Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1


A) Internship trade was zosedredzhuvalasya on mistah, de buly "trading", "merchant". Торговельних майданів у Києві року 1017 було вісім. Wongers played an important role in the life of the city, they were scolded at them, they talked about the prince's punishments. About the miracle, if in the temple of St. Софії knew the ditin, but the boule drowned in Dnipro, the metropolitan having punished the ogloshiti "for collecting trade".

At the auction, they sold the head ranks of hlib, m'yaso, ribo, gorodinu. Chentsi of the Kyiv-Pechersky Manastir was sold here by voroblenі them koppaki, "kitttsya" (shkarpetki), and for vzvogovanni grosi they were buying a cottage. Syl was sold, yak was brought to Kiev from Galicia - Galicho abo Peremishlya. It is possible, on the market, to spend a lot of money on the sale of goods. In tsilomu pitannya pro vnutrishnju Torgovlyu visvitleno doo weakly, znachno reportnі vіdomostі about zovnішnu торгівлю,

B) Zovnishnyoyu Torgovlyu , yak has already been marked with a forehead, loans are not deprived of merchants, so they are called "guests", or boyars. Treb goddess, scho took the fate in niy i prince. Bilini cherished the memory of the glorious with his bagateness and the life of the "guests" Churila Plenkovich, Duke Stepanovich.

Do extensions Х-ХШ ст. Відбувається значна еволюція торговельних шляхів: loss of persistence, shіdnі shahіhі, торгівля зі Shisha not vtrachaє znachennya, ale vzhe not graє тієї ролі, yaku відігравала в ІХ-Х ст.

Shchoraz bolshogo znachennya nabuvali shlyakh, yakі zv'yazvali Ukrainu іz Zahіdnyu Evropoyu. The head slit lying in Kiev from Lutsk, Volodymyr, Zavihost, Krakiv, Bitom, Opolle, Wroclaw. In the second half of the 13th century. Швидко підносився Львів, з якого шлях ішов through Городок, Любачів, Сандомир, Опатов та Радом. Todi was a zodiac of the Volodymyr-Torunsky Shlyakh, sho ashosh through Goro-dil, Kholm, Lublin, Kazimierz, Shechenov, ponad Visloi-Visegrad, Plotsk, Bobrovniki. In the villages of the city of Volodymyr, those інших stood митниці.

Значне місце в торгівлі збобуло Бересть, яке вело торгівлю з Baltic, з Тевтонський орденом. At the XIII century. Berezha ashov went to Torun through Dorogichin, Neskuzhin, Brok, Shirotsk, Pomnikhov on the Birga's head and gave it to Torun, vidgaluzhuyuchis in straits on Lithuania and Mazovia.

In the middle of the 12th century. Ukrainian ships sailed Dnistrom to the Danube. Galitska Ponizia vnaslidok diyalnosti Romana, boulo zv'yane trading zhalichami z Galichina and Kiev. In the extensions of the Х-ХП сторіч, the trade marks of Ukraine with the Sunset were broadened.

Vishche vzhe bula mova about the first fisovany trade act - Rafelshtetsky mitny statue 906 rock, yaky vіdbiovav on his very old statute 880 rock. In Russia, russians (from the territory of Rugiv), who were given the right to bargain along the banks of the Danube, and in Tatarstan in the Rotolakhi with a piercing mew: to sell witches, to slave those horses.

Далі зустрічаємо щораз більше вказівок на стосунки України з Заходе. Zhid Іbn - Yakub (965-973), writing, until the "Fragi (Prague) ... come from the town of Krakow, russia and words in the cram." Серед купців, що їздили з Західньої Европи до України, було багато жидів. Yu. Brutskus pishe, scho in Ravin's records of the Х-ХІІ century. The merchants, yakis went to Rus, were called "Holchei russia", and in Reyensburg in Latin the "rusari" stench was called. In the XI century. A caravan of liquid merchant ships was pawned, and they turned from Kiev to Reyensbourg. Наприкінці XI cent. Znuvu reenensburzkі kompetsі vislali up to Rejensburґu z Kiєva transport huter.

Shlyakh mazh Kievev Reyensburvom boev nebezpechny: vіn іshov through bagna, gori, vіd Krakow at the Moravsky Gate, Bogemsky lіs, Prague, але вигоди торгівлі перепажали небезпеку. V. Tatishchev, did not name the dzherela, writing, but in 1129 rock, On the road through Polska in Moravia, the Ukrainian merchants were plundered. 1142 року німецький цісар скаржився візантійському цісареві, Іванові Комнену, on those, пo yogo підданих beaten and pillaged on road to Russia.

Vishche guessed, but before Volodymyr Monomakh came to the aid of Chentsi Reyensbourg. Tse, zvichayno, do not boive a single fact. Між роками 1173 та 1180 в книзі прибутків манастиря св. Emeram in Renaissburg is written down, poo piddaniy ts'ogo manastirya, Gartvich, perebuivayuchi in Kiev, offiruvav manastiri 18 pounds sterling, having co-financed the thundering of his borzhniki in Reensburg. Tse fact svidchit about those, yak, zvazhayuchi on nebezpechnist shlyahu, people were joking mozhlivosti vstanoviti rozraunki mizh Kiivom ta Reyensburvom.

In the middle of the HP st. Margrave of Styria, Ottokar V, giving the Ynnsu the "statute of the statue", pits of Yogo Sint Ottokar VI, 1191 rock. In it, it was put in place of mitochi, hto їхав з Руси та на Русь, і перелічено головні visible kramu: hutra, honey, віск, візантійські tissues, wine. Tse bilo znovu pidtverdzhennom letter of Leopold. So in fact, I'm stooping at the end of the world. So, to 1180 rock Hertzo Friedrikh Saxon word of the mite of the russia merchants. Rock 1190 Leopold Avstriyskaya having seen the letter, as though stverdzhuvav Torgyvlyu Mizh nimtsami ta Russu. The middle of the middle of the world in Zahidny Europe, head in Nymecchin, did not miss the fashion for pishnu hutra; Їх wore the king, і patricii, і panі. Hutra bebriv, kunits, bilok, not kazuchu about pivnichnyh sobolіv that mountaineer, post Ukraine.

Є відомості про торгівлю України з Чехією та Моравією. In Chekhіya, it is important to know the bagateness of hrestiv-enkolpionion in the 11th century, in the Ukraine .580 Cheskyi detainees had long ago established vertex speeches to the type of Chornoy Mogili pіd Chernigov in ювенірні вироби XI ст. In the Czech Republic (Zhilenitsi, Rusovitsi, Melnik, Zhalova, Front Line). Pomitnii tsey vplyiv on the speeches of the XI century. In Moravia. Дослідник Червінка пише, що on them to get acquainted with the style, невідомий у Західній Европі, але влавий Русі (Чорна Могила). For the intensity of trade zneshin promovljaet great kilkist of coins of Lev Danilovich, znidenih in Czechia.

Bagato of the temple rings of the Kiev type is known in Poland - in Kalishi, Krakow. In Krakow it is known kovti kievsko-chernіgіvskogo type ХІ-ХІІ st. In Poland, the people of the world spread, and they cried out in Turov. Sign in to teritori Polshi shfernі sposlitsі z Ovruch.

По всій Польщі та Помор'ю знакомить окремі предмети та цілі скарби срібних речей з України. About znachennya torghіvі z Polnischu promoplavuyut znaydenі in Dorogichinі tslombi, yakimi cognized the collapse of the minitets. Characteristically, Boleslav Horobri karbuvav monet with russkimi spelling (kirilitseyu) for Torgovly "z" Russu. Treba dodati, scho Martin Gull (XII century.) Writing, scho Pollya bachila ruskikh kruptsіv, ales svoїh komertsіv, yaki bzedili to Russia, not small.

Постійні торговельні стосунки підтримувала Україна з Угорщиною. Svyatoslav in half of the X century. Zgaduvav about ugorsky Konі і срібло. Obviously, it gave gold to the eels. Пізніше vizovali z Ugorshchiny marmur ta sla. Danilo vivіz great Marmurov cup. Vodnochas із тмм відбувався експорт до Угорщини з України. In the literacy of the script of the Art. King Emerik Ostrogomsky Manastiri on the first day stand merchant of Rus. Stink stink in Budi.

Roku 1288 is given to Ostrogomskii mitnyi statute , in which the merchants from the other territories are redeployed: Bavaria, Poland, Czechia, Austria, and Rus. V. Khaloupetsky, a kind of prejudice of the charter of the vvazhaet, but of the points of the yogo one-hour Rafelshtetensky. Zagodulo ugorsku trade in the literacy of 1134 rock Ivan Berladnik.

Buli Torgovelnі Stosunki z Scandinavia. T. Arne vkazuvav on the width in Shvetsії київських хрестів з виїмчастим уемалем. Zostryuchayutsya Ukrainian pokhozhenny pysanka peat with емаmalevoi watering, navyat clay miners ruskogo type. The shape of the ornament remains, the mabut, the treb to insert to the zaposochen. Tsikavo, schoche in the X century. Norwesky king visilav to Russia, after kupuvati shiti gold cloth (pavoloki), "such before the hour did not bachili.

Torgovelnye zv'yazy Ukrayiny-Rus' have reached far away France. Until the XII century. Shovkovі fabiny frantsі Mali zagalnu nazvu - "ruski", nezalezhno vіd, singing vony like: chi buli vizantіyskі, shіdnі chi brought by russkim merchants. In the ХІІ-ХП st. Franzії vzagali called "ruskim." The whole kostovne, misterets. Bulls "ruski" plaschy, sobolі, gold. The French epos knew Rus, yak bagatu kraїnu. The other side to Russia was the French cloth-scarlet, which was decorated with a prince's court.

Zvichayno, here is induced the actual deed, yakі sіchdchat about the wide trading zvjazyki Ukraini-Rusi Zaііdnju Europoi. Heavyly squeezed, bruised by the Tartar bulk, Ukraine-Russia did not drink cich zv'yazkiv. Plyano-Karpinі opovidav, yak 1245 rock at once, they priehhali up to Kiєva merchants of Wroclaw (Breslyav), from Poland, Austria, the company of merchants from Vizantii, z Pizi, Genuy, Veneets, Frantsii. Rubrukvіs, the ambassador of the French king Louis IX (1253-1254 rock), writing, ioz rusi up to Turechcini, lied bagatoes, yakis drove a hutra of ermine, vivirot ta іn. In Sudak, you can buy a lot of criticism, in some kind of stench they carried a chicken. Dali hung over the sea to Vizantii. Zim can posaviti at zv'yazok those, nyo nimtsi taurozhani mourned the death of Volodymyr Vasilkovich in 1288 rotsi.