and in VII century. The name "anti" remains residual, її заміняє ім'я слов'ян. In V art. Say'yany vibirajutsja in resemble the Balkan Peninsula, cross the Danube, attack on the borders of the Byzantine Empire. Щоб захиститися від слов'ян, Візантія будує низку фортець on the Danube, on північ від Balkansky ridge. Prote, there is not a bull in the power of zupiniti ruh words'yan. In the 40-50's rock VI. Art. Say'jani pochinayut popetyayasya for the Dunaem. There, in VII century. Caught їх Bulgari. Під тиском народів, які проходили з Азії на захід, words'яни приходять у рух і подаються на північ, на захід. Partially їх осідає в смузі лісів Поділля, Київщини, Волині, Чернігівщини. Part of the offer was given to Karpati, on the mountain river. Tisu. M. Grushevskiy, having designated, scho kintsya VI century. Prykarpattya Bula vzhe crouch in the Ukrainian tribes. Sreznevsky wrote, on the shrouds of the Carpathians, in Uzhgorod, inhabited by the people, people - the poor brothers "little people". Звідти на північний схід загають вони Галичини, Буковини. Partina Semygorodda bula is inhabited by Ukrainians. In the XIII century. Seven-city documents piqued the mountain Rus, the Russian bargaining. About the ruh of Ukrainian words'yan from pivdnya to pivnichch svidchit, mizh іnshim, the name tributaries Dnipra - "Desna", sebto "rights." Yakby vony jishli z pivnochi na pіvden, Desna bula b z lіvogo boku, stench could not b nazvati її "right." "Povist time lits" fed the translation of the words of the ethnic tribes so that the wives lived in the XI table. "This is just Slovene in the Rus, the glade: the woodmen, the towns of Novogorodtsi, the Polotsk, the Dretovichi, the north, the Buzhans, Zane Sedosha along the Bug, and after the Welshans." Kilkoma rows vishche read: "The glade is a living person like a rekokhom, who is from the Slovene race, th fouled a glade, and the peasants from the Slovenes, th fucked Drevlyane; Radimichi bog vyatichi from the lax. Byast, two brothers in Lasay, - Radim, and the other Vyatka, - y zveddesha shedost Radim on Sozh, and nicknamed Radimichi, and Vyatko gray with his own kind on the Father, from him nicknamed vyatichi. And zhivyahu in the world glade, derevlyane, th north, th Radimichi, Vyatichi hrvate. Duleby zhivyahu in the Bug, where the Welshans are less, and the uchuchi tivertsy sedyahu along the Dniester, sit on Dunayevi. "

In the short story "Povist" like so: the tribes of Mali have their princes - "in the fields, but in the villages, and the Dregovichi own) and the Slovenian is in Novodegrod, and the other on Polota Polotsk. From them, the Krivichi, who sit on the top of the Volga, on top of the Dvina River to the top of the Dnieper, their own city Smolensk; That's where the Krivichi sits. Also north of them. " The tribes are listed on the list of the people, which are like the Ukrainian people (polyany, siveryani, derevlyani, dulibi, scho poznіshe boujani ta volinyanyi, ulichi, tivertsi ta Croati), bilorussky people (dregovichi, krikichi, polochanyi ta radicichi) and Velikorussky (Sloveni That v'yatichi) . The Siberians lived on the Livoberezhzhi - along the Desn te ta Seymu, the clearings - along the middle Dnipro, the villages - on the Teterev, Uzhu ta Gorin, on Volyni - dulibi abo buzhani, "de ninі volinyani", on the Doli Vozniki. Wants to sound buzhany, Bo live on the river. Возі, that волинянами. Возі, та волинянами. It is possible that three bulls are tribes. Ulichi lived on the Dniester by God, and the tivertz - by God by that Prut. Shodo khorvatіv, then obviously here lіtopis maє na uvazі білих хорватів, in the XI century. Belonged to the warehouse of the Great Moravian State and to the resemblance of the Ukrainian settlement of Galichini. At the same hour, you can name the tribes of Zremi in numbers of foreign letters. In the IX century. Anonymous author, I quote the anonymous Bavarian geographer of the 9th century, having reshuffled the tribe-va-volynyan, bujan, siveryan, street. In the X century. Konstantin Porfirovodniy tezh perelichuvav tribes: krivichiv, dregovich, siveryan, drevlyan, street, verbian. Останні дві чизви незрозумілі. At the same X st. Al Masudi wrote, one of the tribes - Volinan, and nazivav їhnhogo king Madzhak. This rank, ім'я слов'ян, які in VII сторіччі заміни назву антів (the last time the word "анти" зустрічається в 602 році), зникає в ІХ-Х ст. Art. Yogi zamenyayut name the tribes. In the Х-ХІ сторіччях, the strains on the overexploitation of the tribes flashed.

Be protected, name Dolishnogo Dnipra - Biloberezhzha and part of the Black Sea coast - "Lukomor'ya". On Dolishnogo Dnipro buv Torgovelny oseredok - Olesya, piznishe - Olepiki. Buli Ukrainian columns in Krim, in Korsuni, with the girlі of Kuban, in Fanagorії. Тільки існуванням міцного українського осередку можно объяснити появу в XI ст. Tmutorokansky princely estate. On інунування значного українського поселення на Чорномор'ї вказує «Повість временних літ». Про уличів та тиверців літописець in the XI century. Write like this: "Ulici i tivtsi sedyakhu bo along the Dniester, a squat to Dunayevi. There are many of them; Sedyahu bo along the Dniester of Oli to the Sea, are their grains to this day, and then the call of the Greek Greco-Scuf. " Such a rank is to be manifested, but among the "multitude" of streets and tivets, the cities of the ancient settlement are full of sunshine, and the stench is poured on the pivnich. At the overpopulation of the Polyan tribe, the explanatory note "Povisti" appears on the march to name the clearing of the field, the steppe, de lived the wounds of the early, and for the litapicas they lived in the same forest. Останній рух, який зафіксувала «Повість» - tse прихід із Польщі, від лямів, двох братів - Radim ta V'yatka in the family of his own settlement - Radima on Sozh, and V'yatka on Otsi. Sered Ushih cich of the Ukrainian tribes providnev znachennya nabuvaivat polyany, z їхнім головным містом Києвом, який виріс на місці, безрервно залюдненному, починаючи з чаів палеоліту (Kirilivsky parking, about the yak zagaduvalosya vische). It is possible, but here, the Danvirttadir of the Goths Chasiv. At every revi, from VI storichchya here already a bustle misto, yak svidchat archeologichnyi doslenija, and from VII from. Misto tse vzhe zgaduєtsya vіrmenskim pisat nadvoyu Kuyar.