Політична економія - Oganyan G.A.

Alternative theories of pennies. Metalistic Theory

Іsnuyut rіznomanіtnі teorії pennies nayvіdomіshі s them - metalіstichna, nomіnalіstichna, kіlkіsna i tovarna.U metalіstichnіy teorії ototozhnyuyutsya penny obіg i trademark obmіn and stverdzhuєtsya takozh, scho i srіblo gold for svoєyu by nature Je groshima, SSMSC in its Cherga Je forgive tehnіchnim znaryaddyam obmіnu . Zatkov tsієї теорії виниклиш за античних чаів, але найбільшого поширення вона nabula in the middle of the century, in the epoch of the first pile of nagromatsya kapitalu. Її rozvivali, zokrema, canonist N. Orem (XIV century), mercantile V. Stafford (XVI century), T. Men and F. Galiani (XVII century). Merkantilisti pronounced metalistichnu teoriiu z uchennyam about groshi yak bagatelstvo natsії. Take zyavlennya about the role of a penny vidobrazhalo look merchants, zanyahtih at zovnіshnіy torgіvі.

Metalisticheskaya teorii mistila low pardon: ototozhnennya groschen with goods, nerozuminnya addition, sho groshni - a product of a special kind, zagalny ekvіvalent usіh інших товарів. Її lockers zaperychuvali rightness існування грошових знаків - замінників справжніх грошей. To the widows of the pappered pennies, the metalistic theory has postponed its meaning.

Номіналістична теорія

Nomіnalіstichna teorіya rozglyadaє groshі yak umovnі signs, scho not mіstyat vnutrіshnoї vartostі. Vona zaperecheє commodity nature of pennies, rozglyadaє їх виникнення як result of people who are economists in the method of poleshshit обмін або як наслідок ухвалення державних законодавчих аків. Zgіdno з цією теорією, ватість of groshee not to be stored від їх матеріального вмісту і визначається лише найменуванням. Номіналістична теорія, на відміну від метаістичної, расриває зв'язок of a penny in gold. Actively re-minded vyniknennya nominalistichnoy theory serving as a transition from the golden olive to the coin, if the grooms were not allowed to hunt for wagons, but for hired people. In vinikennnyam paperovikh signs in pennies pisilivsya vplyiv tsієї teorії. In the ponderous demonetization of gold, the nominal theory became a paunchy theory of pennies. Pershi uzyavlennya about groshi yak nominal signs for polgshennia commodity obniku vinikli in slavlasnitsku epoch. Submitted rozvitok nominalisticheskoe teoriiya gained from the XVIII century. (English economics J. Stewart, J. Berkli and ín.), Naydetalnishe її have rasprobili already in the XX century. The Economist G. Knapp and the Austrian Minister F. Bendiksen.

The seizure of the book of theories and J. Keynes is the yogo messengers. J.. Keynes ogolosiv Zoloti groshі "varvarskim relic", while in vipuschenih obіg paperovih pennies bachiv vazhlivy zasіb zabezpechennya "efektivnosti popitu" i "tsіlkovitoї zaynyatostі". . Naukova opponent has J. M. Keynes amerikansky monetarist Frіdmen podіlyav Dumka vidatnogo anglіyskogo ekonomіsta about the essence of pennies i vvazhav scho groshі - "experiental theoretical nature konstruktsіya" i zasіb regulyuvannya rinkovoї Economy. P. Samuelson vvazav grooshi "social cleverness."

Кількісна теорія

Кількісна теорія groschen виникла у ХVIII ст. Її founders - frantsuzky prosvіtnik i fіlosof Sh Montesk'є and takozh anglіysky ekonomіst David Hume stverdzhuvali: groshі not toil vnutrіshnoї vartostі, їh vartіst, yak i rіven tsіn, deposits od kіlkostі pennies in obіgu. Scho more than a penny in the Volga, then vichi tsini, i navpaki. Tse zhenzhenzhenya stasuval yak metalevich, so i paperovih groshe. Survivors kіlkіsnoї teorії ponіnstyu іgnoruyut funktsіyu groshe yak miri vartostі, and takozh function of the penny yak scarlet, yak regulate the number of pennies with a metal obogu.

On the cob of the HQ st. kіlkіsnu teorіyu pennies zahischav D. Rіkardo, yaky on vіdmіnu od іnshih її prihilnikіv, namagavsya poєdnati qiu teorіyu s teorієyu trudovoї vartostі. In the transition to the system of pappered pennies kilkisna teorіya dedalі bіshe wider, shrouded organically explained the nature and laws of the papper pennies. For the cynicism of minds, the kul'kіsna teorіya sta kerіvnitsvtom for reguljuvannya penny's masi in kraїnі yak way vplyvu on rіven 'commodity tsіn і na stants gospodarskoї activity. Metodi tsogo vplivu rozrobiv J. Keynes, yaky vvazhav:. Zbіlshennya in obіgu groshovoї masi th obsyagu Credit resursіv spriyaє pozhvavlennyu Economy, zrostannyu іnvestitsіy i i povnіy zaynyatostі income. Нині кількісна теорія survive to a friend youth in economical vincenni monetaristiv, the head of yakih M.Freidman having robbed the holy warrior of the kilkisnoi theory penny.

Commodity theory

Mercantile teorіya pennies on ґruntuєtsya marksistskomu varіantі teorії trudovoї vartostі. Vona rozglyadaet groshi yak product special kind, scho serve as a zagalnym ekvivalentom for all the other goods. The basic position of the commodity theses of a groschen spivvpayayut with the provisions of the theories of the labor market and the look in the view pidrozdіlі. In the daily economy, the scientific work is carried out in accordance with the nominee statistically and kilkisnoi theory of pennies, but it gave the zomog to finish realizing the basic principles of law and order of pawning groschen, the regularity of the groschen masse, the day of in fl ation and deflation, the basic principle of anti-inflationary politics. Vidatniy Ukrainian Economist M. Tu-gan-Baranovsky, creator of the nominalistic-kilkisnoi (kon'yukturnoi) theory penny, vperse podegnav tsi teoriiї shche na kapatku XX st.