Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1


Yagaylo-Yakiv-Vladislav (1377-1434)

Pislya death of Ol'yeard in 1377 rotsі mіzh yogo shinami pochalas colletchnaya zaprava on velikoknyazivsky throne. At the time of the death of Olderd, the rulers of Lithuania, all the Bilorusian part of the Ukrainian lands: Beresteyshchina-Kaystuta, Volin-Lyubarta-Dmytra, Turovo-Pinchina-Narymunda-Gliba, Kiyivshchina, Pereyaslavschina-Volodimira, Chernihivshchina-Korybuta-Diitra ta Podillia- Коріятовичів. . Під час розподілу земель Ягайло дістав Віденську і Вітебську області, Мєнськ, Mstislav i Novgorodok. The main cause of colotney, bulo those, scho Ol'yerd, ominayuchi senior sinnov, recognizing his shedkoedemtsem Yaayla, sina vіd drugoy zhinki. For Ol'yerda, the power of the rivnovag was spiraled to the alliance of the Holy Prince, Lyubarta ta Keistuta, and the mav bagatos of the priests in the midst of the representations of the old Litvi. In the battle of Ya'ailo, i Keystuta is strangled 1382 rock at the entrance. Sin yogo, Вітовт, утік з в'язниці до німців. One part of the battle with Keystutom Ya'aylo struggled with his younger brothers: the rock of 1377, the display of the test for the corridor of Ya'ail, Azzyriy Polotsky, the oldest middle Ol'erdovich, after crossing to Pskov, and gave to Moscow; 1379 fate of the brin fate in the Uhovki campaign in the Sivershchyna, and pisnіshe laying the union with the Teutonic Order of the Prototypes of Ya'ail. To Rock 1386 against Andriy came out great Lithuanian Visko; Yogo is taken in full and up to 1394 rock is kept at the vyaznitsi. Pid hour of the Moscow expedition to the Sivershchyna Bryansk prince Dmytro pereishov on the side of Moscow. So vіd teroru, rozpochatogo Jagail, two yogo elders brothers zvertayutsya to Moskvi.

The statue of Jagaila was bulging. Jagailov bootstrapped Poland from one side, from the other - the Teutonic Order , and gave to the Europeans, the new enemy opponent - Moscow's prince, yak viroslo at the Volodimiro-Suzdal route. Bagato reasoned the re-creation of the small Moscow Moskvi to the capital of a powerful state. One of the most important reasons for the boule and topographic layoffs was the overthrow of the merchant slaves from Podniprov to Volodymyr; З Києва та Чернігова - to Pereyaslav Zalesky and Rostov; From Novgorod to Ryazan. Moscow soon became a university of trade. The Moscow Region had been coveted to face the desperate earths, and that to Moscow, before the "central water supply, we had been able to connect the parts of the Russian land", writing Klyuchovsky.

Great role in the process of the game was played by the individuals of the first Muscovite princes: Sina Oleksandra Nevskogo, Danila 1303) ta, zokrema, yogo sina, Ivan Kaliti (1341). Dobrі gospodari - stink dali all thanks for the privilege of princely pride, enter into the struggle with sushi, zokrema with the Tver princely estate, and in an ode to zapoligali caresses of the Tatar hanivs. Roku 1328 Іван 1 Kalita, distavshi yarklik on Velika princely Volodimirsk, nabuv right zborni danninau for Tatars, i so viva to the right, but with a pennant penned up with yoma. Dokpomagali yomu metropolitan kievsky, scho perehali to Volodymyr's Moskvi: Petro, I was vvazhali in Moscow for the "heavenly patron" (in the same buv vin і zhivaniy in 1326 rotsi) that yogi adversary, the Greek Teognost. Zrozumilo, scho zstostannya Muscovy princedom was a great zagrozoyu for princely Lithuanian-Rus. Shche Olgerd dvichi, in the union with Tversky and the Ryazan princes, going to Moscow, or not mіg її zdobuti. Moscow prince especially for Dmitriya Donskoi (1350-1389), a kind, skoristavshi intrashingoi Borotby in Golden Ordi, 1378 rokbiv great Tatar zagin, sho doshov to Moscow. The Tatars were ready to pay in advance. Novy Khan Mamai having laid the alliance with Jagail і 1380 року пішов on Moscow, але зазнав velikheznoї pograki u verhnyah Don, on the Kulikovoi Polya. Jagailo spryznivsya zі svoyim vіyskom, і for Litovsko-Rus princelyness did not suffer a fate in the right, yakіy is imbued with the character of the rеlіgіynoі borotbi хristіyan і "nevіrnimi", відіграла негативну ролю. Kulikivska battle is small in size and that national value for the Moscow state: won the prestige of the Moscow prince and helped the distant confession of the lands of the Moscow dovkola.

This is the rank, for vісім років правління Яґайло not zdobuv ані підтримки в князівстві, ані союзників серед сусідів. For such minds, the proposal of the Malopolska Paniws is unmistakable to the Queen of the Yadvigoy and the Poles. The crown of the boule for this gig is important. Pislya death of Ludwik Ugorsky in 1382 р. Zalishilisya dvі daughter: Marіya ta Yadvіga. On the pidstavi agreement with Kazimir, elders, Mariya, Malaya dystati polsku crown і obednati Polschu Ugorschinoyu. Prote, nii Mariya, nі її adverbs, Сігізмунд, did not know the flagships in Poland, and Pani Vimagali - for the sake of the two sisters - ales of the Queen. Virisheno, the Polish young queen will be a young sister, Yadviga , Yaka and Bula 1384 rock coronated in Krakow and surrounded by Austro-Hungarian Duke Wilhelm. Alysay the shlyu did not satisfy the Panamans: stinks hoti dates їy cholovіka na svyі vlasniy vibyr. Stanovishche Polschi bilo heavy: one of the sides was cluttered by Ludwik uni with Ugorshchinu, the other with the Zemovit Mazowiecki crown, which was prepared by force to escape from Yadvigoy. Lesser Poles went to talk to Jagail and yomu hand. Vіhelmma vignano z Krakow, schwad Yadvigi Z Wilhelmom skasovano, and її itself the clergy perekonalo, but the victim is potrebna for the power of the Catholic Church. Nareşti Vona gave her good-bye to the evil I had with Ya'yle.

At serpnі 1385 roku in Кrevі it is written між Ягайлом і малопоськими панами угод, згідно з якою він мусів: 1) go to latin himself and translate his brothers, boyars and people; 2) get all the mozhlivih zahodiv, uchob rotundi vtracheni Polschee ta Lithuania earth; 3) платити Вільгельмові 200 тисяч фльоринів за порушений шлюбний договір; 4) turn the land in Poland, take it with you; 5) people who are full-blown (obviously Lithuania) of people "in the old hours" to get the lithuanian land to the Crown of Poland. Letter of commendation written by Jagiello with his brothers - Skirgail, Koribut, Vytovtom and Lutven. In the fierce 1386 rock, the slander of Jagail was sated. Alle th of that Ya'ail was not ruled by the king, but by a lesser cholovic queen, and by death Yadviyi vin turned out to be the best savior of the Polish crown, but to protect his rights.

For the sake of Ludwik z Kazimir, after the death of Ludwik, Galicia crossed to Poland. ALE queen MARIA, shchob Zatrimati Galychyna, in 1386 (abo 1386) rotsi, renewed the rights of Vladislav Opolsky "on such rights, on the one's hair in it before 1379 rock". Prote, in 1387, the village of Halychyna destroyed Vadim Yadva without a trip to Galich: the whole of Galicia, and in its wake Podillia crossed the igod of Poland. Pislya kilkok probyb to turn Galichina Ugorschin diplikachnim shlyah, was filled with von pid vladoju Polsch. Lische with the first rosepolis Polski virinuli rights Ugorschiny Galicia, 1 on підставіЇ Їх Galicia is attached to Austria. Складніші були відносини Польщі з Литвою. Krevskoy pleases zlіkvіduvala Velyka Litovsko-Ruska Knyazіvstvo і zrobita yogo partnoi Polshi. M. Grushevsky feed: chi rozumiv Yaayilo that yogi brother glibinu of the act, scho yogo pidpisali? Ядвіґа зрозуміла Кревську угоду: вона вимагала від Лиїви грошей, роздавала землі, and Ягайло having recognized usісників-поляків до Вільни. Such a place could not have been trivati ​​dovgo, vobo guilty biklo wiklikati protest. A protester of the Great Lithuanian-Russian Prince's protest against the svavilnogo, the antigovernment act of Yagaila, Vistovt Vinovt, Shin Keistuta, strangled by the command of Jagail in vznitsy in 1382 rock.